Remember for a second

There was a strange bird call, followed by a huge thunder, and an eagle with its wings scorched by the thunder fell from the sky and fell right in front of the cave, and the eagle's claws were tightly grasped. A large white snake.

The white snake seems to have fought with the eagle, and it looks scarred. In addition, it was so thin that it was affected by lightning and suffered some injuries. It was already a little dying. At that time, The Legend of the White Snake was very popular among the people. The white snake above was not dead, so Zhou Tonghe took off the eagle's claws in the rain and rescued the white snake. Zhou Tonghe dragged the huge white snake into the cave and his clothes were wet. It was clear, and the white snake looked even more lethargic.

Zhou Tonghe has no experience in treating snakes, but he doesn't want to let it go, so he sprinkled some golden sores on the snake, then tore off a middle coat to bandage the snake, and distributed the hot roast chicken on the shelf to the snake. More than half of the white snake.

It rained for three days and three nights. One person, one snake and two people worked together to finish the braised duck with smoked chicken sauce and meat that Zhou Tonghe brought with him, and the rain stopped. After Zhou Tonghe changed the yào for White Snake for the last time, he didn't return. To help it bandage, but reached out and touched its head, half-jokingly said: 'I'm going to Beijing to take the exam, you can take care of yourself. If you become an immortal in the future, remember to come to me to repay your kindness. '

Zhou Tonghe was just joking. After he left the cave, he forgot about it. He was admitted to the jinshi that year, but his ranking was ordinary. After he announced the good news to his family, he went out to become an official.

Watching his sons, grandchildren and a few outsiders listen with interest, Grandpa Zhou said more and more with enthusiasm: Zhou Tonghe is very considerate in his life. Although his official luck is not prosperous, he has been stable and stable all his life without any major incident. After his fiftieth birthday, he went back to his hometown with a zhezi.

The Zhou family has many descendants, and Zhou Tonghe is not the eldest son. It is very inconvenient to live in the old house after returning home, so he decided to build a house by himself and move out. There are many trees and lots of land in Shanbo County, and there is no shortage of wood to build a house. The speed is fast, but after half a year of work, Zhou Tonghe's house is almost finished. On the day of Shangliang, Zhou Tonghe put tributes to the gods according to the rules. It was thrown on the beam. At this moment, a stout white snake came from nowhere and climbed onto the beam. It hung on the beam and looked down. It retracted its huge body and quickly disappeared.

Women and children are a little scared when they see such a big white snake, and the elderly said that the presence of snakes in the house is a good sign. It is a domestic snake to protect the safety of the family, and they must not hurt them. Zhou Tonghe is very concerned about this kind of thing. He disapproved very much, but Shangliang had to say auspicious words on this day, and he didn't say anything that was disappointing.

The new house was completed, and the furniture that had already been ordered was generally inside. After a few days of drying, Zhou Tonghe and his family moved in. Zhou Tonghe built a big house at that time, and he was an official all his life. People usually talk about him. I don’t know how much money I made, but this sentence made a group of scoundrels move their minds. At night, they took their knives and jumped into the yard to kill people, but as soon as they entered the house, the white snake appeared…”

Before Grandpa Zhou's words were finished, Zhou Zihao couldn't help but ask, Grandpa, didn't you say that everyone passed out? How do you know that the white snake came out at this time?

Grandpa Zhou glanced at him: Zhou Tonghe got overwhelmed the next morning and woke up to find that there were five or six dead people lying down in the room, their faces were distorted, and the bones on their bodies should not be squeezed hard. It was broken. Zhou Tonghe had been an official all his life, and he had no idea how many cases he was sentenced. He knew what was going on at a glance at many corpses. After examining the corpses, he remembered the white snake that appeared on the day of Shangliang.

These gangsters are all famous in the county, and they have committed murder and robbery. The county magistrate in this county also has a headache for them. Now that the gangsters are dead, the whole county is very happy. Many people have different opinions, but Zhou Tonghe's neighbors all believe that those people were hanged by a domestic snake. After all, everyone has seen the snake's appearance on the day of the Liang Liang, so it is not a problem for such a thick body to entangle a person. At this time, a curious person asked Zhou Tonghe if he had rescued the white snake before, and why he thought the white snake was here to repay his gratitude.

Reminded by his words, Zhou Tonghe finally remembered the life of the snake he saved when he was young. It's just that he said a joke at the time, but he didn't expect the white snake to really come back.

Zhou Tonghe immediately asked people to enshrine the tablet of the white snake at home, and every day on the 15th day of the first day, he put chickens and ducks as tributes, and then closed the room.

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