Remember for a second

Taking a breath, he leaned back in the chair and drank a cup of tea silently, then turned to look at Lin Qingyin: You didn't hurt it, did you?

Ordinary people have nothing to do with incorporeal snakes, but a master with such abilities is different.

No! Lin Qingyin said in a normal tone: After taking them to appreciate the heroic appearance of the giant snake yesterday, I went back to my room to sleep, and I didn't even touch it.

It can be seen that Grandpa attaches great importance to the snake, Zhou Zihao nodded quickly to confirm Lin Qingyin's words, and Grandpa Zhou breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that the family didn't seem to dislike the snake, Grandpa Zhou finally spoke up.

Actually, I knew the snake existed, but I didn't expect it to still guard my home.

Hearing this sentence, even the old lady turned to look at Grandpa Zhou: What's going on?

My family had high-ranking officials during the Ming and Qing dynasties. I don't know how many students and children I have trained, and they are considered to be a famous scholarly family in Qicheng. I don't know since when, my ancestors had a habit, that is, every Generations of descendants have to record the great events and wonders that happened in the family, and then pass the notes down from generation to generation, which is also a way for future generations to understand the life of their ancestors.

The handwriting left by the ancestors has been passed down to me in several large boxes. In fact, I don't have all the notes in my hand. For hundreds of years from the Ming and Qing Dynasties to the present, only one-tenth of the total has survived. , but this one-tenth has taught me a lot of things I never dared to imagine.

Every generation of people who take notes has a different style, and the focus of their notes is also different. Some records are more sensitive and studious disciples, some like to discuss the government secretly, and some ancestors like to write about Anecdotes. Some of these anecdotes happened in the clan, and some of them were hearsay, because they were so interesting that they were written down.

When he mentioned the notes he had read, Grandpa Zhou couldn't help showing a nostalgic smile, and his tense body relaxed.

When I was a child, during the war, even though I went to a private school in the village, my husband taught some Chinese characters and some poems, and said nothing else. Back then, there were not so many books to read like children today. I don’t even have textbooks. We can learn whatever Mr. writes on the board. It’s very boring, and extracurricular books are even more difficult to think about. When I know more words, I will not be satisfied with doing it every day. I was reciting poems and Analects with my husband, and always wanted to find something new to watch. My father was so upset by me that he gave me a key to a brass lock.

At that time, my house was handed down from my ancestors. Although it was not as big as one-tenth of the size of the heyday, it was the best house in the village at that time. At that time, my house had more than ten rooms in the front and back yards, and there was only one house. The door is locked all the year round, and there is a yellow-orange-orange copper lock on it. My brother and I liked to do when we were young. The most favorite thing to do when I was a child was to look in the crack of the door of the house and bet each other to guess what was inside. What is it.

Grandpa Zhou recalled that year and couldn't help laughing: I didn't expect my father to give me the key.

Speaking of Grandpa Zhou holding a cup to drink tea this week, although Zhou Zihao listened impatiently, he could see that Grandpa Zhou recalled the events of the year with a happy smile on his face, so he suppressed his curiosity and patiently I listened to Grandpa Zhou talking about his childhood.

After I got the key, I couldn't wait to open the door. After I opened the door, I found that there were large boxes after another, and there was a set of desks and chairs by the window. It looked clean and there should be frequent people Cleaning. I opened the box, and when I saw the book full of books, I was immediately excited. I couldn't wait to pick up a book and sit on the chair by the window and read it. The first story I read was about snakes.

The ancestor who recorded that story was an ancestor in the Daoguang period. His name was Zhou Tonghe. Zhou Tonghe went to Beijing to take the exam when he was 30 years old, but it became dark not long after he walked out of Qicheng, and he was about to come. There was a heavy rain. Zhou Tonghe used this road when he went to his mother-in-law's house. He knew that there was a cave on the mountain next to him to shelter from the rain. At that time, people were simple and kind-hearted, and people often put some in the cave when they went up the mountain to chop firewood and hunt. Firewood for emergencies. Don't look at those firewoods as worthless, but in case someone encounters bad weather and hides in a cave one day, this firewood can come in handy.

Zhou Tonghe hurried and finally ran into the cave when the rainstorm came. He put his suitcase on the straw-covered ground, drew some firewood from it and lit a fire to roast his wet clothes. , Zhou Tonghe heard the sound from outside

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