Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1193: : Brilliant again

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

Where did Bilu have seen this situation, the reaction is similar to that of the Promise of the Promise Tower, his legs are soft, and he kneels with a puff.

"His Royal Highness is furious, my lady...not intentionally offended."

"I said it on purpose, who made him call me a silly girl?" Hua Sheng rolled his eyes.

Green was crying in horror, holding Huasheng's thighs, "Miss, I beg you not to say that, but you are the last one of our Hua family, you don't want to die...the old lady's heart is all Here you are..."

"He can't kill me." Hua Sheng looked calm.

Jun Qingyue leaned on the pillar at the edge of the pavilion, his face lazy, "So confident? Okay?"

"It's not self-confidence, it's emboldened."

"Your Highness, my lady..."

"You get out quickly, watching you cry is annoying... I pass the orphan code, I want to talk with my fiancee alone... No one is allowed to disturb, and the offenders copy the door."

"Uh, well."

The green climbed up with a gust of wind and ran away, but it was all a pity.

"How do you feel about being alone for the first time?" he asked Huasheng.

"not very good?"

"Don't you feel alone?" He didn't give up.

Hua Sheng shook his head, "It's not familiar, but when I see you, I'm upset. What's the reason?"

"Hahaha, you really are my little baby... I love you so much... I will chase you into heaven for thousands of years."

"What is messy, the brain is not enough, it is a disease, and it needs to be cured."

After talking, Huasheng was shocked himself, eh? What kind of language do I speak, I feel strange.

In fact, she really spoke out subconsciously, and she couldn't remember where she said it at all.

In fact, Hua Zhite likes to use this sentence to curse people. Hua Zhi's temper is also very tricky. Huasheng has been with her for a long time, and he has learned badly.

"Hey, it's true... I thought I would see you alone and you would be happy."

"Why am I happy?"

"Because of being so lonely, I have fallen into the country," His Royal Highness said humbly.

"So are you a man or a woman?" Hua Sheng is a ruthless person, and even the people can be so clean, so high-level.

His prince's face was black, and he walked towards the little girl.

He stretched out his hand to grab her wrist, but was caught by Hua Sheng and almost dislocated his arm.

"Bold, do you dare to do it alone?"

"A stupid rogue who doesn't reach Jiuduan, am I afraid?"

"Hahaha, you dead girl...the mouth is still so poisonous, but I just like what to's nice...I finally saw you again."

Hua Sheng could hardly see how he escaped his restraint, but he was so lightly done.

Moreover, she always felt that His Royal Highness, when looking at her, her eyes were extremely gentle.

That kind of look, with no eroticism and desire, nor with any wrongdoing, is the kind that is very gentle and gentle and wants to melt you.

"You used to...know me?"

"What do you think?"

"It should be, otherwise... why would you suddenly choose me as the prince."

"Is it because you are greedy for your property, believe it or not?"

"Trust you a ghost. You better not have a bad heart, I won't let you succeed."

"I'm not alone, I just want to...have a good life with you, well, live a two-person world... these years, too little time with you, lonely regret, never treated you kindly."

"You said something like we talked about it?" Hua Sheng rolled his eyes again.

Cut Moon smiled, revealing his unique and only fang, cute and exploding.

"A Sheng, what should I do, I just like you so much, so much like it."

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