Forever Worthy of Your Love

Chapter 1191: : Is a faint king

Biquge, update the latest chapter in your life as soon as possible!

"What are you panicking about? You waste..."

Seeing the people in Wuji House scared quickly to pee their pants, His Royal Highness was also upset.

"Your Highness, the officials really dare not."

"My grandpa has already feathered, you are afraid of a bird, let you use it, come here..."


His Royal Highness commanded that the Twelve Shadow Guards suddenly appeared.

"Go, send my grandfather Chu Wangzhong to me, and bring it to Wuji Tower."

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Son..." The Saint was a little distressed, thinking about what he gave me, how precious it was, but why didn't his son cherish it?

"Father and emperor, don't interrupt me, the orphan is not finished yet."


The Promise of Wuji Tower has been stunned. It turns out that His Royal Highness Prince can still talk to the Lord like this, my God, what is it? Going to heaven?

"Have you just remembered?"

Wuji Tower: Your Highness...I don't know what your Highness said? "

"Your rice bucket, I'm hacked to death. Did your ears grow on top of your head? I mean... My concubine, my little Chinese fairy, she doesn't want to be known that she is so high-ranked, you Just announce that she is a paragraph, remember?"

"Okay, Your Highness, you have the final say."

The messenger of the Promise Tower saw that even the Holy Lord and the Holy Queen were desperate to His Royal Highness, and don't look for death yourself.

Just say what you want to say right away.

"Good, go."

Jun Qingyue flicked his sleeves and sent away the messenger of the Promise Tower.

Then he got up and went behind the temple...


Just after the Holy Queen was about to speak, Jun Qingyue was blown away by a gust of wind.

Immediately afterwards, the face of the Lord also gradually stepped down, here is the seventy-two fantasy.

It was the two-person world after Cut Moon brought Huasheng in, and was ready to live with her.

As for why did you choose an ancient, a Huayun Luo body?

That's because, after thousands of years of reincarnation, Huasheng did indeed be the five Miss Hua family in the Beiliang Dynasty for decades.

For this segment, Cut Moon feels particularly interesting.

And anyway, it is all up to him here, whatever he wants to change, as long as Hua Sheng does not know.

Pluto and Bairan are right to worry, because this scene has indeed appeared.

The old demon who cuts the moon is also good at attacking the mind.

Therefore, it is really difficult for Huasheng to wake up.

Unless the cut moon voluntarily releases him...

That night

Wuji Tower announced the test results of Her Royal Highness Princess-the scrap of Lingli section, and nothing was said about the black iron furnace.

After the result was announced, there was a lot of ridicule outside, especially the Xiahou family was so happy that it was almost a celebration.

Hua Sheng's face was calm, and he sat in the house drinking tea.

"Miss, don't be's okay, you can practice slowly for a while." Green is afraid of the lady's sadness, soothingly.

"It's okay, I'm not sad."

"Bullshit, the young lady has been drinking tea for a day. If not sad, how could this be?"

Huasheng: ...

"I really have nowhere to go. I don't know anyone here. What else can I do without drinking tea?"

When Bi Lu just wanted to say something, he heard a shout from the door-His Royal Highness arrived.

Green's frightened pastry almost knocked over to the ground, and then quickly pulled Hua Sheng into the boudoir, shaking a gold step on the dressing table, and directly plugged her.

Then, I called the blush directly, and suddenly there were two more plateau reds on both sides.

And when the cut moon came in, Huasheng was standing on the same place with his face in the face of a red plateau with the golden step of seven or eight pounds on his head.

"Red face stupid girl, give him a smile."

"When you become emperor in the future, you must be a faint monarch." Hua Sheng turned back with a black face.

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