Football: FA Ban, Rewards Card Template

Football: FA Ban, Rewards Card Template

278 Chapters Ongoing Status


Chu Feng Chuan became a 17-year-old talented football boy because he refused the invitation of the capital team. He was framed for match-fixing, resulting in a two-year ban by the Football Association.

Get the superstar system and get the Kaka template.

Joined Leicester City and became the witness and creator of the miracle of Leicester City.

It is the Premier League’s best new star, the best player, the UEFA team of the year, and the FIFA team of the year.

National football fans: Why is there no sign of Chu Feng in the World Cup qualifiers? Brothers, the Football Association, I will first rush to respect.

Football Association: Come back and blame Chu Feng, it’s all my fault, I’ll change it, can’t I change it?

Thousands of national football fans are ready.

Chu Feng, take us back to the World Cup! ! !

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