Fog Survival

Chapter 89 Touching the Soul, Reaching Heaven

Chapter 89 Touch the soul, go straight to the hall

Among the five, only Zhao Cheng is the most at ease, still striving for the pursuit of love.

늀I don’t understand how 뀪with his character became the leader of an alliance.

After Zhong Maiyun experienced the initial speechlessness, irritability, and anger, she gradually became numb, dull, and indifferent, and began to adapt to Zhao Cheng's phone bombardment.

Because of the "Mist Survival Manual", she has been locked in another room, out of sight and out of mind.

At this moment, the hatred in her heart for Qi Yuan and Zhao Cheng had reached its peak.

Especially Qi Yuan, in her opinion, Zhao Cheng must have been instructed by Qi Yuan, so he was pestering her endlessly.

땤And, there is that bastard.

Whenever she thinks of that starry night!

Dark clouds covered all the stars, and the moon shyly hid behind the branches...

In the dark sleep, it was like thunder exploding!

Whenever I think of that moment, the feeling that touches the depths of my soul seems to go straight to heaven and then to hell!

No matter the flow of fate or the passage of time, nothing can compare with the shocking moment!

It's as dull and heavy as spring thunder, hitting the depths of the soul;

There is also the scorching summer sun that tortures people's hearts, and sweat pours like rain;

Another example is the cool autumn wind, which makes people feel chills in their arms and legs and their bodies tremble slightly;

It's like a snowstorm in winter, a little bit of warmth in the cold and cool weather!

Every time she recalled it, she couldn't help but tremble with her legs and bite her red lips tightly!

Because she knows, she knows! She has been defeated, completely defeated!

At this moment, she released herself!

Face your deepest emotions!

Freed from the chains that still bind you!

So she called! she roared! she shouted!

"Qiyuansha*, my day mud\u0026#*¥@\u0026×%, my mother's #@%@*\u0026\u0026, grass mud%*#*nid%"

After a few days of nothing, the snow fell more and more, and the temperature increased accordingly, gradually returning to nearly 0℃. .

The ice and snow are gradually melting, rivers are showing signs of thawing, hibernating animals are generally waking up, and plants are beginning to glow with life.

The entire misty world began to return to its original appearance.

This was originally good news, but it was accompanied by a new disaster.

As the cold snap passes, more and more excellent and rare beasts appear.

In the forum, there have been more and more posts about powerful giant ferocious beasts recently, finally attracting the attention of a large number of survivors.

The shocking pictures in the forum made all the survivors tremble with fear. The joy they expressed was somewhat diluted, and instead they added fear and worry.

Qi Yuan, Qin Zhenjun, Yang Zhenghe, Zhong Maiyun, and Zhao Cheng finally gathered in Zhao Cheng's shelter at the agreed time.

The five people exchanged greetings, but only Zhong Maiyun looked unhappy.

The cold eyes glanced at Qi Yuan and Zhao Cheng once they met, causing the rising temperature to drop a few degrees again.

The hatred for Qi Yuan is the annoyance for Zhao Cheng.

I thought that Zhao Cheng would come back to pester me again, but the reality was beyond Zhong Maiyun's expectation.

Zhao Cheng...the reality seems to be a social fear.

After seeing Zhong Maiyun, she immediately blushed and lowered her head shyly. She rolled her eyes and glanced at Zhong Maiyun from time to time.

This graceful and shy look left the old Zhong Maiyun speechless for a while. She really didn't understand how it could be so strange.

땤Qi Yuan, on the other hand, looked at Qin Zhenjun with a wink, and secretly gave him a thumbs up to express his approval!

Regarding Qi Yuan's weird behavior, Qin Zhenjun just raised his eyebrows. He didn't understand what he was doing and chose to ignore it.

Only Yang Zhenghe, who was away from the crowd, witnessed the "eyebrows" between the four people, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Hiss... Qi Yuan, I still looked at you! How could you achieve this in just five days..."

Yang Zhenghe's mood became a little heavy. Qi Yuan's methods of winning over people were indeed very strong.

However, Yang Zhenghe is a famous survivor after all, and he has an alliance, so he thinks he is no different from Qi Yuan and Qin Zhenjun.


Qi Yuan coughed twice and said, "Now that everyone is here, let's talk about the specific matters of hunting wild beasts."

It is said to be a matter, but in fact everyone understands that it is about discussing the division of spoils.

Qi Yuan and Qin Zhenjun are the strongest, so they will definitely get the most points. 땤Yang Zhenghe was second, Zhao Cheng and Zhong Maiyun were last.

Finally, after deliberation, everyone reached a consensus.

Qi Yuan and Qin Zhenjun each scored 2.50%.

Yang Zhenghe 20%.

Zhong Maiyun and Zhao Cheng each have 1.50%.

Everyone is distributed according to their work, with Qi Yuan and Qin Zhenjun accounting for the largest proportions, and accordingly they have to put in more effort.

Among them, Zhong Maiyun does not need to take action. He only needs to make the corpses of the hunted beasts into spiritual arrows for everyone to use.

After the discussion, Qi Yuan 껩 greeted everyone and prepared to set off

The others nodded in agreement, but Yang Zhenghe raised his eyebrows and suddenly said: "Qi Yuan, let's clean up the wild beasts near your shelter next time."

Without waiting for Qi Yuan to answer, he continued: "You are the strongest. If you can solve the problem of wild beasts near the shelter as soon as possible, you will be able to feel more at ease in the subsequent operations."

Qi Yuan's expression did not change, but his heart thumped, and his thoughts began to surge, and he thought to himself: Why would he ask this... Could he have seen through my plan?

Although his heart was filled with doubts, Qi Yuan still smiled and said, "No need. There are not many beasts around my and Brother Qin's shelter. We have almost hunted all the good-level beasts. The remaining ones are not too strong, but too weak."

"So, let's help you clean up first. If I encounter beasts that I can't deal with later, I will ask for your help!"

It's true!

Hearing Qi Yuan's answer, Yang Zhenghe's calm face suddenly turned into a storm!

That 50-meter-long super giant snake is really near Qi Yuan's shelter!

But why doesn't Qin Zhenjun need to clean up the area around the shelter?

But soon, Yang Zhenghe figured it out.

In order to complete the trick, Qi Yuan must have made an agreement with Qin Zhenjun in advance.

It is even possible that the area around Qin Zhenjun's shelter has really been cleaned up.

This made Yang Zhenghe more certain of his guess.

Qi Yuan must be under great control at present, and it should be the giant python.

So at present, he dared not leave the shelter at all. So he could only form an alliance with other survivors and obtain resources from them by helping to clean up the beasts!

If so, the situation between the two sides has changed.

It's not that they need Qi Yuan's help, but Qi Yuan can't leave them.

In this way, they can strangle Qi Yuan's life and gradually control him...

Yang Zhenghe secretly calculated in his heart, but on the surface he smiled and responded: "That's good, I'm worried that the shelter will not be safe after you come out."

It seems to be an ordinary conversation, but in fact there are hidden intentions.

Qi Yuan was relieved when he heard Yang Zhenghe's words.

Turning to Qin Zhenjun, he said: "Okay, Brother Qin, let's start and see what beasts are around Zhaocheng Shelter."

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