Fog Survival

Chapter 88 Situation of all parties

In order to prepare for the action five days later, the five people who were in harmony with each other were making their own preparations.

Yang Zhenghe was in the studio, his eyes were calm and peaceful, holding a scroll in his hand.

If you were a human, you would definitely be able to see the words on the book, which was "Shelter Guardian Puppet Manufacturing Scroll".

Yang Zhenghe did lie too much about his own strength.

Although the manufacture of guardian puppets is very difficult, the materials are also extremely precious and scarce, just like the survivors can't collect them all.

However, Yang Zhenghe still obtained many materials through his own channels.

At first, when there was no update, he could use the workbench to manufacture directly, but now, he has to manufacture it himself.

This change not only consumes a lot of time, but also increases the material loss rate during the manufacturing process.

Even after these days and continuous practice, Yang Zhenghe can still barely make a good-level guardian puppet.

Yang Zhenghe stared at it intently, and the movements were complicated and the process was unimaginable.

Only when the last step was completed did Yang Zhenghe breathe a sigh of relief.

He smiled bitterly and said, "The manufacturing process of the guardian puppet is really too complicated. The good level is already so difficult, and the excellent level is really too dangerous..."

"Fortunately, before the system was updated, I barely gathered a set of excellent-level materials and hurried to make an excellent-level guardian puppet, otherwise my strength would not be enough!"


Qin Zhenjun has also been very busy recently.

The Iron-backed Boar gets along very well and has officially entered the palace of marriage, and will soon bear the fruit of love.

The black tiger bee colony in the same room is also infected with a lot of joy. In this sweet atmosphere, the output has greatly increased.

Qin Zhenjun couldn't help but sigh: "Taking drugs is so powerful!"

Even if he occasionally passed by, just smelled a little breath, and was contaminated with a little ominous, he almost vomited white foam.

After two days, both iron-backed wild boars lost more than ten pounds, and their bodies were about to collapse.

The waists on both sides of the iron-backed boars had been visibly deflated, and often after the battle, both hind legs trembled.

It's not easy for the iron-backed sows either. From the initial standing enjoyment, the sound is gentle and beautiful. Now the hind legs are kneeling on the ground, howling shrilly, obviously unable to bear the heaviness of life and the misfortunes of fate.

Qin Zhenjun asked Qi Yuan if he wanted to let them take it easy and take them out for a breath.

If this continues, who knows what will happen.

But Qi Yuan rejected it unanimously, saying: Love needs to stand the test. Life! When the light blooms in the midst of suffering.

In this regard, Qin Zhenjun was speechless: "He doesn't know whether life can bloom in suffering. But if it goes on like this, the iron-backed sow will soon be cold..."


Qi Yuan's family was not idle either.

Chu Xi and Zhou Yue made charcoal every day, and their work schedule was full, with each work time exceeding 12 hours.

In order to compensate them, Qi Yuan began to distribute good-grade food to them.

In each day's food, good-grade noodles and steaks also began to occupy a certain share.

Guardian Thorn officially took on the task of making ice cubes, but it often slacked off and let the Guardian Thorn Vine around it do the work.

Qi Yuan was very disgusted with this, which was simply an evil capitalist style.

So, the work volume of Guardian Thorn was doubled as a punishment.

The black tiger queen bee, this big black fat one, is a famous lazy guy, often pretending to be crazy and unwilling to work hard.

So Qi Yuan sent him to patrol the territory.

Recently, wild beasts often enter the fog area, but they are all discovered by the guardian thorns and quickly solved.

However, the guardian thorns move slowly, so the fixed-point support of the black tiger bees is needed.

In the past few days, because the black tiger bees collect pollen from Yunxi bamboo and the tender shoots of the mother bamboo roots as honey, they are directly replenished.

The number of good-level black tiger bees has increased by 4 again, and the total number has reached 13, which is the same as the number of good-level guardian thorns.

In order to make the fog area more orderly.

Qi Yuan arranged for each good-level black tiger bee to lead a group of ordinary black tiger bees around a good-level guardian thorn.

The good-level guardian thorns are evenly distributed in 13 directions of the circular fog area.

Ensure that any movement in any direction can be solved in the first time.

In order to ensure that the black tiger bee colony can fight without worries, there is no need to worry about collecting honey.

Therefore, the logistics of the entire black tiger bee colony are all handed over to the tree bee colony.

The tree bees are all over the foggy area, collecting juice and pollen from the guardian thorns.

At the same time, Qi Yuan also considered.

Now that his living range has expanded significantly, can he expand the breeding and planting industries?

With the help of rare soil, the planting industry has begun to take shape and is growing.

But the breeding industry is still far away.

Therefore, Qi Yuan specifically instructed the guardian thorns. If a good-level beast breaks into the foggy area, just control it and hand it over to Qi Yuan for review.

If it can be bred and reproduced, then keep it. If it is ferocious by nature, just kill it and eat the meat.

In the past few days, a total of 10 good-level wild wolves were captured. They were all violent and undisciplined.

So Qi Yuan made healing potions for them.

Together with the good-level beast that was hunted before, a total of 4 bottles of healing potions were made.

As you can imagine, if you start to formally clean up the beasts, injuries are inevitable.

There is definitely more demand for healing potions.

Although the probability of getting hurt is low, if others get hurt, they can be sold at a high price.

In the past few days, the blue turtle has been well behaved and has not shown any vulgar behavior of breaking into the boudoir at night. This makes Qi Yuan feel relieved.

As long as some pure spiritual liquid is supplied every day, he will still be very well behaved.


Zhong Maiyun is also preparing for hunting monsters.

On the workbench, there is a 70-centimeter-long, white bone arrow with a red prism-shaped arrowhead, which is sharp.

This good-level spiritual arrow is made of the bones and blood of the good-level beast red-haired snake, and has very powerful power.

It is very difficult for ordinary arrows to easily break through the defense of beasts above the good level.

Generally, good-level steel is needed to make the arrowhead to form effective killing.

But compared with the spiritual arrows with their own attributes, the power is still a little worse.

The abilities of spirit arrows are different. The stronger the beast corpse, the stronger the spirit arrow made.

And spirit arrows have different effects on beasts with different characteristics.

If it is made with poisonous snakes, the spirit arrow will also take away the toxicity.

If it is made with aquatic beasts, the spirit arrow will also take away certain water properties.

These energies all come from the essence, blood and bones of the beasts, with their own characteristics and properties.

Zhong Maiyun put away the spirit arrow in the hand and put it in the pile of spirit arrows on the side. There are a total of 10, 9 good-level and 1 excellent-level.

She purchased them from different survivors through other channels.

Nowadays, there are only a few people who can hunt good-level beasts independently.

And without the trading market, it becomes more difficult to obtain resources.

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