Fog Survival

Chapter 783 Biological Vine Armor

Chapter 783: Animal Vine Armor

It was created by chance, but it cannot be completely analyzed, and it is even impossible to see what is inside it, let alone use it!

This extremely dangerous substance is difficult to be effectively analyzed even by other professors in the institute.

Only Qi Yuan himself can barely peek into the forbidden area of ​​life by relying on his control over life.

The following life gradually returned to peace.

There is only one thing he needs to focus on.

The exploration of the void in the primitive world!

The study of spiritual patterns, witchcraft, puppets and other technologies.

The last is the "forbidden area of ​​life" experiment.

Every day, almost one point in time, all the energy is put on this aspect. Although the progress of each is very slow, they are all making progress after all.

And during this period, other aspects of development are also continuing.

Two months later.

Qi Yuan was carving spiritual patterns when the communication spiritual pattern in his arms suddenly rang, startling him and causing him to pause.

"Who sends me messages in the middle of the night? It's really annoying."

Qi Yuan rubbed his eyebrows in distress, and felt an urge to fight.

After reading the message, he immediately restrained his temper. There was no way, it was sent by his own wife, so it was hard to say anything.

And the content of the message also made his eyes light up, and he quickly replied: "Okay, I'll go there right away."

He got up and rushed to the plant world to find Zhong Maiyun and Irene who were doing research here.

"It's two o'clock in the morning, why are you two still doing experiments here? You don't need to sleep?"

Qi Yuan couldn't help but complain. Zhong Maiyun's life was really lawless. Her life pattern was a mess without any rules.

Zhong Maiyun rolled her eyes at him: "You didn't sleep either? Otherwise, why did you come as soon as you were called?"

Qi Yuan was speechless for a while, waved his hand and said: "Forget it, show me what results you have... Hey, where is Irene?"

Qi Yuan looked around strangely. Except for a tree here, there was no sign of Irene.

"Didn't Irene say that Irene has researched something new? Why isn't she here?"

"Uh, I'm here."

A faint voice came from behind. On the 5m tall tree, a pair of beautiful eyes appeared, but unfortunately they were weird.

Qi Yuan was frightened and cursed: "You turned into a tree trunk for nothing? Although your body is an alien, your mind and soul should be normal, right?"

Erin rolled her eyes, and a green light shone from her body, then she retracted her branches and turned into a graceful figure.

"That's about right. Tell me, what is the vine armor?"

Qi Yuan found a seat and asked casually.

Zhong Maiyun called him over late at night for this prop called the vine armor, a new type of equipment developed by the two of them after day and night research during this period of time.

According to Zhong Maiyun's brief introduction, this should be a conventional prop that can be equipped for ordinary troops.

Qi Yuan is still very concerned about such standard props.

Top strength and top props are certainly important, but how many top combat forces are there in a shelter?

Fighting forces like Huo Tui, Zhang Wei, Wei Xi, and Ai Lin are few and far between, and most of them are still ordinary.

Especially the legions in the shelter are very important combat forces. They are the ones who usually fight against wild beasts.

But now, their equipment has gradually fallen behind.

Especially the part of those who are still quite strong and belong to the middle and high-end combat forces, the equipment they use is relatively poor.

At first, the most ordinary warriors could use good-level light feather bows and iron blades, and combined with spiritual arrows, they could have good combat power.

But now, many people's strength has reached the excellent level, and these weapons are really too weak.

Moreover, whether it is armor made of plasticine or scale armor sets, there are limiting factors.

For example, plasticine, low-grade ones are of poor quality and not very plastic. High-grade ink mica is too rare to be popularized.

The problem with scale armor is even more serious. In addition to allowing ordinary people to survive in chaotic spiritual energy, it has almost no strong defensive capabilities, and its quality is only good.

Today's legions, as well as hunting teams and mercenary teams in the new city, still rely on spiritual patterns, blood pills, puppets and other items to improve their strength, and rarely rely on equipment.

So Qi Yuan has always had a plan to improve the quality of basic equipment.

Now it seems that Zhong Maiyun seems to have taken this matter to heart, and has actively found Irene, trying to use plant technology to create a new type of equipment.

This is the result of this time - the plant rattan armor.

Irene took out an exquisite dark green rattan armor, which looked like a bulletproof vest, made entirely of very thin rattan strips, and looked very exquisite.

Qi Yuan carefully examined it and found that this vine was very, very thin, almost like a needle thread, but it was very tough and of very high quality.

Although it was only of excellent quality, it should be considered top-notch among excellent props.

"Introduce it, let me just look at it?" Qi Yuan looked at it and said speechlessly.

Irene spoke in a cold voice, "This is actually a plant. When it is grown, it looks like a rattan armor, so it is called a plant rattan armor."

This sentence made Qi Yuan's brain crash. It was the first time he heard of equipment that could be grown directly from the ground.

"Please explain clearly. I don't quite understand what you mean?"

Zhong Maiyun was helpless and continued to explain in detail: "I asked Willow to help. Using the alienation ability of the ultra-deep underground shelter, I specially cultivated this special species. The genes are specially arranged and belong to artificial plants."

"After the seeds are planted, they will weave themselves during the growth process to form this kind of vine armor. You can pick them when they grow up."

"However, the quality is relatively limited. There are only good and excellent grades. Rare grade, but because of human intervention, it cannot reach the perfect grade. "

"However, the directly picked animal vine armor also has some defects, that is, insufficient energy and cannot survive independently for a long time."

"So I will find Irene and ask her to make a plant-attribute energy core to provide energy for the animal vine armor. If the energy is exhausted, it will be replenished."

After this explanation, Qi Yuan also has a general understanding of the concept of animal vine armor.

Directly using plants to make the vine armor shell reduces the cost of manual manufacturing, but the most core part is actually the plant core made by Irene.

At this time, Zhong Maiyun has taken out the core of the animal vine armor.

A small green ball with a rough surface seems to be made of vines, but it stores rich plant energy inside.

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