Fog Survival

Chapter 782 Codename

Two hours later, on the island in the middle of the lake.

Hundreds of people were escorted here, all wearing shackles, with fear in their eyes.

Chu Yang moved quickly, and with the combat power of the secret war bureau, he pulled out all the people involved without spending any effort.

First, it was Professor Jin and the researchers in the laboratory.

In addition to taking it themselves and selling it, their relatives have also taken the longevity potion, and even some unused potions were found in their homes.

Although it was a conspiracy, Qi Yuan had no mercy and killed them all.

Then it was on the island in the middle of the lake, where a total of three bosses participated.

Moreover, they were of low status, running a large number of shops, and made positive contributions to the development of Guxin Island.

However, this time, all of them were arrested, implicating more than 80 family members and subordinates.

After that, there were 6 bosses in the new city!

Although the development of the new city is not as good as that of the lake island, the size of the new city is large enough, so the bosses are very powerful and have huge wealth.

They are the main partners of Professor Jin and others.

Even during the inspection process, it was found that they had formed an industrial chain, diluting the longevity potion, and then mixing it with various drugs to make potions for sale.

Qi Yuan had zero tolerance for these.

The boss plus the company management, all those who knew about it, did not let go.

Finally, there is the guard team.

As a department to maintain the safety of the shelter, they are stationed at various checkpoints.

To enter and exit the plant kingdom, they need to be allowed to pass; to go from Xincheng to the lake island, they also need their permission.

It can be said that the reason why so many problems occurred today is largely due to the failure of the guards!

Adding up all the people, there are more than 300 people kneeling in the square, and the wailing, crying, and begging for mercy are deafening, mixed together, floating in the air.

Originally sunny, peaceful and peaceful, the lake island has a bit more murderous atmosphere at this moment, making the atmosphere depressing.

In the eastern and southern living areas, many residents have found something unusual. After all, Chu Yang's arrest is very quiet, and everyone is panicking at this moment.

Qi Yuan did not intend to hide it from these people. He directly put a holographic stone shadow screen in the square and transmitted the picture to everyone.

The cold voice reached everyone's ears.

"Professor Jin Yanzhuo of the Research Institute and all the researchers in the department privately stole the top resources of the shelter to make special medicines and sell them, which seriously violated the rules of Lake Heart Island."

"Wang Yejun, Zhang He, Sun Haiping of Lake Heart Island, Liu Guang, Tang Yunguo... and others in Xincheng privately contacted the Research Institute to buy banned medicines, and took them privately, and even formed an industrial chain to make profits, which seriously violated the rules of Lake Heart Island!"

"Led by Li Yan, a total of 13 people in the guard team accepted bribes and let them go, causing disasters, which also seriously violated the rules!"

The murderous voice did not come from the holographic stone shadow, but resounded over the entire Lake Heart Island, shocking everyone's head.

Qi Yuan's voice rang out again: "All the plotters, their participants and those involved will no longer be protected by humanity and will all be executed immediately!"

On this day, blood stained the lake island, hundreds of lives passed away, accompanied by sin, and died with Professor Jin and others.

All the killings were not concealed from the residents of the lake island, but were all released into the southeast residential area using holographic stone shadow technology.

Kill the chicken to scare the monkey, kill one to scare the hundred!

Once people live too comfortably, it is easy to breed various bacteria, corruption, collusion between officials and businessmen are easy to appear, and they must be completely cleaned up as soon as they appear.

Taking this opportunity, the three parties of the lake island, the new city, and the guard team were thoroughly investigated, and a large number of personnel were transferred, almost completely reformed.

And from then on, the guard team on the lake island was completely under the command of Zhou Yuheng, who was fully responsible.

In addition, Qi Yuan personally intervened in all commercial economies on Huxin Island, suppressing their bosses to the greatest extent and weakening their strength and power.

Moreover, residents and official forces were no longer allowed to cooperate in any form and sense without permission.

This incident was recorded as the "398 bloodshed incident", which means that a total of 398 people died on this day, which is a very important node in the development history of Huxin Island.

From this day on, rules and regulations in all aspects began to be fully improved.

And Qi Yuan's control was further improved, not only did he not bear the name of bloodthirsty, but the public's recognition was further improved.

This is a pleasant surprise.


For ordinary people, this matter is over.

But for the institute, there are still new problems facing them.

It was still the plant kingdom, and all the members of the institute were there, including Chu Yang, Wang Yihui, and professors.

Qi Yuan glanced at them and said calmly: "From today on, a special research group will be set up to study Professor Jin's blood. The code name is [Life Forbidden Zone], and the level is set to the highest level, the same level as [Eye of Medusa] and [Creation Spirit]."

Everyone's pupils couldn't help shrinking, and they were even more shocked.

They didn't expect that in Qi Yuan's eyes, the value of Professor Jin's blood was so high!

It even reached such a level that a special research group was needed, and it became a "code-level" experiment!

Prior to this, there were only two studies in total that reached the code level, and they were all top-level experimental topics!

Even, it is all for the purpose of studying the road to perfection and paving the way for the super-class road in the future!

Now it seems that in Qi Yuan's eyes, Professor Jin's golden blood has also reached this level!

And the next words surprised everyone even more.

"I will personally serve as the leader of this research project to analyze this golden blood, and the confidentiality level will be the highest. Except for everyone present, no living person will be allowed to know about this matter."

놛The meaning of 늉놅 is very clear. You can tell it to a dead person, or after telling it, it will turn into a dead person!

This fully shows that 놛 attaches great importance to this kind of golden blood.

Qi Yuan is a member of the Sanctuary. In a certain sense, he controls the special contract and life, and he knows the power of life better than anyone else.

And in this golden blood, I feel unparalleled power!

As Professor Jing himself said, this is one chance in a hundred billion that a strange blood could be born unexpectedly!

Rich to the extreme life force, not only does not lead to eternal life, but to death.

And the energy of life, combined with the immortal cancer cells, has a mutation probability of one in a hundred billion, forming this brand-new substance!

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