Five Elements Heaven

Volume One Chapter 241 Dragon Vertebrae

Ai Hui and Shi Xueman walked out of the city lord's mansion side by side.

Ai Hui suddenly stopped and looked at Shi Xueman seriously.

Shi Xueman noticed Ai Hui's unusual behavior, she also stopped and looked at Ai Hui with some confusion. I don't know if it's because of Ai Hui's breakthrough, but his gaze can penetrate people's hearts like a sharp sword.

Shi Xueman felt a little uncomfortable when Ai Hui looked at her, and she pretended to be calm: "Is there a problem? How can the eggs be destroyed when the nest is overturned? Everyone is fighting for themselves."

"Thank you." Ai Hui suddenly said.

"Ah." Shi Xueman was a little at a loss. She had never heard the word "thank you" from Ai Hui before, and she never thought she would hear Ai Hui say thank you in such a situation.

Just when she was about to open her mouth to say something, Ai Hui had already walked past her.

Shi Xueman suddenly felt that he was extremely stupid, and he almost stepped up and stabbed that hateful person in the back.

"Having said that, thank you, thank you. I will not charge less money."

Not at all flattering, came the faint voice from the guy pacing in front.

Shi Xueman's face returned to its usual expression, and he followed behind him silently.

At this time, the night has just passed, dawn is approaching, and the sky in the distance is white. The darkest time has passed, and soon the rising sun will dispel the darkness with light and heat, and a new day will begin.

When it was time to change shifts, patrolling Yuan Xiu could be seen everywhere along the way. They had tired faces but still greeted Ai Hui enthusiastically. This young man who looks a little thin is the most popular guy in Songjian City now.

Shi Xueman decided to break the silence between the two: "How do you plan to start?"

She knew that Ai Hui was not a reckless person and he would definitely have his own ideas.

"Go to the tiankeng to investigate first. The blood beasts that have recently entered the city basically sneak in from the tiankeng. We need to determine the specific conditions inside first. We also need to find out from the craftsmen what we need to pay attention to when nailing gold needles. We don't have a second chance. "

Ai Hui's voice came from the front. Although his face could not be seen, Shi Xueman could imagine his serious expression.

Shi Xueman blurted out: "Plus me."

As soon as the words came out, she felt a little embarrassed. Was she a little too positive?

"Okay." Ai Hui agreed simply.

The embarrassment disappeared immediately, and the corners of Shi Xueman's mouth quietly curved slightly.

Wounded Barracks.

Yan Hai looked at the three unconscious Mu Xiu on the ground, the look of awe on his face became even stronger. He watched the whole process, and Tian Kuan took care of the three Mu Xiu effortlessly.

Tian Kuan threw one of the Mu Xiu at Yan Hai's feet and gave the order without any doubt.

"Have you mastered the Soul Capturing Technique I taught you? Try it."

Yan Hai bowed his head and said: "Yes!"

His condensed blood patterns are different from those of the adults. The adults said that this is because of the difference in physique. The paths they took are different from those of the adults. Yan Hai was extremely jealous of the master's [Wuying], but the master only taught him a few moves and then stopped teaching him. Instead, he focused on teaching him a skill called "Blood-Inducing Soul-Capturing Art".

The Soul Captivating Technique was extremely difficult and obscure. Even with Mr. Tian Kuan's detailed explanation, it was still very difficult for him to get started.

Yan Hai didn't like the Soul Captivating Technique at all, but he didn't dare to disobey Master Tian Kuan's order.

A drop of bright blood slowly emerged from his eyebrows. It left Yan Hai's body and turned into a cloud of blood mist. Blood mist penetrated into the unconscious Mu Xiu's eyebrows.

Mu Xiu's body convulsed and trembled, Tian Kuan's palm pressed down, and Mu Xiu's body seemed to be imprisoned by an invisible hand, motionless.

Beads of sweat appeared on Yan Hai's forehead. The Soul Capturing Art was too difficult for him.


Mu Xiu's head exploded like a watermelon.

Yan Hai watched this scene with helpless eyes, his chest was churning, and he couldn't help but vomited at the side. He had seen life and death and was not a novice, but such a bloody scene was still difficult for him to accept.

"Come again."

Tian Kuan's voice was calm and he threw another unconscious Mu Xiu over.

Yan Hai was still vomiting, and Tian Kuan didn't urge him.

After a while, Yan Hai stood up with a pale face and faced the second Mu Xiu. Blood mist penetrated Mu Xiu's eyebrows again. Yan Hai's performance this time was much better than last time. Mu Xiu was struggling, but not as violently as last time.

Suddenly, blood overflowed from the corner of Mu Xiu's mouth, his face quickly turned ashen, and his body's temperature dropped rapidly until it became cold, and all the breath of life disappeared.

"The last one, if he fails, you die with him."

Tian Kuan's voice was still as calm as ever, but the murderous intent in his words made Yan Hai's heart skip a beat. He knew that his patience had reached its limit. His pale face concealed his panic well, otherwise, he would have been as white as paper at this moment.

He knew that if he failed to meet the adults' requirements and affected the adults' plans, he would have no other choice but to die.

last chance.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and tried to calm down. It took a full five minutes before he opened his eyes again.

The blood mist seeped strangely into the eyebrows of the last Mu Xiu, and Mu Xiu's body was still resisting fiercely.

Although Tian Kuan said it indifferently, he actually valued this matter very much in his heart, and his plan needed enough time. If a wood cultivator cannot be controlled, there is no possibility of his plan being implemented. Opening the wounded barracks will only make Songjian City more chaotic, and there is a big gap between it and his goal.

As long as you give him time, he can easily erase the gap.

It's a pity that he can't practice the Soul Capturing Art, so he can only place his hope on Yan Hai.

Yan Hai's body continued to tremble, his face became paler and paler, and his whole body was dripping with sweat. But the body resistance of Mu Xiu on the ground gradually decreased.

After a while, Mu Xiu suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes were red and empty.

After turning his eyes a few times, the redness gradually faded away, and his empty eyes gradually regained their pupils. Apart from looking a little dimmer, there was nothing the same.

Mu Xiu, who was lying on the ground, got up and saluted Tian Kuan: "Sir!"

"Well done."

Tian Kuan showed a hint of joy on his face.

Yuan Xiu, who was patrolling, stopped twenty meters away from the wounded soldiers camp as usual. The Wounded Barracks was the place everyone disliked coming to the most. Everyone would rather fight with the blood beasts than see their relatives and friends waiting to die.

Despair, fear, numbness, collapse, there is a green hell.

Even the patrolling Yuan Xiu is unwilling to approach this green hell.

Yuan Xiu asked loudly from a distance: "How is the situation inside?"

After a while, a hole was revealed in the high wall covered by vines, and a head stuck out: "As usual, do you want to come in and visit?"

Yuan Xiu, who was on patrol, shook his head quickly when he heard this: "We are very busy. Let's go."

They didn't want to stay for a moment longer, and when they saw the familiar Sun Ke, they were ready to turn around. The three of them, Sun Ke, are the people that everyone sympathizes with the most. They killed their relatives back then with their own hands. Such a cruel thing is terrifying to think about.

Sun Ke, who was behind him, kept watching their figures disappear.

"They left." Sun Ke said.

If you listen carefully, you can tell that Sun Ke's voice is muffled and deeper than usual. But this change was not noticeable at all during such a chaotic period. Fatigue, fatigue, insomnia, suffering, low morale, everyone is different from usual.

Tian Kuan, who was always calm, showed a hint of madness and excitement. He walked to the window and stared into the scarlet eyes below. His voice was full of undetectable expectations: "Our plan can begin."

On the edge of the sinkhole, three figures were dragged out by the early morning sun into long shadows.

"The weather is good." Shi Xueman squinted his eyes in enjoyment. Good weather like this is very rare in these days of blood disaster.

Lou Lan asked Ai Hui with a crooked face: "Ai Hui, have you decided on the name of the sword?"

"The name of the sword?" Ai Hui looked at the tiankeng and said, "Let's call it Loulan's sword."

Loulan thought carefully and said, "It doesn't seem too impressive."

"Then it's called Ai Hui's sword." Ai Hui said casually, his eyes carefully scanning every shadow in the sinkhole. The terrain of the sinkhole had changed a lot from the last time they entered.

Blood beasts are constantly sneaking in, which has a great impact on the terrain of the sinkhole. Several small sinkholes appeared in the city, and sandworms had hollowed out many places under the Songjian City.

"You are too perfunctory." Shi Xueman was very dissatisfied with Ai Hui's attitude: "How can you have such an attitude when Loulan worked so hard to build a sword?"

Loulan was everyone's favorite, and Shi Xueman couldn't wait to take Loulan home. If I had a sand puppet like Loulan, I would definitely treat him well. However, Ai Hui's completely perfunctory attitude made Shi Xueman feel angry.

"That's right." Ai Hui stopped and thought about it seriously: "The snake is a small dragon, made of its vertebrae, so let's call it [Dragon Vertebrae]!"

Loulan's eyes lit up: "This name is very good."

Shi Xueman curled his lips and said nothing. In her opinion, this name was already an achievement for Ai Hui.

"We are ready to go down and see what's going on inside." Ai Hui said in a deep voice in an orderly manner: "Loulan, pay attention to the surrounding terrain and remember to remind us of the location of the nodes. We need to find a passable road. I asked the craftsmen to find out. The golden needle is very large, more than five meters long and about half a meter in diameter. Such a large thing will be troublesome in a small place. Although the golden needle is made of metal, it is very fragile and may fail if it is damaged even a little bit."

Loulan is a sand puppet, and the underground is like a fish in water for him. Most people tend to lose their sense of direction underground, but it was no problem for Lou Lan. He could quickly tell where they were.

"No problem, Ai Hui." Lou Lan said happily.

"If you encounter danger, I say retreat, and you must retreat. I will break the rear." Ai Hui turned his eyes to Shi Xueman, and then added: "I am sure to come back alive."

"No problem." Shi Xueman nodded. Ai Hui's ability in this area is indeed much better than hers. This guy's ability to survive is unmatched by anyone.


Ai Hui was the first to jump in. The dark and deep sinkhole was like a monster's open mouth, swallowing him up. Bright eyes, like stars in the dark, clear and firm.

Loulan and Shi Xueman followed Ai Hui and jumped into the sinkhole. Mobile phone users please visit

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