Five Elements Heaven

Volume One Chapter 240 Fatal Weakness

The night sky seemed to be covered with a layer of black gauze, and it was as gloomy as ink that could not be melted.

The entire Songjian City was deserted, and the streets were full of broken walls. A few pumpkin lanterns that had not been destroyed released dim yellow light, reflecting the devastated city.

Two vague shadows moved among the ruins.

Yan Hai walked in front. He had lived in Songjian City for many years. Even though the city was in ruins, he was still very familiar with it.

Since refining the blood crystal that Tian Kuan gave him that day, he has successfully condensed the bleeding patterns and become a true blood cultivator. Tian Kuan also taught him a few moves of [Shadowless], which made his strength skyrocket.

The unprecedented strength in his body made him confident, not to mention that there were adults behind him.

He was erratic as he walked, and the surrounding environment was distorted. There seemed to be a thin layer of shadow surrounding him, blending with the surrounding night and making it difficult to detect.

They walked and stopped, avoiding Yuan Xiu who was patrolling along the way.


Yan Hai stopped and looked up at the towering wall. The wall is densely covered with various plants. This is the most complete place in Songjian City except the city lord's palace and the injured barracks.

Yan Hai gestured behind him, but he was still cautious.

His blood lines had just condensed, and his strength was much stronger than before, but Yuan Xiu, who was still alive in Songjian City, was also not as strong as before. The No. 1 team of the hospital, Thunder Sword Glory, has been rumored recently. The thunder and lightning scene that day almost made him paralyzed to the ground with fear. Later, when I thought about it, I was also worried. I was worried that my life might be lost if I was not careful.

He is not the only one who is nervous. The adults initially disapproved of Yuan Xiu in the city, and now his attitude has become much more fearful.

But the Lord is worthy of being fought out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and he can find the weakness of Songjian City at a glance.

If the plan succeeds, the situation in Matsujian City will change immediately.

Yan Hai felt that the possibility of the plan's success was very high, and thinking of this, his heart became hot.

The wounded barracks with towering walls is used to isolate the injured Yuan Xiu. Thousands of Yuan Xiu who were injured and infected with blood poison were imprisoned inside. For these Yuan Xiu, the City Lord's Mansion also has a huge headache. The blood poison cannot be cured yet, and these injured people cannot be killed. We cannot let it go unchecked, we can only isolate them to avoid greater spread.

There is no other way but to delay. Everyone can only hope that the Presbyterian Council can find a way to cure the blood poison sooner.

The quarantine area is heavily guarded. But they are all aimed at the possible blood beasts and the wounded who are deeply poisoned. Songjian City is short of manpower, so naturally there are not too many manpower to take care of the wounded. In order to have fewer manpower to take care of so many wounded, the sick camp was completely enclosed, surrounded by tall walls and thick vine domes, isolating them from the outside world.

Surveillance plants and vines that can imprison the wounded grow in every corner of the entire wounded barracks. They are the most loyal sentinels. Once they find that a wounded soldier's condition has worsened and his ferocity becomes fierce, the nearby vines will quickly wrap around and imprison the wounded person.

Take advantage of the vines spread around every corner. The three wood cultivators can control the overall situation. It is not difficult to deal with a crazed wounded man who only has the most primitive instincts and does not know how to use his own strength.

On the contrary, there were many Yuan Xiu patrolling around the wounded barracks, and they were worried that blood beasts would suddenly appear and destroy the walls of the wounded barracks.

Yan Hai's mission these days is to figure out the pattern of the patrol team. He doesn't need to do the rest.

Tian Kuan had two more green pills in his hand. He took one himself and handed the other to Yan Hai. Under Tian Kuan's gaze. Yan Hai bit the bullet and took the pills.

Tian Kuan whispered: "Use spiritual power to turn it away."

Yan Hai quickly circulated the blood spiritual power in his body. He was surprised to find that the red blood spiritual power in his body turned green. The faint blood all over his body disappeared. It's replaced by a fresh, botanical scent.

Yan Hai cheered up, the organization was indeed unfathomable!

There is such a good thing!

"You lead the way." Tian Kuan ordered in a low voice.


Yan Hai felt awe-inspiring and did not dare to hesitate, climbing along the outer wall. The bells that can be seen everywhere on the vines are as quiet as sleeping, without any sound.

Two shadows climbed up the high wall silently. Dive into the thick vine dome.

Yan Hai felt extremely surprised. Those dangerous and alert vines seemed invisible.

The adults must have been prepared!

He couldn't help but be full of expectations. What will the adults do next?

The attic guarded by three wooden cultivators in the wounded barracks is the center of the wounded barracks. The windows are squeezed out by thick vines. From a high position, they monitor the wounded wandering in the yard below. The view here is the best and you can clearly see everything happening in the yard.

Countless vines hang down, like sharp poisonous snakes, entangling the wounded who lose control at any time.

Yuanxiu who have been poisoned by blood poison will gradually develop symptoms of animal transformation. As the blood poison deepens, their degree of animal transformation will continue to deepen, and eventually they will lose control of themselves and become beasts.

That will be the end of their lives.

People were terminated every day, and the three Mu Xiu also went from being sad and intolerable at the beginning to becoming numb later on.

What else can be done? Human life in disasters is so small and humble.

Outside the high wall, many people died every day, killed by blood beasts. Within the high walls, many people died every day, at the hands of their own people.

The coldest choice always comes from having no choice.

Sun Ke watched as the snake-like vines rolled up a frantic wounded man, and another sharp vine pierced the back of the wounded man's head like a sharp sword. The terrifying blood in the wounded man's eyes dimmed a little.

"We are probably the executioners in Mu Xiuzhong." Sun Ke laughed at himself.

Wang Tongan beside him murmured: "We are doing it for their own good."

"I know him, he is my neighbor, and he is a good man." Sun Ke's tone became even more astringent.

Wang Tongan didn't know how to comfort him.

"You don't need to comfort me." Sun Ke said to himself, looking down blankly: "I know what I am doing, and I really hope this disaster will pass quickly."

Wang Tongan felt that the atmosphere was a bit heavy, so he changed the subject and said, "What do you want to do when you go out?"

"Restart training." Sun Ke turned around and said, "I don't want to be a wood cultivator anymore. I only cultivated the wood system because I didn't want to kill people. I didn't expect to kill more people."

Wang Tongan shuddered and patted Sun Ke on the shoulder: "You have the same idea as me, do you want to take a rest?"

"You go and rest first. I'll hold on for a while. Xiao Zheng will wake up after a while." Sun Ke's face returned to normal: "Don't worry, I'm not that fragile."

Wang Tong'an nodded: "Then I'll go to the back to rest first. If anything happens, I'll call you."

"Go ahead, go ahead." Sun Ke waved his hand.

Wang Tongan went to rest, while Sun Ke paid attention to the situation below. The three of them guarded such a large wounded camp, even with so many vines, it was still very hard.

They also tried to apply for additional manpower, but their request was rejected. Yuan Xiu suffered heavy casualties, and the manpower shortage was so severe that he was unable to send anyone.

Now everyone knows that there is no cure for being infected with blood poison, and many Yuanxiu who are injured will choose to die with the blood beast. The number of wounded soldiers sent to the wounded barracks has dropped sharply recently, making it possible for the three of them to support themselves.

Sun Ke's attention was focused below, and he did not notice the danger quietly approaching from above.

City Lord's Mansion.

Wang Zhen looked at Ai Hui. This was the first time Ai Hui took the initiative to go to the city lord's mansion. Ai Hui took the initiative to inquire about many details related to the "City as Cloth" plan and expressed his willingness to help.

"Shouchuan has taken on a good apprentice." Wang Zhen praised.

He was not being polite. Ai Hui went to visit Wang Shouchuan, and his subordinates had already reported it.

In Wang Zhen's impression, Ai Hui is a very capable and talented young man, but his character is quite sluggish. He doesn't look like a young man at all, but like an old man who has been around for many years and will never take the initiative to do anything. Not only is he unable to take on tasks, but he also has to bargain for the tasks assigned to him, and he will only be willing to do them if he has earned enough benefits.

Wang Zhen has always had a headache regarding Ai Hui.

However, Ai Hui's performance was getting better and better, and his reputation was getting higher and higher, so Wang Zhen couldn't be tough.

Unexpectedly, Ai Hui would actually offer to help today. Wang Zhen knew that the other party was totally here for Wang Shouchuan. But it can also be seen from this that the relationship between Ai Hui and his master Wang Shouchuan is very deep.

As long as Ai Hui is willing to help, that would be the best.

Shi Xueman, who was beside Ai Hui, couldn't help but turn around and glance at Ai Hui, only to realize that there were so many inside stories inside.

"With your help, our progress will definitely speed up." Wang Zhen was not polite and said directly: "Our golden needles are almost finished. The next task is to drive the nine golden needles into the designated positions. These positions are loose Once these nodes are activated, the energy of heaven and earth around Songjian City will change. In other words, once we start nailing the first golden needle, the interval between subsequent golden needles cannot exceed one day. "

"So the city lord wants to start from the most difficult position first?" Ai Hui asked.

Wang Zhen showed admiration: "You are indeed a smart person. Yes, it is difficult first and then easy, so our risk is relatively small. It will take a few more days for the first golden needle to succeed, but once the first golden needle is nailed in, we will be in trouble later. No more mistakes can be made. So the first golden needle must be the most difficult position."

"I am willing to go." Ai Hui said without hesitation.

"Team No. 1 of the Hospital A is willing to go." Shi Xueman beside him also said without hesitation.

"Then I will hand over the most difficult task to you." Wang Zhen walked to the map of Songjian City and pointed to a point on the map: "You drive the golden needle into this place. There will be specialized craftsmen following you. You must ensure that For their safety and your own safety, if the situation is critical, it doesn’t matter if we delay it for two days. If you are injured, the eight golden needles behind us will also be in danger."

When Shi Xueman saw that point on the map, his eyes suddenly froze.

That location is a sinkhole!

Ai Hui nodded expressionlessly: "Okay." (~^~) For mobile phone users, please visit

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