Fist of Imagination

Chapter 240: All are equal

In the grid area, two martial arts souls fled with the wind, without a trace or form.

Under the guidance of Sun Xunqiao, Liang De flew through the metal corridors with dense pipelines and passed through the narrow grid houses. The two souls rushed past the citizens of the grid area, sometimes even passing through their bodies, but no one noticed anything unusual.

In Liang De's spiritual perception, Sun Xunqiao's martial arts soul flashed a large piece of five-colored spiritual light. This spiritual light carried the two souls through obstacles of various materials, constantly changing with the objects, like clouds turning into rain, and falling into the sea without a trace.

This is one of the wonderful uses of the classic version of the innate divine power single-core soul, called "Wanhua". If the two were not from the same school and Sun Xunqiao had no intention of covering up, even Liang De would have found it difficult to sense the fluctuations of his soul.

The skill of innate divine power is based on the true nature of Chang Duanxuan, "Wanhua Xuyuan". In addition to making up for the shortcomings of life, it is especially good at transformation and hiding. The ability to hide innate divine power actually comes from transformation.

The highest level of hiding is not to transform into nothingness, because sometimes nothingness itself is the biggest flaw.

In recent years, some light novels have been crazy about flattering otakus, and it has simply reached the point of adding unnecessary details to a centipede.

The creators want to force three or four cute points on each character, and they use every possible means when drawing illustrations. They wear as much as they can and draw as big as they can. Good children with pure hearts don’t know where to put their eyes after buying it home, and they don’t know where to hide the book after using it.

In this environment with an overabundance of elements, ordinary three-no beautiful girls are the most conspicuous. The strange sense of existence that comes from nothingness is even stronger than some blonde twintails.

If you want to hide in the sea, you should transform into a trickle.

If you want to hide in the desert, you should transform into gravel.

This is the case with the "all-changing" natural power.

This kind of soul special effect has infinite uses. Whether it is a sneak attack or an escape, it can significantly improve the user's martial virtue content. It is one of the skills that Liang De wants to point out the most.

Unfortunately, his quad-core hybrid soul is as rough as Soviet equipment, and it is big and strong. He can't play this kind of embroidery skills. He can only drool at the back of his second brother.

My golden snake can only take away people's houses. If I practice to the level of taking away people's souls for my own use, I will be much more stable in the future... Well, self-study has reached a bottleneck period. I still have to find an old man to study for a master's degree when I have time. I don't know if Thunder Cliff has the advantage of public-funded graduate studies and full-time study...

Liang De's soul was taken to fly around by Sun Xunqiao. He kept taking pictures of the scenes of this underground base and accumulating materials so that Brother Xian could add more scenes to him in the sorting stage.

"Brother, we have been wandering around this base for hundreds of square kilometers. What are you looking for? Haven't you found it yet?"

Sun Xunqiao stopped flying after hearing this, and stood side by side with Liang De's soul on a rusty metal beam, with a yellow face thoughtful.

"Brother, this place is strange."

Liang De also found many strange places along the way, but he didn't know which one Sun Xunqiao was talking about.

"There is no hierarchy among the people in these underground bases."

Sun Xunqiao shook the five-color spiritual light outside the martial arts soul, and passed on what he saw and thought to Liang De.

He searched everywhere to find the native ingredients and cooking system of this world. After completing the first goal, he used food to build a magpie bridge between Jiangshanjiao and Chixuexi.

Although the citizens of Geyu seen in the initial reconnaissance after entering the world all ate nutritional capsules and clean water, Sun Xunqiao thought that the management of this base would definitely not eat the same things as ordinary citizens. How could the status of the managers be shown without eating special food?

But he took Liang De to such a big circle underground, passing through at least hundreds of thousands of houses, but still failed to find a superior person. There was no trace of the so-called Geyu Management Center. He only learned some information from the notes of several Geyu citizens.

These Geyu citizens live in the same room, wear the same clothes, eat the same food, and do the same things.

The electricity in personal accounts cannot be traded, and can only be used to exchange for various medicines, basic daily necessities, new power generation equipment and one day of free time per month.

Rich savings can only ensure that they will not go bankrupt due to illness.

Some Geyu citizens have many followers on the live broadcast of the electric screen, but their material conditions are no different from those followers. Most popular anchors have worse spiritual lives than those viewers.

Because the live broadcast of the electric screen cannot be interrupted, the anchor's every move is in the eyes of the audience. There is no room for the birth of idols. A person whose daily life is completely open and transparent cannot gain admirers.

Because of the high attention, the frequency of popular anchors exchanging and using antidepressants is much higher than the average level, and some often engage in self-harm.

In order to exchange for various medicines, their savings are exhausted. Sometimes they even go hungry. If they go hungry for too long and fail to complete the power generation task, they will be taken away from the grid and disappear from the sight of all citizens.

But they can't drive away the followers, so they can only close their eyes and ears and not see or hear.

In a world without upper classes and no upward channels, everyone is equal.

Liang De read the message from Sun Xunqiao and said:

"Brother, I think we can't find the management center for a while. I brought a lot of food in Haina Huanzang. You can make a meal for them. They are all Pandong civilizations, and their food tastes will not be very different."

"Out-of-bounds ingredients have no soul."

Sun Xunqiao rejected Liang De's proposal and said:

"It is better to have nothing than to have something bad.

The art of online dating is profound and extensive. In addition to food, I have thousands of ways to do it.

Go to Jiang Shanjiao, I will first teach him the routine of chatting with both hands."

With five-color spiritual light, two martial arts spirits disappeared from the metal beam and fled quickly towards the Geju where Jiang Shanjiao was.


Chi Xuexi wiped the sweat on her face with a towel. She turned off the power generation equipment that looked like a unicycle, sat on the smooth metal square stool and waved to the right, using gestures to switch the screen to the live broadcast list of Geyu citizens.

In order to save time, many Geyu citizens like to watch live broadcasts while generating electricity, but she prefers to separate work time and rest time.

If work and life are always mixed together, then there will only be work in life.

She doesn't like that.

The live broadcast list on the screen turned a few pages, she randomly clicked on a few citizens' live broadcast rooms and watched for a while, and then clicked on the recommended list of the Geyu Management Center.

Jiang Shanjiao, he is still in the recommended list.

You can watch it for a while longer.

How long has it been since I knew this name...

1. Thank you nonona for the 10,000 reward, thank you book friend 20200224112713733 for the reward, and thank you all for your subscription and voting support. 2. Thank you book friend Ting for your 100% careful bug -finding, the purity of the lakuzhiquan has been improved. 3. The plan of writing during the day and slacking off at night failed again, and I will continue to work hard... 4. Who would have thought that I would use up my only two full attendance leave notes on the second day of March. It's time for a do-or-die battle. 5. Thank you everyone, see you tomorrow.

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