Fist of Imagination

Chapter 239 Love Guidance

What am I going to do?

Liang De crossed his arms and walked with Sun Xunqiao on the desolate surface, thinking calmly in the dilapidated wasteland scenery.

The young man named Jiang Shanjiao in the refuge base obviously had a crush on the female anchor for no reason. When he watched the live broadcast, he had no interaction with Chi Xuexi, and his relationship with her was not as good as some old viewers who often stayed in her live broadcast room.

The success rate of online dating is lower than the shipment rate of black-hearted mobile games, and unrequited love over the air is a dead end.

Emotions that have no basis in reality are as brittle as freshly baked duck skin. Under such circumstances, as long as Jiang Shanjiao confesses his feelings in front of Chi Xuexi, he will definitely be sentenced to death, and she may also think that it is childish and disgusting. .

However, this kind of plot is mediocre and has no value at all as story material.

Not to mention the famous teacher Fengxian on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, I am afraid that even third-rate local satellite TV’s emotional programs will not use it.

Liang De touched the aboveboard head, feeling a little embarrassed.

This task is too simple and a hassle.

Even though I have no hair now, I have already decided to put my performance aside.

But... the idea of ​​going crazy fishing in the past was still too naive.

The high-level evil god's subordinates who work as direct managers of Qinggeng Peak in Thunder Bluff are not so easy to exploit.

While he was recuperating, he studied hard day and night at the Xiangbei branch of Yingxuetang. He read a series of masterpieces published by Teacher Fengxian for free. He also read many outsiders' evaluations of the Four Friends of Thunder. He was no longer the one who knew only a little about the history of Thunder Bluff. I am ignorant and cute.

The Four Friends of Thunder are not unworthy of their reputation as the top evil gods, and Teacher Fengxian is even more famous for being moody and disrespectful.

Although various literary media euphemistically call this characteristic of Teacher Fengxian an artist's sensitivity and passion, everyone knows that they just don't dare to offend the Thunder Evil Sect.

If a being with terrifying power is moody, wouldn't that be a disaster in life?

What's ridiculous is that in some worlds, there are still people who summon the Four Thunder Friends, hoping to use this terrifying power to punish their enemies and eliminate dissidents.

Praying to indescribable and incomprehensible terrifying existences and triggering uncontrollable thunder power, these people usually end up miserable.

Precision strike or nuclear weapon cleansing?

The choice lies with the nameless gods.

After attracting the attention of evil gods, mortals can only rely on luck.

Before the Bald Four disbanded, the Four Thunder Friends were full of energy and enthusiasm. They had not yet formed many karma. Thunder Bluff was just an ordinary fan club, so don't worry about it being such a big business now.

The four Thunder friends in the "Youth Age" are very interested in changing the world, full of idealism, and respond to requests regardless of gains or losses.

These four Kukai evil spirits play the people-friendly card, don't put on airs and are approachable.

As long as there is time, no matter how shabby or irregular the ritual is, or even if the process is mixed up and the wrong person is called, they will send avatars to have a look, listen carefully to the demands of the sacrifices from all realms, and be able to lend a hand. The three aunts and six ladies who introduced partners to the older young people were still enthusiastic.

If you want your wish to come true, do you want to turn the three realms into ashes?

I'll try my best (hearty laughter).

The reason why Teacher Fengxian turned into a broken ship full of needle holes of cause and effect, and could not break out after squatting at the top of Qingjie for so long, has a lot to do with his willingness to help others.

Liang De took history as a guide and decided not to be so obvious.

It doesn’t matter what the quality of the material is, as long as you have a correct work attitude. .

He is not the cause and effect of Teacher Fengxian's most irritation. Sheng Wuxu is just a small splash in Teacher Fengxian's magnificent and trouble-making life.

Back then, the Bald Four's farewell concert toured from the depths of the other shore to the offshore waters of this shore. The world was shaken, and the demons were dancing wildly. It left an area in the sky called the Thunder Hell Zone, where countless worlds were twisted and changed. It can be said that this is The biggest cause and effect on the four people, this matter has passed for countless thousands of years, and there is currently no hope of resolution.

Once Teacher Fengxian loses his temper, he can hide himself until the problem of the Thunder Hell Belt is solved, and then it's over.

Although fishing is good, don't be too arrogant.

In the final analysis, the foundation of cross-border enterprises is violence controlled by powerful forces, not civilization.

If he offends Teacher Fengxian, there is no point in changing jobs. He and Zhou Bofu, the second seat of Compound Eyes, still have a holiday. If he doesn't work for Thunder Bluff, who will protect him from the wind and rain.

Alas, even Jie Yuanxing, who is said to be the freest among all living beings on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, how free can he actually be...

Liang De's martial arts soul was running at high speed, with four cores running in parallel, and he was doing two things at once. While complaining about the situation, he also thought of a very feasible plan.

We want this relationship to have its ups and downs, but we also want to ensure that this relationship fails miserably.

If you want to do this... you don't need to call Brother Xian's female perspective for off-site assistance.

The strongest man is already in the formation.

After thinking for a short time, Liang De reached out and hooked Sun Xunqiao's shoulder and said:

"Senior brother, I have told you before about the main content of my work that tests true love.

The two goals are across the screen, and the word "turtle" is not even mentioned in the matter of love. There is no starting point to promote the work. I am an honest person who loves my job and is dedicated to my job. I can't just make things up out of thin air.

The best thing is to let them hook up quickly and fall in love quickly. At that time, I will test them and collect materials. "

"Junior brother, I'm here to travel across the world to explore. There's no need to explain your work to me so clearly. You just have to be busy with your business.

I am only suppressed by 40% in this world. Northern Shaolin Dongguo Culinary Training Academy bought me warrior body insurance. When in danger, I can just enter the world and run away. You don't have to worry about me. "

Sun Xunqiao pushed away Liang De's right hand on his shoulder, showing little interest in what he was talking about.

Liang De persisted and said:

"Brother, I have been single for almost thirty years. Thunder Bluff even issued me a stamped virginity certificate. How do I know how to promote love?

Senior brother, you are the Taishan Beidou in the online dating world, please help me. "

"I am from the online dating world... Taishan Beidou?"

"Yes, Brother Gui, Lin Baolong, Shan Futian, and Bai Hekong all said so. They highly respect you, senior brother, in the online dating industry, saying that as long as there is an Internet cable, there is no girl that you cannot capture.

Senior brother, just try your best, do me a favor and teach these two targets how to fall in love. "

Liang De lazily hugged the second senior brother's shoulders again. He used his profound golden snake entanglement skills to prevent him from breaking away even if he transformed into an Optimus Prime heavy-duty truck.

Sun Xunqiao had no intention of breaking away. He looked up at the distant sky and said:

"That's all, I'll help them.

Looking for a bridge without getting out is like falling in love online.

Junior brother, if they love you too deeply and it's hard to let go, and it affects your work, don't blame them. "

"No, absolutely not, senior brother, just let it go.

I believe you 100%. "

On May 5th, it was cloudy, and my brother and I traveled to an unknown world.

Junior brother asked me to help two people in the industry fall in love because he wanted to test true love.

His Sony Ericsson radar only gave one target a unilateral liking for another person.

Can someone you love one-sidedly... really be true love?

I don’t know.

Whether she had ever liked him or not, he didn't know.

When I find the true flavor of this world, I will tell my junior brother about her and the competition.

1. Thanks to Ma Xin for the 10,000 reward, thanks to Paige Technetium Face, Luo Shengtong, I’m going to break the net, Mingxu Twenty, Bai Jia must die, Fort1s931 and book friend 20190610185449186 for the reward, and thank you all for your subscriptions Vote for it. 2. Tomorrow I will continue to try to code during the day and fish at night. One day I will succeed_(:з」∠)_3. Yesterday I saw a sentence from Teacher Lianhe, there is a kind of beauty that I can’t explain anyway, here. Share it with everyone: The truth is that I love you, you all are wandering gypsies, singing, dancing, drinking all night, and reveling around a bonfire that is destined to go out. What is there to say now? May we find that everlasting fire, my gypsy girls. 4.Thank you everyone, see you tomorrow.

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