Fist of Imagination

Chapter 151 Species Extinction

"Well... you also know the nature of our Utopian Fist's work.

I overheard Mr. Qin and the minister talking on the phone. I thought this matter was quite interesting, so I wanted to collect it as a piece of material.

I saw you motionless before, which is not conducive to advancing the plot, so I made this move.

We are all literary and art workers, and we all travel thousands of miles to work in foreign countries for art. I believe you can understand my painstaking efforts.

My starting point is to let you work well, and there is absolutely no other intention. "

Liang De's tone was sincere, his eyes flickering, exuding the aura of an old and honest man.

Qin Xiao still did not relax his guard, but his expression became friendly:

"I can only stay here for two days. After listening to my phone call with the minister, you should also know that I can't complete this work alone. If I can't complete this work, you won't be able to get the complete materials.

Our Ying Xuetang Bookstore and Teacher Tai Fengxian have been cooperating for a long time. We have always helped each other. It can be said that we have been working hand in hand and treating each other with sincerity over the years..."

"Teacher Qin Xiao, we are all open-minded people. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Qin Xiao held Liang De's hands tightly and said: "Teacher Liang, I think you don't have anything else to do for the time being. Why don't you lend a hand and work with me to reduce the number of Antarctic krill and eliminate the Adélie penguins?" For the proofreading work, I can pay you 100 crystal clusters for the labor cost.”

Liang De quickly shook his head and said: "Teacher Qin, I am actually an animal protectionist. Not stopping you is my maximum concession. I really can't bear the test of my conscience by engaging in species extinction with you." "Look at how cute these penguins are, how can you bear to do it?"

Are you kidding me? If I join forces with you to exterminate Adélie penguins, I'm afraid I will be dumped by that ruthless woman underground who controls five war bases.

"Cute?" Qin Xiao let go of Liang De's hand and pointed at the Adélie penguins swaying under the ice peak, "You say they are cute?!

Adélie penguins are the most despicable, bottomless, and shameless of the 17 existing species of penguins in Blue Star. Look across the sea. "

Liang De followed the direction of Qin Xiao's finger and saw a group of Adélie penguins preparing to go into the water to hunt on a reef covered with ice and snow.

An Adélie penguin standing at the front was accidentally hit by the partner next to it with its flipper.

A Weddell seal that had been lurking in the water for a long time immediately swam towards the unlucky guy and bit its head. The giant seal swung its three-meter-long fat body and tossed the penguin around in the water. A cloud of blood mist rose up.

The Adélie penguins watching on the ice and snow reef immediately retreated collectively, spreading their wings cutely, and each one ran faster than the other.

"As you can see, Adélie penguins push their brothers down to test the water before hunting to see if there are any seals. It would be unjust to betray their brothers, not to mention that they sometimes rape their brothers."

"So despicable..." Liang De took a breath of Antarctic air-conditioning.

Qin Xiao nodded and said: "Those female Adélie penguins will take advantage of their husbands not being at home to hook up with their neighbors in exchange for stones for building nests and hatching eggs. To betray their husbands is to be unfaithful.

Also, look at that male penguin, the one that keeps rubbing against the ground. What do you think it is doing?

Look, look, it trembled and fell to the ground.

What's so cute about this kind of penguin? Anyway, you little animal rights activists only protect those cute little animals.

Teacher Liang, Adélie penguins can be said to be disloyal and unfilial and have no shame. Exterminating them is definitely a good thing for the world. "

"Teacher Qin, why do you understand so well?"

"Because I originally proofread Bei..." Qin Xiao suddenly fell silent.

"Sad?" Liang De's face was full of curiosity.

""The Sad Antarctic Explorer", I originally proofread "The Sad Antarctic Explorer". This book records what many explorers saw and heard, so I know a lot about Antarctic creatures, hahahahaha. "

"That's it." Liang De nodded and said:

"Teacher Qin, we cannot use human ethics and morality to demand the lives of animals. After all, they do not have advanced intelligence.

Adélie penguins are an important part of the Antarctic biosphere, and Antarctic krill are a key species in the Antarctic ecosystem. They are extremely important for maintaining species diversity. It is outrageous to engage in species extinction just to correct the content of the book. , you’d better work harder yourself. "

Hurry up, I will drive you away with that woman quickly to receive the Jieyuan expansion.

Qin Xiao suddenly opened his hands outwards and said excitedly:

"What significance do they have? If they really have significance, will you Thunder Bluff leave me alone?

Species extinction is a normal phenomenon. This blue star is in the process of the 6th mass extinction of species. More than 70 species are naturally extinct every day, and an average of 3 species become extinct every hour.

440 million years ago, more than 85% of species became extinct at the end of the Ordovician period. What happened to Blue Star? Is the world destroyed? "

"It's not a good idea to go extinct artificially." Mr. Liang, a liberal arts student, didn't know whether what he said was true or false, so he could only retort weakly.

Qin Xiao became even more excited, walking back and forth on the spot and saying loudly:

"Man-made extinction and natural extinction, why do humans pick themselves out as if they are superior? Aren't humans a part of nature? Aren't the original travelers of our world a part of the ecology on both sides of the sky and the sea?

What is the difference between the two? Human-caused extinction of species has no soul?

There are countless worlds, countless stars in the universe, countless species between the worlds of the original sea, what does the extinction of one or two low-level creatures matter?

Besides, there are Adélie penguins and Antarctic krill on other planets in this world 415, so they are not completely extinct.

Even if the Antarctic ecosystem really collapses, you Thunder Bluff can easily repair it, it's all a small matter! "

Liang De looked at Qin Xiao's excited and serious look, and was too embarrassed to say that I didn't really care about this kind of thing. I just wanted to GANK you when I saw you coming...

And it's so annoying to be criticized so loudly... Do you want to quarrel with me?

Don't look at you as a well-read person. In quarrels, it doesn't matter who is right or wrong, who has more profound knowledge, or who has better self-cultivation. The most important thing is the power of argument.

As for arguing, as a senior Internet mobster on Blue Star, who has Liang De ever been afraid of?

Mr. Liang frowned seriously, and his voice became excited.

"Teacher Qin, the sky and the sea are vast, the universe is infinite, and the extinction of one or two species is certainly nothing. Then, in infinite time and space, what does it matter if there are a few mistakes in the content of one or several books?

Isn't it meaningless for you to spend so much effort to come here to correct reality? "

Qin Xiao waved his hands wildly and said:

"It's meaningless. Many things in work are meaningless. I don't want to do this kind of thing at all, but if I can't complete it, my salary will be deducted!

One price, 200 crystal clusters, Teacher Liang, will you do it?"

At this moment, Teacher Liang was really moved. As the saying goes, appearance is determined by the heart. He unconsciously showed some micro-expressions.

Shen Shiyu, who was watching in the underground war base, sneered and pulled the start lever at hand.

In an instant, the earth shook!

1. Thank you for the rewards from Brother Dark Flame Tianfeng, Crown of Thorns, Broken Dream Original Sin Wuwang, and Silly Ai. Du Gou cried and entered the second update realm again. 2. Thank you for your subscription and voting support. At present, "Fist of Imagination" ranks 257th in the monthly votes of the entire site, 327th in the recommended votes, and 1036 subscriptions per month. I will continue to work hard. 3. Thank you everyone, see you tomorrow.

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