First Law

Invincible Chapter 529

At the moment when the thick black air gushed out, Karen vaguely saw Vanessa's terrifying face, which had recovered her beautiful form but now looked like a thousand-year-old rotten tree with rotten bags everywhere.

It seems that maintaining the ring of time continuously consumes a lot of energy.

When brushing past the black air current, Karen felt a little lucky. It was the first time he had taken the initiative in the long river of time.

When the screen returned to Coconut Island, Karen felt a slight change in the entire island. It seemed that the coconuts here were not so clear, and she could even feel a violent force through the coconuts.

Colbert, pay attention to the situation of the two coconut islands. Karen cautioned.

In terms of carefulness, no one could compare to the magicians in Gold Shining Town, who could catch a whole big mouse out with just a small tail showing.

Before Karen's order was issued, all the magic towers in the Golden Town had already focused their attention on the two islands. What's even more gratifying was that they simulated some fluctuations through black magic power.

If the runes that make up these black magic powers can be found through fluctuations, then Gold Town can create exactly the same black magic power.

With the clues, Karen was not in such a hurry. Vanessa's pursuit was like a slow mouse, and whenever she wanted to chase her, she could always escape easily.

Later, he even took the initiative to set a trap to lure Vanessa to expose her most original power.

The magicians discovered that only this most original thing is the root of cracking Vanessa.

After dozens of consecutive shuttles, I finally found Vanessa's flaw in the age of the ancient gods. The leaf island covered by golden sand is the weakest part of the entire ring of time.

Although the black magic power is strong, as long as it can withstand the black magic power, it is possible to pass through this closed time ring and return to the normal world.

And her bone fission is a powerful ability that is no less than black magic power.

Boss, bone fission is more than just time travel. He is the source of all energy. Cabras shouted behind him, and at the same time the military generals headed by Campas began to guide Karen to fight.

Karen carefully used her energy, taking advantage of the slightest chance to confront Vanessa.

At first he could only keep backing away, Vanessa's tyrannical power crazily plundered the creatures of the Aegean continent,

Karen was naturally distressed by this loss.

The real thing about the Aegean Continent is not the source of energy provided by bone fission, but the talents that Karen has worked so hard to collect over the years.

He cherishes everyone, especially the creatures that survived the cataclysm of the Aegean Continent. Each of these creatures may provide Karen with an idea to change his destiny.

If the sucking soul is Vanessa's origin, then these living creatures are his true origin.

Abandon the plan! Karen gave the order decisively, although he knew that this kind of uninterrupted attempt would always find a chance of breakthrough, and any forward exploration would require sacrifice.

But he couldn't afford such a loss. Thousands of creatures would be destroyed in a simple attack. In this way, he could only bear dozens of waves.

Boss, there is no other way! Campas said sadly, he has already felt Vanessa's flaws, as long as he can hit hard, he will be able to usher in new opportunities.

Other military generals also offered Karen a confrontation, but Karen still refused.

Colbert, I order you, change the method!

There is no way, the entire Aegean Continent is Karen's voice. When it comes to life and death, only Karen has the final say. No matter how wonderful the idea is, if it violates Karen's original intention, he will directly reject it.

A group of military generals headed by Campas fell silent. Their powerful force was just a fancy dance at the moment, and Colbert was not as happy as he imagined. He had to stay in the laboratory every day to sort out the data, hoping to be able to produce ants. Find a little subtle clue in the pile of general data.

It's a pity that in front of such a top-level battle, it is already against the sky to have a little flaw, so how can there be other opportunities.

The uninterrupted monitoring of the magicians has gained a clearer understanding of the world. The loop of time they have fallen into is even more terrifying than imagined.

The time of the whole world is completely fixed, and the space is even more flawless. Vanessa's energy spreads across any corner of this circle, and as time goes by, the entire circle of time is rapidly shrinking.

...Boss, according to our speculation, after more than 30 shuttles, the two coconut islands will merge together. At that time, there is really no way out... Colbert said anxiously.

In this situation, he already felt that if the entire Ring of Time was a subway station, he used to be able to shuttle through more than a dozen stations, but now there are only a few stations, and it is even shrinking.

This only shows that the ring of time is shrinking.

If the two coconut islands overlap, it is a real origin.

Is there any other way? Karen asked, like last words before dying.

Colbert didn't speak, neither did Cabras, and all the magicians were silent. If they had a better way, they would never want to see Karen helpless.

From the Golden Town to the present, these creatures followed Karen from a small town in the wasteland to the top position in the world, and they have already been fully integrated into this territory.

Without Karen, I'm afraid they, like other creatures, would have become food in Vanessa's stomach.

The entire Aegean Continent fell into a strange tranquility, and I was afraid that Karen would notice a certain amount of panting.

Similarly, Karen puts his induction on all living beings, even if there is a small opinion, he will be captured by him.

Unfortunately, no one spoke, and all thoughts seemed to freeze.

Is there really no other way?

Karen asked herself in a low voice, could it be impossible to break through with the wisdom of tens of millions of creatures in the Aegean Continent? Are there any problems in this world that wisdom cannot solve?

Vanessa is very powerful, powerful beyond expectations, but as a wise person, what I should believe is that everything is driven by wisdom!

He has ideas, and wants to stand out from this cage-like world with ingenious ideas. He is not afraid of failure, but he doesn't want to be terminated so desperately.

Karen is scared!

What is frightening is not falling into this closed time, but that the creatures following him lose the courage to explore. The creatures in the entire Aegean continent seem to be only leaders such as Colbert and Cabras who are giving Karen ideas. Ordinary creatures Except in the necessary enjoyment, he completely forgets that he is in wisdom.

They all forget the fact that they are powerful.

Karen lowered his head, he wanted to inject some vitality into this stagnant Aegean continent, and wanted to change this deadlocked environment a little bit.

From today onwards, depose Cabras as chief magician and return to common people!

The order was issued without a hint of warning, and Karen himself kicked Cabras out of the mage ranks himself.

Undoubtedly, this move set off a big wave on the Aegean Continent. Everyone knows the status of Cabras. He is the first elf to follow Karen, the belief of the entire elf family, and the most talented space magic division.

In the development of Gold Glitter Town, he used the power of magic to solve problems more than once, and his position is as stable as Churchill, the treasurer of Glitter Gold Town.

The power of Cabras has penetrated deeply into every corner of the Aegean continent, and countless magicians under his care are even more numerous.

But the whole time, Karen dismissed the venerable magician.

Indignation, silence, puzzlement!

But he didn't dare to resist, because it was Karen's order.

Everyone is still holding on to the last hope, but Cabras' magic tower was directly destroyed by Karen, and Cabras' most trusted assistant was also expelled to varying degrees.

Before everyone could react, Karen dismissed Colbert from his position and listed him as the most common resident of Gold Glitter Town.

This is undoubtedly the second earthquake. If Cabras is the veteran of Sky Island, then Colbert is the most powerful newcomer. It is he who brought the most advanced alchemy and magic to Glittering Gold Town. A master has found fission bone from the intricate magic forge.

This helped Karen lay the foundation for dominating the world.

Karen is not crazy!

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