First Law

Invincible Chapter 528

It was still the golden-red sandy beach, and not far away was the dusty small town. The kobold mayor was still leaning against the railing in front of the door, anxiously waiting for the passing merchants.

This is the moment when he first came to Gold Shining Town, but now he is the Aegean Continent, how could there be a new Aegean Continent.

The Great Onyx Wasteland is still dilapidated, and the creatures here are still confused. It seems that according to the current situation, they will be squeezed by humans and beasts and slowly disappear.

This place is exactly the same as the familiar Onyx Wilderness, but without Karen.

Yes, there is no self on this golden beach, and there is no Lich following him.

Before he had time to find out the truth in front of him, a big black hand appeared all the time. In the center of the giant hand was a black-red eye pupil, and strange silk threads scattered from the pupil. When these silk threads appeared, they immediately formed black and red eyes snake.


Great savior, save me!

Doomsday! My Ark!

Everyone was screaming, and Karen could even hear the cries of ordinary people, especially the kobolds in the town of Gold, who were swallowed up by a big snake without any resistance.

The Great Onyx Wasteland became a continent of death in less than a few seconds.

As for Karen, he was like a delicious rabbit attracting the attention of these poisonous snakes, there was no way for him to stop, and he could only run along the river of time.

Age of Angels!

He appeared on the Far East Sea, where the fallen angels were busy building the ancient road of the gods. In the center of these angels, a capable fallen angel leaned on the desk, calculating various data in detail with a pen.

The appearance of that angel was actually exactly the same as that of the Far Eastern Continent, and even had double pupils like himself.

But in an instant, the sky began to shatter, and countless poisonous snakes appeared, stuffing these noble angels into their big mouths as if they were catching rabbits.

And at a certain point in the sky, there is a round of dark scorching sun, and when the light falls on the ground, it becomes a big snake. After these big snakes are full, they will slowly turn into air currents and drill into the scorching sun in the sky.

In front of these poisonous snakes, the angels had no time to resist. The so-called divine power was nothing more than a tickle in front of the poisonous snakes.

Tens of millions of angels were wiped out almost instantly, leaving the vast world empty.

This is the truth!

Karen believed that this was the truth of the angel's demise, but he only stayed there for a short time, and the scorching sun found him.


This is the only way, but every time he stops, it only takes a few breaths before he will be caught up, becoming more and more fierce every time.

He returned to the age of gods and witnessed the demise of countless creatures, but when he ran forward along the long river of time, he would inexplicably return to the future Coconut Island.

He runs forward, and various civilizations keep appearing and destroying at the same time. As long as he stops, it is the beginning of destruction.

He ran back and forth dozens of times, the angels were destroyed more than 30 times, and the gods were swallowed hundreds of times, but when he ran back along the river of time, these things would still appear.

Even like normal creatures, it made Karen feel very kind.

What the hell is going on here?

Karen asked himself in a low voice, he couldn't imagine how he could keep running in this endless loop, just like a circle, from the age of gods to coconut island constituted a complete circle, no matter how he ran, he couldn't get out.

He thought of the little white mouse in the cage, the non-stop walking was nothing more than the wheels turning.

As for running out of energy, he wasn't afraid of it. The bone fission could guarantee that Karen could keep running, but he couldn't escape from this world.

what to do!

Now he can only turn to the magicians of Colbert and Cabras. If this world is illusory, then these followers who mutate in the doomsday crisis are definitely real creatures.

Boss, this may be the ring of time. Vanessa must have used her ability to close the end and beginning of time. Colbert rationally analyzed: This requires a master who has absolute control over time, No, it should be said to have absolute control over the world.

I asked how to get out! Karen asked angrily.

It is impossible for him to keep running like this. Even with the support of bone fissure, he will be overtaken by Vanessa occasionally, and the price is the loss of a part of energy. If he runs like this endlessly, he will be swallowed by Vanessa sooner or later.

No way! Colbert replied very simply, Vanessa is the master of this world, he has absolute control over time, and now the other party has completely controlled the ability of this world, he is the creator of the world , want to leave, unless we can control the world, obviously, we don't even know what the world is like now.

There's no way! Karen sneered. This sentence was what annoyed him the most. In the development of Gold Shining Town, this sentence has been completely overturned.

There is no way. It is because there is not enough absolute understanding of this matter.

Colbert, Cabras, I now order you to use all your magical powers to study this world. Karen was very strong this time, and he wanted to make all the creatures in the Aegean continent move.

Soon, the creatures began to detect the world according to their own ideas, but it was difficult to imagine.

Hundreds of thousands of detections have come to nothing, and some seemingly reasonable inferences can be put into the world and become a pile of useless data.

Continuous failure, Karen does not give up, as long as she can move.

Boss, we believe that the breakthrough point is at the junction between the age of the ancient gods and Coconut Island. Only here can there be loopholes. We need you to stay here more!

After receiving Cabras' suggestion, Karen intentionally stayed at Coconut Island, only when there was no way to retreat, would he go retrograde in time, and during the entire time retrograde process was also very fast, reaching the top of the world of gods , it will stay too long for a while.

He must buy enough time for the magician.

Facts have proved that Karen's persistence is fruitful. Cabras accurately judged that Coconut Island has signs of time distortion. The reason is that the entire Atlantic continent has disappeared, so why is this island left behind.

When returning to Coconut Island, Karen shattered the island directly, hoping to break this time loop.

It's a pity that Vanessa's method is far more wonderful than imagined. After the coconut island is completely broken, it will be reshaped.


With one punch, Coconut Island is destroyed.

But under Karen's gaze, the outline of Coconut Island slowly emerged from the space, and then slowly took shape.

Boss, it's useless. This island is tied to Vanessa. This is his most original power. If we want to break through, we can only use tricks. We must find a connection point in ancient times.

Since it is closed in time, there will be docking points like buttons. If this is Coconut Island, there must be a place corresponding to it in ancient times.

As long as two docking places can be found, it will be much easier to break such a button.

It's easy to say, but it's hard to do. The age of the gods is a golden ocean except for the big fish, and these big fish are almost exactly the same. They swim around without finding a fixed point.

Boss, follow the flow of the big fish to find the track! Colbert suggested.

Colbert's suggestion really worked. These big fish seemed to be random, but if you looked at them from a high altitude, you could see that they were a huge circle.

Looking for the circle, Karen found the dot directly. Although it was still a golden ocean, there was really no big fish in sight.

Karen plunged directly into the golden ocean and dived directly to the bottom.

There are golden sands everywhere, but here is very calm and flat, like a big beach, which is very rare on the bottom of the sea, but what is even rarer is that there is a coconut tree growing at the bottom of the beach.

The moment Karen saw this coconut tree, she was overjoyed, and finally found a loophole.

Quickly scrape away the golden sand on the surface, and there are more and more coconut trees. When all the sand is cleaned up, there is really an island full of coconut trees in front of you.



The entire golden ocean was shaking, and the countless big fish above the head shattered like foam, but before Karen was happy, a black fountain sprayed out directly from the shattered island.


Cursing secretly, she had no choice but to retreat hastily. This was actually Vanessa's most original strength.

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