First Law

A Will Eternal Chapter 491


Colbert was a little scared at first, but when he landed in front of Karen, he was no longer afraid.

He looked at Karen, a little confused, feeling like he was looking at a big mountain, especially the outline of the mountains and rivers flashing behind him, faintly visible, like dream bubbles, and the inadvertent coercion, like mountains descending.

But Colbert knew that it was true, that Karen's soul had merged with the entire continent, but he hadn't fully controlled this power yet.

He had to admit that Karen was capable. If he hadn't decisively adopted the suggestions of the creatures in the Aegean continent, he might not be able to escape from the fusion of the continents. He subconsciously looked at the location of the heart of the continent, where only mechanical Kai Lun's figure.

This is very tricky!

Gold Town really created a body to replace Karen, and now it is the connection between Karen and his own soul. In principle, they are one, but they are completely independent individuals.

The entire Aegean Continent is Karen, but Karen is not the Aegean Continent. Strictly speaking, the Aegean Continent is Karen's clone.

The problem that caused even the Far Eastern Continent a headache was perfectly solved by Karen, and the ones who proposed the solution were those creatures that he didn't even care about.

Could it be that the creatures here are more powerful than those in the Far Eastern Continent?

Colbert couldn't help questioning himself, obviously not, if there is a difference, it can only be said that their lords are different, and no one in the Far East will do their best for a guess, but here it is.

Not bad, congratulations, Karen, the true master of the continent. Colbert bowed respectfully, You are better than I thought, not only controlling the continent, but also endowing the continent with a brand new one. definition, but I don’t think everyone likes it.”

Karen recognized it very much. His communicator has been ringing non-stop, reflecting the many changes in the Aegean Continent.

The mountains became bone mountains, the earth became a barren land, the river became a river of bone marrow, the trees withered, and the bones buried in the ground began to sprout like seeds, and bony branches grew out.

At least it's not as bad as I thought. Karen smiled wryly and walked out of the cave.

The snow-covered Aijiaer Snow Mountain melted completely, and the blue-gray rocks turned into red-white bone-colored. Layers of chimney-like mist evaporated, completely submerging the top of the mountain. In the mist, the roar of wild animals was heard from time to time, and the whole The snow mountain has completely become a mountain of undead.

Before the snow-capped mountains, there is no grass on the vast prairie, but white bone hands. The sun shines down, reflecting layers of cold light, and the nails of these bone hands will grow. Several tender white flowers.

These small flowers are frozen on the grassland motionless, like withered smiling faces, which are particularly creepy.

Karen could already foresee the despair of the living beings. When he gave the Heart of the World the power of the undead, it completely transformed this place into the world of the Kingdom of Silence.

Everything will return to calm.


Those human head flowers that were in full bloom suddenly exploded, turned into bone powder and floated in the air, like a sharp knife cutting through the space, plundering some energy alive, and then sinking to the ground after being bound to the body.

This is... corpse boiling!

In just a moment, he did feel that the energy in the space exploded like a corpse, and then turned into the energy of the undead and sank into the ground. After sinking into the ground, it changed the surrounding environment and became a specific undead structure.

The former is the boiling of corpses, while the latter is completely the ability of the undead Scourge.

Collect the energy of the undead through the boiling of corpses, and then change the environment through the natural disasters of the undead, and finally turn this place into a silent country.

Karen didn't expect it to be so subtle. If this rule continues, the entire Aegean continent will become a pure kingdom of the undead.

Boss, Gold Flash suppressed the mass death incident! Churchill yelled furiously through the communicator, but the picture transmitted did not fall down, but the flesh and blood on the surface of these creatures was withering, and the excess fat was being absorbed by the pores. Squeezed out, it looks like a bunch of mummies.

Boss, the creatures in the entire Aegean continent have changed, and they have stopped breathing. Sky Island's latest report.

In just three hours, all the creatures on the surface of the Aegean Continent lost their breath, but the strange thing is that these people did not die, they were still able to think, move freely, and even talk, chat and laugh.

But the creatures on the empty island have not changed, and the factory city under the sea has not changed in particular.

The magician began to let these creatures leave the Aegean Continent. The moment they left, their disappearing organs recovered quickly, and finally became normal creatures.

The Aegean Continent did not deprive them of their abilities, but when it came to the Aegean Continent, the continent changed their structure.

Soon, various latest reports were developed.

These mutated creatures cannot breathe, sleep, or eat. They only need a certain amount of energy from the undead to live continuously.

These made the red hoof happy, and immediately asked Karen to include the seabed city into the Aegean continent. After all, this kind of sleepless physique is their favorite. If they are really tired, they can leave the Aegean continent and return to the most normal state. form of life.

Karen began to control the Aegean continent, annexed the surrounding sea areas, and incorporated the submarine factory city into the Aegean continent.

At the same time, at the southeast corner of the Aegean continent, a huge bone vine stretched out, connecting the empty islands together.

bone state!

This is what magicians call the new souls of the Aegean Continent. They don't like to call themselves undead, so they are called bone men. They come to the Aegean Continent when they are working, transform themselves into bone shapes, and then devote themselves to work , When tired, leave the Aegean continent.

As a result, Karen had to build a large number of sky apartments.

The magician discovered that as long as he left the surface of the Aegean continent, he could escape the shackles of the undead.

Colbert looked at the creatures who had gradually adapted to this kind of bone life, and he was a little puzzled. These people did not reject this sudden change at all.

Even he himself wanted to try a life that allowed him to be pure bone. It had to be said that this was definitely the best working system. In the bone state, he could work twenty hours a day.

How is it going!

Colbert asked, this is a new experiment in the Aegean Continent, and the market will be judged by analyzing the structure of blood leaks based on the ossification here.

He doesn't want to do that!

But there is no way, he was squeezed down from the altar of the first tallest tower a day ago, a magic tower called the Tower of Bones, which was capped by the research on the structure of the undead, and became the most powerful magic tower.

Master, the stats are good. The state of bone quality has significantly improved the blood head. After replacing our blood head, the work efficiency of an ordinary creature can be increased by at least 70%!

Colbert shook his head, 70% was not satisfied, but the effect he expected was 100%.

Now, unlike in the past, the creatures in the state of undead have greatly reduced their pain and improved their survivability. They can replace their heads more conveniently.

Some powerful undead creatures can even decapitate themselves without dying.

The Bone Tower is the research and development of a method to double the degree of undead warriors, and it has established the throne of the highest tower.

Looking up at the imager, it is a bone warrior with bat wings, waving a bone spear and fighting a bird in the air. The whole picture is full of bone dust and feathers.

Asuka, who used to be invincible in the past, was at a disadvantage in the confrontation of the bone warrior.

How is this possible?

Colbert couldn't figure out how the Bone Tower did it, which more than tripled the combat effectiveness of an ordinary soldier.

In the picture, the bat wing is his product, and the warrior's head is also the blood skull produced by him, but the bone armor on the warrior's surface, the bone spear in his hand and the bone potential generator at the heart are all from the bone tower.

It is precisely because of its superior performance that the Tower of Bones succeeded thanks to a large order from the military.

The feeling of being surpassed is becoming more and more obvious, and Colbert must find a way to improve his ability.

Introduce talents! Must introduce talents!

Colbert yelled angrily in his magic tower. He didn't believe that he couldn't find talents with his appeal.

Unfortunately, today is not what it used to be.

Hundreds of magic towers have benefited from the action of helping Karen merge with the heart of the continent, especially the magic factory that created souls for Karen. After annexing three top magic towers in a row, it was officially renamed the Soul Tower.

The ambitious trend of surpassing is already unstoppable, and the many towers behind it have successfully discovered many talents by virtue of this operation, and seem to be going upwards.

This is too weird.

He can understand that Karen's fusion of the heart of the continent caused the changes in the continent, but these magicians seem to have undergone earth-shaking changes, and the changes are more thorough than Karen's.

No, I can't sit still!

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