First Law

Chapter 490 Integrating the Heart of the Continent

Buzz buzz!

The high-frequency vibration in the cave makes the whole snow mountain seem to come alive, swaying east and west, and the stone seeds on the side keep rolling down.

Looking around, the entire cave seems to be collapsing, and the bottom layer has already been filled with dense gravel.

But Colbert was not affected by the surroundings at all, and his eyes were fixed on the center of the cave, on the stone heart like a coconut.

At this moment, this stone is no longer in an ordinary shape, but emits a red-white light, illuminating the entire cave, and the concentrated point of the light is on the mechanical Karen below it.

A faint red-white liquid flowed out from the heart of the continent, like a candle melting, and dripped into Karen's heart little by little. With every drop, Karen's body surface seemed to glow with oil.

Mithril-like nerves grew out of the body, and instantly drilled into the mountain crevice, connecting with a certain mountain vein.

With this kind of connected furniture, the entire Aijiaer Snow Mountain vibrated more and more violently, and the stones with the size of a human head kept rolling down, but these stones seemed to have a sense of wisdom. Under control, layers of disks are stacked up.

It seems that a mason is really building walls to protect the entire cave.

Colbert hurriedly glanced at the lower left corner of the cave, and saw that Karen, who was watching the experiment, was sitting cross-legged on a smooth stone. , unexpectedly hours inexplicably.

But at this moment, Karen has an inexplicable sense of sacredness.

Could it be...these stones...

Colbert stared at Karen, muttering to himself.

Merging the heart of the continent is tantamount to obtaining the means to control the continent, more precisely, injecting ideas into the entire continent, and then you can completely rely on your own ideas to let the continent evolve on its own.

For example, mountains and rivers protrude, grasslands collapse, and the sky collapses. These are all common methods.

Like the fusion core continent, the surface layer is covered with magma. These seemingly impossible phenomena are easy for the existence of the fusion continent heart.

But at the same time, it also has obvious sequelae. Once it is fused with the heart of the mainland, it is equivalent to linking itself with the mainland. Naturally, it is impossible to be free at will. Like the master of the fusion core continent, the whole body is completely connected with the mainland. free.

Because of this defect,

Many creatures are very repulsed by the fusion of the heart of the continent.

But now various intentions show that Karen has really begun to control the mainland without sacrificing herself.

The heart of the continent continued to melt, and those viscous substances continued to enter the heart of Mechanical Karen, and a red-white heart gradually appeared on the chest.

With the formation of the heart, the soul residing in the body energy appears, black impurities are continuously flowing out from the soul, and at the same time, it is constantly absorbing the red and white light of the heart of the continent. As more and more light is injected, the whole soul is a little white up.

But at this moment, the soul sat up, sitting cross-legged like Karen, looking at each other, a beam of milky light shot out from the double pupils.

Once the matter flowing out of the heart of the continent enters the soul, it will be completely decomposed into white light, and then penetrate into the real Karen's body through the beam of light.

At this moment, Karen also seemed to be covered with a milky white glow.

No one can understand Karen's state of mind at this moment. In an instant, he seems to have transformed into the entire continent, and the vast creatures are like ants, multiplying on his body.

Even a territory as glorious as Gold Shining Town is only the size of a birthmark. It only takes one thought to turn the Great Wasteland upside down and destroy the so-called civilization.

Karen has never felt that power is so random, mountains are like arms, rivers are just his sweat stains, and the so-called caves are just pores.

The real blood is the rolling magma inside, which continuously rolls and radiates its energy to the entire continent, and at the original point of that magma, there is a black dot, a dot like a starting point.

This dot seems to represent a kind of ability, or more like a devouring force. As it rotates, it incorporates all energy into it, and then injects it into the magma and transforms it into the basic energy of the Aegean continent.

Fusion power!

In an instant, Karen could feel that this is the power of fusion core, the most basic method of the continent, and with the injection of his thoughts, he can change the Aegean continent into a fusion core continent, allowing magma to cover the entire world.

He could feel the terrifying power of fusion core, as if it could completely absorb, smelt, and turn the entire world into a part of the Aegean Continent.

It's scary!

But at this moment, a special will appeared in my mind, as if it came from that dot, it seemed to be a kind of request.

A request for special rules!

Karen actually realized that this continent needs him to inject specific rules, just like a blank sheet of paper that she needs to paint on, and what the future structure of this continent will be like, he is the one to decide.

Obviously, this is not the pure ability of fusion core. The so-called fusion core is just the most primitive method.

That doesn't belong to him, and the seemingly powerful fusion ability is not of much use to him. On the contrary, he knows what he is good at.


Thinking of this, he took out the pages of the dead that he had collected and spread them out in front of him.


The page of the undead carrying the 'boiling corpses' turned into fly ash, followed by the 'scourge of the undead' and the 'country of silence', which were destroyed almost at the same time.

Three worms flew out from the three pages of the undead, and appeared in the center of the black dot in an instant, blending into it.

The black spots disappeared, replaced by a red-white triangle, slowly turning in the inexplicable void, turning around, the magma changed, from red to red-white like bone marrow, mountains and rivers changed, from majestic mountains The texture turned into giant white bones, and the river also changed, from flowing clear springs to lime-like white water.

This is an undead illusion, but a crazy change in the Aegean Continent.

The land disappeared and turned into snow-white soil. The entire body surface seemed to be sprinkled with silver frost, and it was silvery white. Under this silvery white, there were layers of black barren land. The moment it penetrated into the body of a living being, the vitality of this living being seemed to be lost.

Without the green hills and green water, the whole world turned white at this moment.

From Aijiaer Snow Mountain to the border between the east and west coasts, a complete transformation has taken place.

This is the world of the undead!

My God, how can we live without land!

It's so cold, are we going to become undead too!

The creatures were all panicked, but there was no confusion. The only thing they could do now was to stare at Karen, who was sitting cross-legged. This was obviously the reaction of merging the heart of the continent.

As bad as it was, it wasn't the worst. With Karen, all the bad things would pass.

It really worked!

Colbert still couldn't believe it, but judging from the changes in the entire continent, it was obviously completely integrated, and Karen also injected the most primitive code into this continent.

The so-called code is the core of a continent, the most primitive point. The existence of this point can completely distinguish this continent from other continents and form its own unique civilization.

I didn't expect it to be a continent of undead! Colbert could feel the aura of undead emanating from the interior of the continent, and he seemed to be able to clearly sense where the undead were at this moment. This is the characteristic of the continent's change. The creatures of the continent can continuously obtain the abilities of the continent itself.

For example, you don't need to practice at all, you can get the consciousness of the dead.

Now he is a little curious about what special ability this continent will have. He glanced at the heart of the continent again. The core that dominated the entire continent completely disappeared after being smelted to the last dot.

With the disappearance of the heart of the continent, the soul above the mechanical Karen gradually faded, and got into the body again.

Karen Zheng Kai, who was sitting cross-legged, rolled his eyes. He first glanced at the mechanical Karen, and saw that the surface of the machine immediately turned into a stone. After contacting the surrounding rocks, it directly merged into the Aijiaer Snow Mountain, and then looked at Colbert.

A skeletal hand sprang out from the bottom of Colbert's feet out of thin air, grabbed him, and sent him directly to Karen.

How do you feel? Karen asked with a smile.

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