First Law

Invincible Chapter 407

| | | -\u003e -\u003e Covered with snow, the cold air from the north of the ice sheet triggered a more ferocious whirlwind, and the high-speed rotating tornado tore the snow on the ground to form a rare snow tornado, leaving strips on the ground After a tail-like long mark, it swung away.

The entire ice field, as if it had been chewed by Doug, completely exposed the ice bed hidden under the snow, which looked a bit hideous.

Karen wiped the snow off her sheepskin hat and looked up at the sky.

The clouds are getting thicker and thicker, as if they really fell from the sky, and countless snowflakes are thrown down, densely packed like stones.

This kind of weather is called devil's worry on the ice field. It is said that once when the devil invaded, he encountered such a blizzard, which caused the transmission process to fail, and all the advance legions were buried in the void. However, it is also said that it is only possible when the devil invades. There's this blizzard.

Karen looked at the snow, and he hoped it was a good omen.

If Belluman can provide a passage to enter the demon plane, it will be a huge profit, but he knows that this is an extravagant wish. Belluman is a mature creature, all such creatures have their own clear cognition, so they will not be fooled by outsiders at all, and at the same time, they can keenly capture the needs of external creatures, so they can sit on the ground and raise their prices.

Karen is that kind of person, so he can understand the mood of the same kind of people.

After walking in the snow for another half an hour, I finally came to the familiar ice cave. The entrance of the cave was already submerged in thick snow. If I hadn't left a prominent 'cross' mark before leaving, I would have found this place. Really strenuous.

After peeling away the snow, I saw the familiar entrance of the cave. The cave was filled with white light, and a delicious smell of barbecue came to my face. It seemed that after more than half a month, Bellman still hadn't finished eating the barbecue.

In the center of the hole was the ashes of the burnt fire. There was a lot of barbecue grease scattered in the ashes. Occasionally, the grease jumped a few times and made a loud noise. It seemed that it was not completely burned. Karen threw some fuel, and the whole fire was buzzing. It burned with a bang, and the blazing fire illuminated the entire cave wall.

There are still those murals on the wall of the cave. In the front is a group of demons with horns dancing around the bonfire. In the middle is like a city of demons in the void. The red magma flows under the city-state. There should be a fan-like reactor above the head. Depending on the situation, it should be Gather as much energy as you can.

Along the cave wall, there are more than a dozen altars. Various statues of demon gods are hung on these altars. Perhaps because of the long time, these statues of demon gods are very blurred.

After simple treatment, it was thick enough, and the skeleton was summoned to move out the full barbecue in the derivative space. In a short while, the fire was almost as thick as two walls, and the other wall was filled with spirits.

Naturally, Belluman didn't mention these wine and meat during the transaction, but this was Karen's intention. Although Belluman tried his best to hide it in the last conversation, Karen could tell that he was greedy for these things.

Sure enough, before the wine jar was full, there was a sound of heavy footsteps coming from the ground, and after a while, a huge snow-white figure that looked like a giant bear came up, its huge and dark pupils swept around the ice cave , showing a satisfied smile: It's wine and meat again, yes, you are very sincere, did you bring anything?

Karen could feel that the other party was strongly suppressing her emotions, especially in front of wine and meat, the other party seemed to be out of control.

Try to be as ruthless as possible, because on many occasions, this kind of emotion can often make people feel unfathomable, but Karen has experienced the kind of soul that has no emotion at all, and this kind of suppression seems a bit too playful.

It even made Karen feel that the other party seemed eager to complete the deal, or in other words, wanted to get the soul very much.

Although these are just some details, in many cases it is the details that determine success or failure.

Karen took out the tooth that stored the soul, and threw it at Belluman without even looking at it.

Belluman was taken aback, the two demonic horns on his head suddenly surged out a burst of magic power, turning into palms and holding them in the air, he carefully looked and looked, and after a while, he looked at Karen, making sure that Karen After no objection, he slowly swallowed it into his mouth, chewed it whole a few times, and swallowed it down one by one.

All of a sudden, all the white hair on Belluman's body melted into water, revealing a layer of gray-black skin with dense folds, like burns, more like volcanic rock after a volcanic eruption, extremely ugly.

On the gray protruding skin, there seemed to be sharp needles poking underneath, and hundreds of small dots bulged out.

As the dots continued to protrude, Belluman suffered more and more. In less than a moment, sweat was already dripping on his black forehead, but even so, Belluman still gritted his teeth tightly and closed his eyes tightly, as if concentrating all his energy to the spine.

Finally, the bumps on the back finally reached the limit, and the ** waves broke open with a sound, forming black pores one by one, and transparent hairs grew out of the pores like spring buds, and the hairs gradually grew and hardened. At last it was completely rolled up and draped over the gray back.

On the huge back, hundreds of hairs are like a few old trees in the wilderness, especially conspicuous. With these hairs, Belluman becomes even uglier.

Belluman didn't seem to notice his own appearance. Looking at the sporadic hair, there was a gratified smile on his face, and he looked at Karen with a sense of gratitude.

Under Bellman's control, the hair swayed a few times before it slowly stuck to the back, dissipating into a thin trace of soul energy, and then the entire gray back began to grow wildly with white hair. In the blink of an eye, Bei Luman Luman has returned to the appearance of the giant bear when they first met.

Just for a moment, Belluman seemed to be absorbing the soul, and the ugly appearance just now was obviously Belluman's true face.

Everything is in the eyes, Karen looks very calm, not disgusted with ugliness, on the contrary, she has some respect for Belluman,

The fate of this person is quite rough, and those who can survive through hardships and still stand tall should be respected.

Just imagine that Karen has traveled all the way, but in just five years, there are still a few strong people he once thought were strong in the entire Great Wasteland.

The soul is fine. Karen said casually.

Belluman shook his head, No problem, it's just these souls...

What's the matter? Karen was a little worried. After all, these are synthetic, and the material is just fish and shrimp in the ocean, which is not extracted from a decent creature at all.

It's nothing, it's special. The souls you provided are easy to absorb, and they don't seem to resist.

It seems that you like it very much. Karen smiled peacefully. It is strange that it is not easy to absorb. These souls were first processed systematically, and then impurities were removed many times, and then complicated suppression. Every process can be described as To achieve the ultimate, it is more appropriate to call it soul energy rather than soul, Can we talk about the deal now?

Belluman licked his tongue, as if he was still remembering the taste of his soul just now, and didn't answer Karen's question immediately, his eyes scanned the murals on the cave wall, and his eyes began to flicker quickly.

Karen was stunned for a moment, this kind of wandering gaze was a very bad signal, and the other party wanted to play tricks.

Beluman, you have devoured the souls I gave you. Ten thousand is not cheap. Karen suddenly emphasized his tone. Beside him, sixteen golden skeletons appeared in a seven-pointed star formation, in the form of bows and crossbows. He directly locked Belluman tightly.

Just because he doesn't like to use force doesn't mean he won't stand up for his rights.

The oncoming murderous intent made Belluman stunned. He never expected Karen to make a move. The shining luster on the surface of those skeletons was sharper than all the sharp weapons he had ever seen, and the density of the bones was far higher than expected. These skeletons carry some kind of great strength.

These skeletons seem loose, but they are the thirteen-pointed star array commonly used by magicians, which can block all areas without dead ends. At the same time, there are transparent chains between these skeletons, which should be some kind of power sharing.

He possesses a certain level of force, but it is obviously not easy to take advantage of these skeletons, especially Karen's left hand, which gives him a sense of destruction that hits the soul directly. At this moment, it seems that as long as he moves slightly, he will Was directly suppressed by the opponent's right hand.

Belluman didn't move, just looked at the pictures on the cave wall, just as Karen guessed, he didn't have that ability, the so-called space cracks didn't exist at all, all he could do was to draw out part of the information in these images.

What was shown to Karen like last time was just the appearance.

Karen, I have to say sorry. I didn't expect you to be so considerate. I don't want to be your enemy. Now I have to admit that I don't know the devil's channel at all. I can't give you the devil friendship you want. All I can do is draw out the information recorded in these images, to be honest, I don’t think he is of any use to you.”

Karen encountered the worst situation, he didn't get the help he wanted at all, and was even fooled by this semi-demonic thing.

Simply put, he was fooled.

The storm collector and lava phenomenon I saw last time were just false appearances. Just imagine, if the other party had real demonic means, they should have killed on the ice field long ago, so how could they do soul trading business with themselves.

Although 10,000 souls are many, they are only a dozen tribes, which is really simple for a demon.

Playing with an ordinary savage's Linghu, and then creating some illusions, this kind of ordinary illusion is everywhere on the streets of Gold Shining Town, how could I just believe it.

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