First Law

Chapter 406 Soul Suppression Factory

The breeze blew past, gently blowing away the floating clouds in the night sky, and the clouds dispersed, revealing the sheltered crescent moon.

The crescent moon is curved and hangs in the sky, like a magic light, tilting down the clear moonlight.

The moonlight poured down on the Rhine grassland, and the palm-sized grass lowered its head in the breeze, revealing its slightly withered grass roots.

Two weeks ago, I would have seen groups of pure white sheep gnawing on these delicious grass roots together. They would raise their heads from time to time to enjoy the nourishment of the moonlight.

But at this moment, this place is already one of the few pure lands in the prairie. Looking up, there is nothing but giant stalls. The pure moonlight shines on it, reflecting a cold light unique to steel.

Throughout the Rhine grassland, the roar of the high-speed rotation of the magic wheel was heard from time to time. In the factory group, the bright red lights directly replaced the pure moonlight, illuminating the entire factory group.

The brightest part is undoubtedly the steel tower surrounded by layers of factories, like a star giant, guarding the middle of this vast grassland.

Boss, the soul suppression factory in front of us is magnified a hundred times on the basis of the soul scroll. Everything here has been carefully regulated by the magician. In a sense, we should be able to produce souls in batches.

On the top floor of the steel tower, an elf wearing a gray robe and a white beard said to Karen that he is the developer of the entire soul project. After being introduced by Cabras, he is now helping Karen to control all souls for Karen. production projects.

Karen nodded and looked in the direction the other party was pointing.

Under the light, there is a huge flywheel rotating at high speed. Under the flywheel, there are piles of fish and shrimp. These fish and shrimp are jumping around alive and seem to want to escape, but they will always be crushed by the flywheel in the end.

On the flywheel, a lotus-shaped soul container hums, and every time a fish or shrimp dies, a thin wisp of souls will enter it. These souls are constantly turning in it, and then along the end of the container, Enter the next step of the soul strangler.

The strangler is not big, but this is the core of the first step of the whole project. The blades are made of rotting soul stones that can kill the soul, and each blade is engraved with dense runes according to the method of ancient magic scrolls. , these blades rotated at high speed, and there was a buzzing sound.

As soon as the soul entered, it was instantly smashed to pieces by the spinning knife shadow, followed by a scream after the death of the soul, and all the startled creatures couldn't help shivering.

The strangulator is completely transparent, and after the soul is injected, it will immediately turn black, and the black will continue to condense, and finally it will slowly settle to the bottom like tadpole eggs, forming a ball of flocculent matter.

This is the basic material for soul suppression. These flocs can be regarded as completely obliterating the wisdom of those fish and shrimp.

Feeling the abundant soul energy, Karen showed a satisfied smile: As expected, it was researched by the soul master. After refining through these processes, it can be regarded as the basic material. After that, just enter the set magic board and suppress the magic power. Even if it can form a finished soul.

But soon, he restrained his smile: But this is only the most superficial way to create a soul. If you want to make your whole soul as powerful as Qatar, there is still a long way to go.

With the effort of thinking, the bottle containing the soul has been filled, and under the action of the conveyor belt, it begins to enter the pressing template.

The entire formwork occupies three workshops, which is the largest building in the entire factory complex.

The template itself uses magic paper that is common to scrolls, and an insulating board is laid underneath.

As for the center of the magic paper, there are pieces of magic machines that have been carefully polished. These magic machines are formed by magnifying the runes on the scroll by thousands of times, and then carefully inspected by many masters, and then handed over to the top of the Alchemy Continent. It can only be obtained by building a machine factory.

Among the magic machines, mithril wires run horizontally, like rivers connecting these magic machines with different functions.

In the factory area, the magic light was turned on to the maximum, making the whole factory transparent. The light shone on the steel tower. Karen and a group of magicians were staring at the very center of the soul template without blinking.

The bottle of soul that had been completely filled finally left the conveyor belt and fell into a section of the mechanical palm. The mechanical palm slowly opened the cork and tilted it full, and the viscous soul slowly reached the bottle along the edge of the bottle. Finally, it seemed to be supported by a pair of hands of God, and flowed into the disc-shaped magical machine.

This is the enlarged effect of the soul static pressure rune, which can ensure that the internal energy of the soul enters a complete balance state before the transformation. An elf magician explained in Karen's ear.

The flocculent soul wriggles slightly in the disk, the white center and the black on the periphery are thinly formed, like boiling hot oil, and begin to exchange. As more and more soul liquid flows in, this phenomenon becomes more obvious. The scattered souls began to collide, merge, and finally completely turned into a transparent fluid.

Boss, this is a pure soul body, which can replenish a lot of soul consumption. If anyone of us is injured at this moment, he can basically heal after swallowing a bite. Only a soul with completely stable energy can guarantee the magic board. Shaping a new type of soul. The elf just explained again.

Karen nodded. This is the normal principle of magic power stabilization. In any experiment, it is required to pursue magic power stability. The more advanced the experiment, the more demanding the magic power stability.

The soul in front of me can no longer see any impurities, it is white and translucent, like the purest milk.

After the static pressure, the magic machine began to inject the energy of the soul into the mithril wire, and in an instant, it entered another magic machine through the wire.

This magic machine has hundreds of blades. At the moment when the soul liquid passes through, these sharp blades directly cut off the edges, and then enter another rune press machine through the mithril wire. After passing through, the soul has changed. It is quite dense, and then compressed in high-energy magic power, the soul impurities are removed in a vacuum machine, and then folded and rolled. After pressing more than ten layers continuously like a meatloaf, the soul at this moment has become a transparent body half a foot later. .

The procedure was repeated again, and the obtained souls were one-third smaller than before, but more pure. These souls finally completed the second step of the process. In the Mithril wire, they quickly entered the last one full of palms. in the machinery.

Boss, the basic process of soul refining has been completed. This ball is basically considered a pure soul. The last step is to modify the shape of this ball soul according to our ideas.

The moment the magician explained, the soul like a steamed bun had already entered the last magic machine, and the whole soul instantly spun and became higher and higher, like a miniature tornado inside the machine.

And those palms inlaid on the machine are not afraid of such a rotation at all. I saw it attacking quickly, pinching the fingers precisely on the soul. Under the blessing of power, the soul stretched suddenly, and hundreds of mechanical palms shot at the same time. , the soul was instantly stretched dozens of times compared to just now.

These cold mechanical palms are like the slender fingers of a young girl. In the blink of an eye, the steamed bun-sized soul has been pulled into the size of a normal man. With the frequent strikes of the palms, the man's facial features and limbs began to appear.

When the last mechanical palm stopped working, the shaping program began to push the completed soul into the final soul storage room.

This magically shaped soul is basically no different from an adult, just an ordinary strong laborer. However, the whole soul is illusory, floating like water ripples, and will completely dissipate if you are not careful.

As a necromancer, Karen has seen many souls, and all souls carry various emotions, especially in many cases, the finished product of the soul is different, and the emotions carried are the strongest, but in this soul, Karen can't feel it. a little.

No sadness, no joy, no hatred, pure like a piece of white paper.

Obviously, this is a completely immature soul. The reason why the soul is advanced is that it can perceive the outside world and thus bring out various emotions. If a soul does not even have normal emotions, then it is no different from a machine.

Thinking of this, the surprise of creating a soul immediately dissipated. Although a big step has been taken, for Karen, it is completely impossible to make the soul the size of Qatar City only relying on these .

However, at least now he can complete Belluman's deal. It would definitely be a good thing if the soul production can be upgraded through the Devil's Profound Truth.

Of course, it is impossible for him to put all the treasures at one end. Whether a territory is strong or not requires all-round development. On the one hand, people start filling their teeth with these souls, and on the other hand, they start to improve the status of soul mages in the entire Golden Town. More people are involved in this field.

After such a lot of tossing, the inventory of the Golden Town will be consumed in an instant, especially as various magical equipment needs to be purchased, the funds needed in the future will be even more terrifying.

But Karen didn't feel distressed at all, and was even a little happy.

These funds were invested in the market, which inadvertently stimulated the market, especially the purchase of various magic equipment, which attracted a large number of merchants from the Alchemy Continent.

Now, Karen only hopes that the half-demon, Bei Luman, can give herself some good results.

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