First Law

Chapter 3 Making Cocoa

I need peas, ginger, mimosa, orange leaves, cocoa leaves, laurel leaves and pandan husks, also I need a glass of water and some sugar, some nutmeal and phosphoric acid if you can, a packet of sodium bicarbonate The skeleton Li Wen didn't give Karen a chance to react at all, and reported a lot.

Don't say that Karen doesn't understand, even Churchill, who has been in the mall for many years, is still confused.

The first few can be seen to be plant materials, which are barely part of the alchemy field, but what is phosphoric acid and sodium bicarbonate, I have never heard of it.

Well, Karen, I don't think you should think about it anymore. It's not feasible. I'll find you a business someday, and Gold Town can slowly develop. Churchill laughed. He thought this skeleton was definitely I'm playing with him.

Karen also didn't want to hurt Li Wen's confidence. After all, this was the first time the other party asked for help since he was summoned. Li Wen, your knowledge of alchemy is too profound. Let's experiment in this area after we develop it.

How can it be profound? This is just the lowest level of material. Boss, you are contemptuous of my ability. Li Wen shouted stubbornly.

At this moment, Lich Nicole, who was idle on the side, spoke, his voice was very sweet, with a feminine softness, Boss, maybe this is a professional alchemy term, we can let Li Wen talk about these The use of things, alchemy is like this, it sounds very complicated, but in fact they are some common materials in our lives, I may be able to help you distinguish some.

It was only then that Karen remembered that the other party was a culinary master. It seemed that anyone who knew how to cook was familiar with the ingredients. If the two skeletons were combined, they might be able to make some tricks.

Li Wen, what is nut flour, what is phosphoric acid, what is sodium bicarbonate, please tell me the purpose.

Yes, boss. Nut flour is a powder made from nuts. It is an essential ingredient for adding flavor to Coca-Cola. Phosphoric acid is the material for fermentation of Coca-Cola. Fermentation is to make things go bad, but this is controllable, and bicarbonate Sodium is injected into the gas you just felt the boss.

Karen looked at Nicole the Lich.

What does fermentation mean? Nicole didn't answer directly, but started to ask.

It's a chemical reaction process, through the growth, cultivation and chemical changes of microorganisms or animal and plant cells, a reaction process in which a large number of specialized metabolites are produced and accumulated. Li Wen explained in detail, but he didn't know that the more he explained, the more Karen listened. confused.

May I think it's some bugs?

You can think so, but you can't see it with the naked eye, so you have to use a microscope. I can explain the principle of the microscope. Li Wen gestured and jumped up a lot of words like 'refraction', 'reflection', 'concave' and 'convex' come out.

I can take it as microscopic organisms that can spoil so-called cocoa drinks, right?

Yes, it is a microorganism, but it is different from a microorganism. It is a kind of benign bacteria...


Li Wen and Nicole discussed for half an hour, and Karen almost fell asleep listening to it.

When Nicole turned around, he was taken aback.

Boss, there is no problem with these. Nut flour includes Hugo powder, black pomelo powder, and pointed kernel powder. These are the most common edible powders. Phosphoric acid can be replaced by balunka crushed stone powder. As for sodium hydrogen phthalate, it can be directly used The sap of the thorn tree in the wasteland can produce a lot of bubbles when it is fused with water.

Although Karen couldn't figure out the specific links of these things, he understood that it seemed that the recipe for making cocoa drinks had been figured out, so now he needed to contribute.

Turning to look at Churchill, if you want to make things, you have to rely on this extraordinary businessman.

Churchill, I need your help.

Churchill smiled, Karen, don't think about it, this is a formula that has been passed down by the Alchemy Kingdom for thirty years.

Impossible to crack.

I just need help. Karen understood the meaning of the other party. He also thought it was impossible, but many things were achieved through attempts. Many things in the world were achieved through continuous attempts, without really doing it once. It's hard to know if there's an outcome, I can pay for something, can you get it for me?

The things you want are not cheap. Churchill said very flatly, but with confidence.

Knowing what the other party said, Karen would definitely be able to do it, so she took out a green penny with 100 written on it from her pocket and put it on the table.

Churchill blew and flicked it a few times before stuffing it into his pocket. He turned his gaze to the other skeletons in the room, I still want these skeletons. I know that you Necromancers have the ability to hand over the skeletons to others to control.

Karen smiled, feeling a little bit reluctant. Even ordinary skeletons can barely be considered combat strength. In his opinion, 100 pence is already a high investment. He needs to weigh the rewards of this experiment.

Pick up the cocoa, let it slide down the throat a little bit, it is soft, sweet and greasy, especially the coolness of the bubbles, if it can be frozen again, it will fascinate him.

If you can make something like this, you can definitely make money, and you can make a lot of money.

Yes, as soon as possible.

Churchill left, and the ten ordinary skeletons that Karen had just successfully summoned followed suit.

Churchill was back again, half an hour later, covered in pockets.

Water, sugar, orange bark, Hugo powder, balunga crushed stone powder, thorn tree branches and leaves, Li Wen mentioned everything, and even brought a few crystal flakes and a set of crude alchemy equipment.

The thoughtfulness of this businessman exceeded Karen's expectations. Even he himself didn't expect that the experiment still needed equipment.

Li Wen didn't start the experiment directly, but first found a table, scrubbed it clean, and regulated those messy things.

The liquid is poured into a small test tube as thick as a thumb, the solid is lightly poured on the canvas, and the bottles and jars are scrubbed with clean water.

Karen, remind him not to waste water, it is extremely expensive in the wilderness. Churchill reminded in a low voice.

Karen didn't make a sound. He can't do anything now, he can only watch. In fact, he is heartbroken, but he understands that everyone has their own principles of doing things. It is obviously Li Wen's habit to scrub the container with clean water.

The table is clean and the containers are tidy, at the expense of half a jug of water.

When everything was ready, Li Wen picked up a piece of osmanthus bark, but remained still for half an hour.

Is there anything I can do to help? Karen asked in a low voice.

I need to extract the oil, and I don't have the technology.

Karen's heart skipped a beat. He didn't expect to encounter a problem at the first step. Is it necessary?

Skeleton Li Wen nodded, This is the core step of making cocoa.

Let me do it. Before Karen frowned, Nicole was already holding the laurel bark in her hand, Where do you put the grease?

In this small beaker. Li Wen hurriedly handed over a beaker.

Under Karen's gaze, Nicole's left fingertips glowed red, and the red light became brighter and brighter, as if a new life was about to emerge, puff, it became a ball of flame.

He knows magic? Karen's heart skipped a beat. Cooking with flames is a cook who can spontaneously emit flames. Nicole is a pyromice.

He sent it!

He summons a powerful lich.

Excitement was circling in my heart, but my eyes were fixed on Nicole's palm, and I saw a drop of sweat appearing on the bark of the laurel tree under the baking of the flame, and it fell into the cup lightly along the lines of the bark.

One drop, two drops, three drops, four drops, five drops.

After five drops, Karen really saw the extraordinaryness of alchemy.

Five drops were extracted from the osmanthus bark, and they were thrown into the trash can at Li Wen's request. Nicole began to extract the other materials one by one according to Li Wen's division.

Karen, do you know how much that thing is? 15p. Churchill whispered.

Karen said nothing.

After an hour I got 23 drops of grease of different colours, while wasting 86p.

Every time a material is thrown into the trash can, Churchill will give Karen an accurate quotation of the price.

30 wasted.

That's worth sevenpence.

Karen felt distressed, but she had to admit that this refining technique was absolutely master-level.

Karen, can you sell me that skeleton? You can say whatever you want. Churchill's voice finally changed, and the shrewd Forbes saw Nicole's craftsmanship.


Churchill stopped talking.

After getting the oil, Li Wen finally started to pick up the straw and absorb the oil drop by drop.

He was very measured, one drop or two, and everything was under control. After mixing the seven kinds of oils, he began to pour water, and when the water rose to a certain height, he began to slowly pour rum into it.

Karen, that was in exchange for your two skeletons. Churchill's voice came over in time.

Can Karen not understand, wine is expensive as hell everywhere.

But a wonderful thing happened, the liquid in the bottle rolled up like a volcanic eruption, the three liquids transformed into each other, and finally froze, forming three distinct interfaces.

The lower layer is clear, the middle is a little cloudy, and the uppermost layer is a transparent light yellow, like a small chrysanthemum in August.

Karen watched carefully, trying not to let her breath disturb the master, it was all money.

Li Wen picked up the straw, pulled out the top layer of yellow liquid and dripped it into another test tube, and left it aside.

Start another cup, fill with water, put sugar, add balunga crushed stone powder, nut meal, and keep stirring to form a paste-like black syrup.

The whole room was eerily quiet, with the sound of stirring reverberating.

Karen felt her heart was about to jump out, but Li Wen's movements became faster and faster, and there was no sign of nervousness at all.

Scared. Churchill handed over a tissue, wipe off your sweat, it's not the hottest time yet.

Thank you. Karen now hoped that this tortured experiment would be over soon, even if it failed, it would be like suffering like this.

After getting the syrup, Li Wen began to pour the yellow liquid from another bottle into it, mixed them together, picked up the branches and leaves of the thorn tree, poured them into the water, and poured them into the test tube with a bang.

puff puff puff puff

Billowing bubbles rose from the bottom of the cup, and the yellow and black were instantly mixed together to form a brown solution, and a faint sweet fragrance came out.

Cocoa! Churchill couldn't help but rubbed his eyes, exclaimed in astonishment, and suddenly turned around and took Karen's hand, 5000 pence, I want this skeleton.

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