First Law

Chapter 2 A Pile of Useless Skeletons

The skeleton Li Wen stared at Karen, and Karen also stared at this distinctive skeleton. The two different species stared at each other silently for three minutes.

Karen was extremely disappointed as a smart skeleton without skills. At least Old Buck had a machine proficiency that could help him repair magic machines.

This person was a great magician during his lifetime. You must know that only those who have made outstanding contributions in the field of magic can be awarded the title of great magician. Only 13 great magicians were born in the entire Blue Mountain City in 500 years.

Boss. While Karen was smiling wryly, Li Wen completed the second instillation of memory, walked out of the machine, bent down and bowed.

Do you have any special abilities? Karen asked directly, perhaps able to detect some hidden attributes from the conversation.

I am a doctoral student in chemical engineering, and I am proficient in chemical experiments and chemical industry. Li Wen said slowly, Such as seawater refining, petroleum refining, ethanol production, and hydrogen fission.

Karen thinks these things should be related to alchemy, at least he thinks so, alchemy is also a way to become stronger, and asked cautiously, Do you remember things about alchemy, such as the formula of doomsday potion, the making of flame-throwing staff , What are the thirteen theories of Garland's magic defense?

Staring at the other party eagerly, hoping to hear some good news, he was a great magician during his lifetime, and he must have the best magic power system in the world.

The skeleton Li Wen didn't feel Karen's eagerness at all, and shook his head stiffly, No.

Then what was the experiment that impressed you the most?

Nuclear fission.

Karen was stunned. This must be a fake. Although summoning a skeleton will lose a large part of his memory, it is impossible to forget all the magic knowledge.

This can't be a fake archmage.

He gave up, and no longer expected to have a Lich squad, and now it would be nice to give him three Lichs who can magic.

One out of six, this is a bit unlucky, looking at the whole row of corpses on the ground, there are still seven left, he can't believe that his luck is so bad today.

Normal Skeleton

Normal Skeleton

Normal Skeleton

Normal Skeleton

Boss, stop it. Buck couldn't stand it any longer. Four ordinary skeletons appeared in a row. Even if Karen had a good temper, they would definitely explode.

There are three more.

Karen took a few deep breaths, trying to keep himself calm. He needs to use the best mentality to complete a summon.

Put your fingers lightly on the skull of the corpse, like a paintbrush gently sketching along the rotten flesh, injecting magic power bit by bit, gently and naturally, everything is so natural.

Yes, that's the feeling, it's wonderful, and there's another wonderful ending.

Ordinary skeleton. Buck's voice came out.

Shit! Karen kicked the newly summoned skeleton to the ground. This kind of skeleton without any intelligence is waste, a victim on the battlefield.

Boss, calm down, maybe today is bad luck. Old Buck comforted.

Karen didn't listen, and suppressed the anger in his belly. He didn't care about it now, and he didn't follow the normal way of thinking, and just summoned as he wanted.

Start, inject magic power, finish, the whole process takes less than three seconds.



The corpse stood up straight, the rotting flesh and blood did not fall off completely, but stuck tightly to the surface of the skeleton like a leather coat.

The Lich!

The Lich!

Karen and old Buck cried out in unison, full of the same surprise, and Karen finally got what he wanted because Buck finally had a kindred.

Quick, send it to the robot.

Name: Jenny

Form: Lesser Lich

Status: Vice President of Culinary Society

Rate Dependency: Blue Mountain City

Occupation: Chef

Deathrattle: Flame Cooking

Karen didn't understand,

It's not a joke to summon a chef from the corpse of a great magician.

Even if the memory loss is severe, it is impossible to lose all the most important things. This is not a matter of luck, it must be a problem with one's ability.

Karen shook his head, the Lich Squad is useless, he can't wait to start another war now, Put away the last corpse, and call it when I'm lucky. Continuous failures made him exhausted up. .

He needs to calm down!

He needs time to chase his bad mood.

In his impression, at least 6 to 8 Lichs must be summoned, and at least they have the foundation to stand out from the crowd in the Great Wasteland, but now only two of the most useless ones have been born.

Hey, back to sleep. A fox's head poked in from the door, with an inch of white hair in the middle of its head, and a smile on its pointed nose. When there was no sound, it tiptoed in, leaned on the carriage and asked, Well, this town is not bad.

Karen snorted coldly, he was in a bad mood now, Churchill, this is also a small town.

Hey, who's offending our mayor? Churchill hurriedly took out a bottle of cocoa from his backpack and put it on the table. You saved a bottle.

Churchill, don't go around the topic. I got the Arcane Staff, but it's just this small town. Karen took a deep breath, and said with a half-smile, You're kidding me.

Karen, don't you know who I am? You don't know much about the market in the wasteland. In fact, every small town is like this. The largest one has a population of only a thousand, and I came here specially for Gold Shining Town. It’s reserved for you, although this place is small, it’s a real geomantic treasure.”

Karen's ears were calloused by the businessman's self-proclaimed rhetoric, Okay, okay, Churchill, don't brag about me, either change the town for me, or subsidize me with 1000 pence, there are two choices, Otherwise, don’t ask for anything.”

Hearing Karen's threat, Churchill's expression darkened instantly, Karen, I made this deal because you kept your word. One piece of information plus one small town can be exchanged for three arcane staffs. This is what we agreed upon. I put integrity first. With a cold snort, If you want money, it's easy, you just go to Lanshan City and surrender yourself.

Don't, don't, Mr. Churchill, our boss is just joking. In fact, this thing has been prepared a long time ago. Old Buck hurriedly took out the wrapped arcane staff and handed it to Churchill, and complained when he saw that the other party accepted it. However, Mr. Churchill, the place you gave is too dilapidated. A small town must at least be able to grow some things or raise some wild animals, but there are only those useless kobolds left here except for a dry well. You let How do we live?

Churchill checked the arcane wand and made sure there was no problem before he smiled, Karen, don't be angry, I know I'm angry if I didn't inform you about the situation here in advance, but I'm really right, this is a really good place. As he spoke, he spread out a map.

The map is like a big maple leaf, which is directly divided into two by a black line, and there are dense black spots gathered around the black line. Churchill's finger landed on the black spot in the lower left corner of the maple leaf, Karen, look, this is The advantage of Gold Town.

This is a map of the Great Sahara Wilderness. The black line in the center is the Mississippi River that traverses the entire wasteland. The black spots are naturally the villages and towns that can be lived in the wasteland.

Most of them are located along the coast of Mississippi, but the town of Gold Shining is unique. There is only a single black spot in the vast expanse, and Karen really can't see anything special about it.

Churchill smiled mysteriously, and pointed his fingers along the left side of the map through the Golden Town to the right side, just connecting the Human Race Federation in the east and the Beast Race tribe in the west.

This is?

Did you see that the shortest route from the human race to the orc race is the center point of Gold Shining Town. As long as you have the ability to develop this trade route, I guarantee that you will have a lot of money. Moreover, Gold Shining Town is the farthest from the Mississippi River. To the threat of the core forces of the wasteland, look here, the Aegean Sea, the mouth of the sea that penetrates into the wasteland is yours, from this coastline to Aijiaer Snow Mountain, this area is your territory, even though it is a town, It's bigger than three Blue Mountain cities, do you think I lied to you?

Karen is naturally not a fool. The area is large enough, but it is all desert. There are many smart people in the world. If he can develop, it will be his turn.

It cannot be planted, cannot be raised, has no minerals, no magic crystals, and the most important thing is that there are no living things. There is no future for development in a place without the slightest vitality.

I unscrewed the bottle of cocoa and poured it down my throat with bubbles and saliva. I have to say that this thing is really strong, and it is a good medicine to relieve the heat in this hot desert.

If only I could produce something like this.

You can be satisfied if you can drink a bottle. Churchill smiled. This was shipped from far away Venice. I only got a small box through looking for connections.

Boss, you're drinking Coca-Cola, right? Churchill hadn't stopped laughing when Li Wen, the skeleton beside Karen, spoke up.

What Coca-Cola, Cocoa? Understand? Churchill smiled contemptuously.

Karen became interested. Could it be that this transmigrated skeleton has other abilities, so he hurriedly sent over the remaining half bottle of cocoa, Look at it?

The skeleton lowered its head, looked at it for a long time, shook it a few times, and nodded after a few seconds of contemplation, It's Coca-Cola. If you want, I can make it, but I need some materials.

Don't believe him. Churchill said with a contemptuous smile, If you are really worthy, you can wait to make a fortune. This thing is not only in the wasteland, but even the Holy Storm Empire is a sought-after item.

Karen looked at the cocoa, then at the skeleton, this thing is not simple, it is almost comparable to alchemy potion, You really can?

It should be possible. I can try to make a bottle first. You can taste it, but it needs materials.

What do you want? Karen asked directly.

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