First Law

Chapter 130 The Skovok Disturbance

What Lei Jie represented must be the interests of the Bauhinia Kingdom. The Bauhinia Kingdom is located in the center of the human continent, and it does not have many territories intersecting with the wasteland. It is obvious that Karen's influence has reached the hinterland of the human race through the Holy Storm Empire at this moment.

What a horrible fellow.

Daniel clicked his tongue secretly. If he knew that the other party had only been in the wasteland for nine months, he didn't know what those bigwigs would think, but he was soon interrupted by a group of hopeful eyes in the distance. This was the first time he realized to his own incompetence.

However, he rushed over and smiled, Don't worry, I have already arranged the visit schedule. Due to time constraints, Karen will soon enter the Black Sea again. I don't think it will be possible in the next two days.

He had to lie, if he let these guys know that he was an outstanding necromancer, and he couldn't even make an appointment, it would be too shameful, and he wouldn't have to go back to the tribe in the future.

Uncle, it's amazing.

When I return to the tribe, I will definitely report to Master Warlock the great help that uncle has done.

By the way, did Karen say a specific deadline? We don't have many pennies on this trip to the wasteland. I'm afraid...

Hearing the compliments from the younger generation, Daniel felt extremely bitter in his heart. It seemed that he had to take this matter to a higher level, and hurriedly said, It takes some time, so let's go to Gold Shining Town for two days. I will bear it, and the rest will be notified by me, okay?

After dismissing these guys, Daniel heaved a sigh of relief, feeling that he had finally completed the most difficult task in the world.

You didn't line them up, did you? Barend approached and asked with a low smile.

How do you know? Daniel was like a child who made a mistake, his nerves collapsed, he looked at the long line at Karen's door, and sighed secretly, It's not easy to line up, I really don't understand why so many people want to see He, by the way, I just saw Lei Jie, the leader of the Dragon Army.

Barend snorted coldly, I saw more. The Winter Kingdom sent a prince over, the Holy Storm Empire stationed a mission in Maria's army, and besides Lei Jie, Bauhinia Blue also has a Prince, my colleagues in Watson Kingdom just sent me an internal message, asking us to take care of a young man named Walcott.

Walcott? Daniel wondered secretly. The Kenneth Association could use its internal relations to take care of him. The identity of this Walcott should not be simple, at least at the prince level. , at least across the two kingdoms of Bauhinia Blue and Holy Storm.

You have come to the wilderness after such a long journey,

He couldn't believe that in just two days, Karen's reputation could have crossed half of the human continent.

How did the Kingdom of Watson notice this?

You haven't heard of the Scowart Blitz, have you? A faint wry smile flashed across Barend's face.

Scowart? The city-state at the border of the Watson Kingdom? Daniel asked suspiciously. Scowart is located at the junction of the three kingdoms of Bauhinia, Watson, and the Holy Storm Empire, and has always been the area with the most disputes.

Not only does it have traffic with the three continents, but it can also directly control Pearl Harbor.

The three kingdoms all want to take this area into their own hands, and it is now controlled by the Watson Kingdom, but on the periphery, the other two kingdoms are unwilling to let it go, and there are constant frictions all year round.

This area has one of the highest outbreaks of Terran deaths.

Barend took out a parchment scroll from his chest, It was just sent from the headquarters of the Aegean Continent. Just five minutes ago, the Holy Storm Empire occupied Scowart.

Impossible. Daniel felt that this possibility was completely impossible. Among the three confronting kingdoms, Bauhinia was the strongest, and the Kingdom of Watson occupied a favorable location. It was impossible to say anything about the Holy Storm Empire. He quickly opened the information scroll, and at first glance What I saw was the word 'four-fin cloud porpoise'.

He naturally understood that the Wonton Beast is now a special product of Gold Shining Town, and the four-finned Wonton Beast arrived only yesterday, so how could it affect the situation of the battle.

Looking at the interior of the war little by little, every time you look at one more face, there is a trace of solemnity. The four-finned cloud porpoise is an evolved version of the blue-striped cloud porpoise. Bigger and more frightening is that the bubbles it controls have a fusion property. If it is mixed with a medicine powder called 'hydrogen cyanide', it can immediately form a highly contagious toxin.

The battle took only one hour from start to finish, so it was called a blitzkrieg.

The tactics are very simple. The main force of the Holy Storm Empire is responsible for dealing with the main force from the Bauhinia Kingdom, while a group of 500 four-fin porpoises floated over the sky above Scowart and began to inject bubbles into the city.

No one thought that these beautiful bubbles would become a fatal thing in an instant. When the archers threw the potion bound with hydrogen cyanide into the city of Skowart, the disaster began.

Itching, numbness, difficulty in breathing, and finally the whole body convulsed and passed out on the ground.

What the soldiers of the Holy Storm Empire did was very simple. They just waited for the bubble to dissipate, pushed open the gate of Skovok, and took over this controversial city-state with ease.

Throughout the campaign, the Holy Storm Empire did not waste a single death, and all the 5,000 soldiers stationed in the Kingdom of Watson were captured alive. Now the Kingdom of Watson has recognized the control of the Holy Storm Empire over Skovok in order to ensure that these soldiers can return home smoothly. right.

All this happened only five minutes ago, when he was still discussing insignificant topics with those juniors.

Daniel wanted to laugh, could it be that just one unit would have such a big impact on the battle situation, Do you think it's ridiculous?

Barend shook his head, but his face showed a kind of seriousness that could not be concealed, I think such ridiculous things are likely to happen frequently in the Aegean Continent in the future.

You mean Karen Hazel?

Barend nodded solemnly, This kid is using his methods to disrupt the balance. He knows that these big bosses want to control the wasteland, and now it is estimated that these big bosses can't take care of them. The best way to stabilize the situation now is to The only way is to eliminate this Necromancer, but from the arrival of Lei Jie and the letters from our colleagues, I think the human race has adopted another method.

what way?

They want to control Karen, and they even want to get the so-called base in the Black Sea. Barend couldn't help laughing bitterly, Creatures are sometimes delusional, just watch, as long as Karen completes four or five transactions, it is estimated that The entire Aegean continent will be in chaos, and some kingdoms may even be destroyed.

Destroy the country, don't worry too much. Daniel was a little shocked. You must know that even the shortest of the seven kingdoms of the human race has a history of more than 200 years. This stable situation has been maintained for a long time. Now it's just a sign That's all, there are many outstanding people in the history of the Aegean Continent.

Barend shook his head. Indeed, there are a lot of talents in the world, and there have been some people with unfathomable aptitudes in the past two hundred years. But now the key is that Karen can’t be seen as a talent at all. He didn’t deliberately develop his own territory, even There is no deliberate hoarding of wealth.

He was just reselling slaves, but he invested all the money he earned into the construction of the port, the construction of the Golden Lion Fortress, the infrastructure construction of the Gold Flash Town, and the so-called Black Sea base.

Don't say that the current Gold Flash Town has wealth. If you calculate it carefully, it is likely to owe a lot to the outside world. What's more, most of Karen is not in Gold Flash Town. This territory seems to be an unclaimed land.

Whoever wants to come can come, whoever wants to do whatever they want, very free.

In the absence of absolute conditions, who would directly put such a leader to death.

Hehe, isn't Watson Kingdom already paying attention to this place? How about we make a bet?

What bet?

How many battles can the human race break out in a month, how about it?

What's the point of gambling? Daniel said with a smile. There are daily battles between the seven kingdoms of the human race, and there is no way to count them.

No, I'm talking about a large-scale battle like Scowart's. I think there are at least fifty battles. Barend said sternly.

Fifty? It's too exaggerated. This is war.

Barend is very confident. He only knows one thing. If it was before, he might be able to balance, but now he is as fragile as a child in the Aegean Continent. There is no shortage of excellent generals here. If he can give them some special strength, Never can hinder the display of these geniuses.

Now Karen is playing such a role, continuously providing these generals with new strength.

Just like a calm pool of water, only a few small stones need to be thrown in to create ripples. Now Karen is throwing stones endlessly.

At this moment, on Karen's desk, there are also details of Skovok's war. The information he got is more detailed. At least he knows that hydrogen cyanide is far more than the combination with the four-fin porpoise.

Half a day before the arrival of the freighter, the Holy Storm Empire had already researched the potion that fits the cloud dolphin beast, so it was able to achieve results so quickly.

It's abrupt, isn't it?

Griffin nodded. Although he had never been to Scowart, he had heard of the city-state's name, and he could not have imagined that the battle would be resolved within an hour.

Take this information and take a good look. Also, I have applied for two spots with the commander of the Bauhinia and Blue Kingdom's Lei Jie Army, and we are allowed to inspect the Scott Wart battlefield. Griffin, you and Gu Tulu Go there, remember, I paid a lot of money to let you go to watch the excitement.

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