First Law

Invincible Chapter 129

When Katerina mentioned that she wanted to hire a group of murlocs to build a base in the Black Sea, the stubborn murloc tribe seemed to be gifted and willing to provide all available arms.

Just half an hour after she visited this tribe, a few kilometers around, several stubborn tribes visited her at the same time, setting up to ask her if she needed other assistance.

The words were chosen in such a way that she was afraid that she would disagree, but of course he still explained his intention in the end, asking to see Karen, and he hoped that some of the Black Sea troops would be more welcome.

Until she came out of these tribes, Katerina still couldn't believe that things went so smoothly. When she entered the Golden Port again, it was completely changed, and almost all the creatures were sighing Karen's greatness.

He is the first lord to open up the Black Sea business.

That is, the Black Sea is a forbidden place for our Aegean creatures, and now we finally have a place to stay.

You haven't seen how strong the soldiers from the Black Sea are. Their arms are thicker than my thighs.

You don't need to say, the chiefs of several barbaric tribes on the ice sheet have to line up to see Karen.

Did you see that woman? Is she Katerina who started the Black Sea business with Karen?

Before the voice fell, a group of people had already rushed over. Katerina was so frightened that she ran away and found a remote newsstand. When she read the contents of the newspaper, she was even more speechless.

In the center of the newspaper is a bird's-eye view of the delta base, and in front of the bird's-eye view are countless islands. A small boat is floating between the islands, and the boat is carrying Karen.

The title is simple, The Wolf of the Southwest's first step into the Black Sea. The lower part is tightly embellished, That's one small step for Karen, but one giant leap for the Aegean.

Feel free to flip through a few pages, whether it is the bulletin from the Holy Storm Empire, the Ice newspapers from the Winter Kingdom, or the secret tabloids circulated among the Orcs, or even the murloc newspapers among the Sea Clans, all of them contain news about the Black Sea base.

Looking at the blueprints in the newspapers, it seems that Karen has already established a capital city in the Black Sea.

This is simply Miao Chuan, are the creatures in the Aegean continent all fools, and who provided such a bird's-eye view.

But when Katerina entered the Golden Lion Fortress, she understood everything. At some point, on the central square of the Golden Lion Fortress, a five-story billboard was erected, like a giant ship docked at the Golden Lion Fortress. In the sky above, there are no advertisements on the billboards, and some are the bird's-eye view of the Black Sea base in the newspaper.

'Star of the Black Sea'

It was a wonderful name even for Katerina.

The wolf of the Southwest is truly astonishing. It has already received more than a dozen large orders.

Isn't that right? I have a cousin who works at the Terran Shipyard. I heard that the Wolf of Southwest has placed an order for three giant cargo ships, and they agreed that they must be delivered within one month.

Tell me, what abilities does Karen Black Ze have? How can he establish a foundation in the Black Sea? Isn't he just a necromancer who can summon a few rotten skeletons?

Hmph, Karen doesn't have much ability, but his eyes are poisonous. Didn't you see that Kidd is a talent? Now the Pirate Alliance has promoted Kidd to the position of deputy commander. If it wasn't for this special itinerary, the pirates The league even proposed a special recognition for Kidd.

Katrina wanted to laugh, Kidd? If people know about Kidd's failure, they don't know how they will react.

In the room not far away, Daniel and Barend also looked puzzled.

They are not those half-children who listen to rumors at will. As the controllers of the Kenneth Council in Gold Shining Town, they are very experienced. They have not received the notification from the Kenneth Association headquarters, which can only show that there is something tricky.

It stands to reason that for such a major event as the development of the Black Sea base, information should have been obtained long ago.

There was no proof that this base didn't exist at all, and they rationally told themselves that there might be something wrong with this base.

But now Karen has brought all the goods that everyone needs, and is actively purchasing construction materials, and seems to be preparing for the new base.

Now not only in the wasteland, but also the human race, the orc race, and the ice field are boiling.

Judging from the soldiers provided by Karen, they definitely came from the Black Sea, and even some experts are claiming that Karen has fully mastered the rules of being able to survive in the Black Sea.

Some even wanted to elevate Karen to the position of the world's elite. These remarks made the two of them laughable, but they couldn't bear the pursuit of those ignorant people.

Uncle Daniel, please help. Our tribe is not strong on the ice sheet. As long as you can let us meet the wolf of the Southwest, you will be taking care of the tribe.

Daniel sighed. He was born in the ice field. Naturally, he was willing to serve his clansman on some special matters, but he really didn't expect that the current tribal leader would come to visit him just because he met Karen.

Barend also sighed. A dozen or so creatures were crowded into the small room. They were either relatives or members of the tribe. If they were friends, they would still be able to clearly explain the pros and cons, but now this group of people believed that Karen could make them They are developed and do not listen to persuasion at all.

Today, all Karen meets are representatives of the human empire, orc shaman, ice warlock, and murloc leaders. As for the little people who have not yet won these titles, even if they are introduced to Karen, it is a waste of each other. time.

What's more, their friendship with Karen was not so deep that they could be summoned at will. Looking at Daniel, they smiled wryly. The two necromancers with outstanding titles didn't know how to deal with them.

Go back, Karen is not as powerful as you think, as long as there are benefits, I will take care of the tribe as soon as possible. Barend was cruel, he didn't have the ability to see Karen.

Uncle, you don't know how powerful Karen is. You have been with him all the time, don't you think that we are far away, but we can see clearly. A young warlock apprentice relied on his relationship with Barend He said forcefully, Look at the tribal leaders in the southwestern part of the wilderness. Food was a problem before, but now, they dare to send soldiers to hunt on the ice field. Many people think that the wasteland is safer than the ice field.

Barend sighed, how can this phenomenon be unclear? It's not just that there are soldiers, but more importantly, they have received enough pennies from Karen's Golden Port project.

He had to admit that what his nephew said was correct. Indeed, those tribes in the southwest of the wilderness had gone too far. With some pennies in their hands, they began to purchase troops frantically, and when they had troops, they expanded around without restraint.

But this is an illusion, the real situation is that they are supported by Shining Gold Town.

Uncle, for the sake of our clan, let us meet Karen.

That's right, Uncle Daniel, your old father is still living in the tribe, so you have to go back to the tribe in the future.

This time, Master Warlock specially brought greetings, and asked me to meet Karen no matter what, and help the tribe take some units back.

After a few breaths, this group of tribal juniors rushed forward like every stitch.

Daniel smiled wryly and shook his head. He didn't know how many times he had been so helpless today. If it was someone else, even a title-level existence, he would be able to drive him out without mercy.

But these tribal juniors can't beat or scold, it seems that it's impossible not to meet Karen.

Glancing at Barend, he asked, Why don't you discuss it with Karen?

Barend smiled and pointed to the temporary barracks in the distance, and each barracks was full of creatures.

Those who can get barracks treatment in the place of Golden Lion Fortress must be the core of Gold Shining Town, or people who have a significant relationship with Karen.

Obviously, it was not just the two of them who were persecuted in this way, especially Churchill's room in the center, which was already full of orc tribe envoys, and there was even a long queue outside.

These are all eager to rely on Karen to make a fortune, there is no way, the Black Sea units sold by Karen are cheap and powerful, who doesn't like it.

I want to go to you, I can't afford to lose this old face. Barend yelled angrily, he didn't want to ask someone for a chance to meet, and he was his junior Karen, thinking of the other party's crappy undead spell , Barend is not feeling well right now.

Daniel stood up with a wry smile, his cheeks were relatively thick, and he came to Karen's door under the blazing sun. There was already a long line here, and a team of Pig soldiers were maintaining order.

Before he could get close, Griffin approached and asked with a smile, Your Excellency Daniel, you are also here to line up.

Line up? Daniel asked puzzled.

Kabul took a booklet, which was Karen's appointment booklet. When he opened it, it was full of people's names, and the last person in line had reached 1024 people.


How long would Karen have to see these people?

Yes, Your Excellency Daniel, in order to take care of the creatures on the wasteland, the boss will set aside two hours for meetings every day, and you can line up here.

Daniel smiled wryly to himself, Karen was really considerate, but in his capacity, he really didn't want to admit that he came here for such a simple matter. Sighing, he had no choice but to turn back. He couldn't help but pause after taking two steps. At the door of Karen, a strong man in purple-blue armor came out with a smile, as if he had made a fortune with that smile. .


The commander of the third army of the Bauhinia Blue Kingdom, titled Head of the Earth Dragon, controls the first heavy cavalry regiment of the human race.

This kind of character also came to the wasteland?

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