First Law

Invincible Chapter 116

Boss, the Mississippi River diverted.

At the front of the freighter, the helmsman yelled at Karen. When Karen looked up, he saw that the broad Mississippi River began to divide into two in the shape of a person. Throwing into the Aegean Sea, this slender river is now full of cargo ships.

The other river is obviously wide, but few boats pass by. On the road sign on the left side of the river, there is a huge horizontal log that clearly says 'straight to the Black Sea'.

Turning the rudder slowly, the cargo ship walked towards the open river.

Whose ship is that?

This tributary leads directly to the Black Sea. The boats that enter have never been seen before.

This is looking for death.

Figures came out of the cabin one by one, staring at the giant freighter slowly entering the Black Sea area.

Anyone who has been swimming on the Mississippi River all year round, how can they not be aware of the horror of this river? Although the river area is wide, the closer it is to the Black Sea, the river area will shrink sharply. As the river narrows, the river itself will become quite turbulent.

More importantly, there are sea monsters inhabiting this river, but they don't know what it is.

Some say it's a giant basilisk, some say it's an evil dragon, as long as anyone enters it, none of them come back, slowly turning this black river into a devil's river.

It seemed that he felt the horror of this tributary. After the freighter officially entered the tributary, Kidd got on the bow and took the helm himself.

As expected of a helmsman who has been in the ocean all year round, he controls the freighter like Karen controls the skeletons. Although the speed of the flow is extremely fast, the few people on the freighter move steadily.

Without Kidd as the activator, Katerina became cold again. Maria wanted to say some private words, but with Katerina present, she couldn't show too much.

The scene calmed down instantly, and Karen dozed off groggyly.


A sudden scream woke Karen up from her sweet dreams, and when she looked up, the deck was glowing red, and a young sailor was rolling over and over.

One of his arms was missing, and blood flowed like a fountain.

The sailors walked quickly on the deck, their eyes fixed on the water surface. Before they could react, they saw a huge figure jumping high from the bottom of the water and bit off the sailor's arm.


It's a piranha!

Be careful, hold the harpoon and throw the explosive powder.

boom! boom! boom!

The explosion of the magic crystal medicine powder continued to echo around the freighter, and many sailors emerged from the third floor of the ship, and began to stab outwards with harpoons.

Karen could see clearly that these strange fish had a layer of bony fish scales on their bodies, and a layer of sparks splashed out when the harpoon passed, which was as hard as armor.

With a flick of the tail, it flew three to five feet away. The big black and red eyes flickered back and forth, looking for prey. After a short period of time in the air, it directly opened its big mouth. The rows of interlaced teeth, like a meat grinder, instantly Take the head of a sailor.

This guy is so big.

Karen was secretly startled, this power was more powerful than Griffin's full blow, it was indeed a river leading directly to the Black Sea.

Everyone stared intently at this group of big guys, for fear that a certain part of their body would be taken away accidentally. In such a split second, three sailors had already been injured.

Attracted by the smell of blood,

More and more piranhas approached the freighter.

boom! boom! boom!

Suddenly, the freighter shook violently, as if something strange hit the ship at the bottom of the river.

It can be seen from a distance that black spots appear in the middle of the piranhas, like iron bars, like the legendary purgatory nigger.

Be careful, ironhead fish. Kidd's voice came from a distance, Throw sulfur stones into the river.

Under Kidd's order, pieces of flower-red stones were moved out.

As soon as the sulfur stone was thrown into the water, layers of white smoke would puff out. Within a few seconds, the entire water surface boiled up, and as the river boiled, strange fish like iron rods turned their bellies.

All sailors enter the paddle position and pull out with all their strength.

Karen could clearly feel that the freighter was shaking, and it almost turned over when turning. If it wasn't for Kidd's proficient technique, it might have sunk.

Maria was watching Karen closely. She knew the danger, but she didn't expect it to come so soon. This was just a river entering the Black Sea, and she hadn't really stepped into the Black Sea area yet.

Behind the freighter, ironhead fish rushed towards them like a tide, as if they wanted to anchor the freighter in this water area. Looking up at Kidd who was quickly manipulating the turntable, Maria felt a little grateful.

At the same time, it was even more strange that Karen had found such a good helmsman.

If it was her, the fleet would have been lost in the first wave of piranhas' charge.

Karen was also surprised. Even after the group of black fish died, their bodies were like rocks. The freighter moved forward, just like moving forward in the ice, and the propeller had to be used to open the way in front of the freighter.

As a last resort, sailors are required to handle the carcass of the black fish in person, so that the piranhas hidden in the water droplets will take advantage of the situation and attack.

It took almost an hour to move forward for a short distance, and it took half a day to move slowly, and the night quietly shrouded the freighter before escaping from the area ruled by the ironhead fish.

Kidd, do you want to help? Karen called into the distance.

Kidd didn't seem to hear, didn't even turn his head, staring straight ahead at the calm water.

The water surface was no longer turbulent, it was extremely calm, as if entering the center of the lake, the freighter floated forward little by little on the calm lake.

Karen turned her head to look at the bottom of the lake, but was suddenly pulled back by Katerina, There are mermaids here.


Karen looked at the crew and Katerina who were on alert, and it seemed more terrifying than encountering an ironhead fish.

The most beautiful species in the legend, in their eyes, it seems to see a devil.

After Karen regained consciousness, several crew members at the bow laughed strangely. The laughter became louder and louder, and they climbed onto the bow like zombies.

Quick, grab them!

Unfortunately, no matter how Kidd roared, the three of them still plunged into the river, leaving behind three beautiful splashes.

There was no blood, no howling, and no struggle before death. When the boat continued to move forward for half a minute, three naked corpses floated up and slowly drifted forward under the drive of the river.

Karen saw very clearly, and they still kept smiling on their faces, as if they had seen the most beautiful thing in the world.

Maria on one side had already turned pale. Although she had killed countless people on the battlefield, she had never seen such a strange killing.

Everyone is tied with a rope. If the situation is not good, they will be knocked out first.

The seasoned Kidd quickly gave orders, this method is very easy to use, every time he is fascinated, the partner next to him can always give a sap on time.

As the boat moved forward slowly, ripples broke through the bow of the boat, providing the only movement in this peaceful space.

Karen, we have to leave, Katerina said quickly.

What? Karen didn't understand. Aren't we always moving forward?

No, we are stuck, it may be a certain reef, or it may be a sunken ship. Mermaids are the best at creating illusions. The superb mermaids can even confuse the spiritual power of creatures. They are the most terrifying killers in the ocean. Katharina gave a brief introduction, then flicked her skirt gently, What did you see?

Karen smiled, what else could it be, a red skirt, red skirt.

Katerina laughed suddenly, No, I'm not wearing a skirt, only a suspender.

Karen froze for a moment, staring at Katerina. For a moment, it seemed that Katerina was the only one left in this world. It made him think of the comfort of being with Maria, and he couldn't help thinking Step forward and take this woman as your own.


Karen stopped decisively. She was not such a superficial person at all, and her possessive desire for women was not so strong at all. What's more, she didn't have the feeling of soaring hormones when she was with Maria.

If you have never met a woman before, you will definitely think it is a kind of love and passion, but now it seems that you are being dominated to like someone. This kind of compulsion makes Karen feel that it is illusory.

It was a temptation, a cheap one.


With a low voice, he swiped his fingers in the void, and the dimensional pocket appeared, and the palm of the bronze skull passed through Katerina's throat in an instant.

Too fast, too fast!

The moment no one could react, Katerina's figure fell to the ground, her slender long legs slowly morphing into a swarthy tail.

Looking along the tail, there is a chest full of fish scales, and above the chest is an extremely exquisite woman's head, but at this moment, the head has been stuffed into his chest by the bronze skull, and it turned into flying ash with a puff .

Karen turned around again. Maria and Katerina were staring at the water surface with dazed faces. Not far away, the river slanted down like a waterfall. The waterfall was not formed by a mountain wall, but a dam.

A dam made of shipwrecks, corpses, torn canvas, wood, and miscellaneous things piled up randomly. At this moment, his cargo ship is slowly leaning against a pile of rotten bones under the action of the current.

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