First Law

Chapter 115 Best-selling Soldier Giant Skeleton

Have you heard that Ander Town is shattered?

Why haven't I heard of it? It seems to be all giant skeletons that tore through the city wall with their sharp claws. That big foot will kill four or five people in one step.

It's too powerful, it's even scarier than a giant pig.

Who says it's not? I seem to have heard that this thing has its own plague. These arms are really terrible.

Maria got the seat on the ship as she wished, and when she came out of Karen's room, the entire square of the Golden Lion Fortress was discussing the war that just happened.

During the hour of the conversation, a city-state on the wasteland was destroyed.

Ander Town.

The rate belongs to a small town in Kabul, and the scale of the war is not large, but what is surprising is that all the giant skeletons attacked this time.

At this moment, the perpetrator was quietly placed on the platform, and the transaction price was clearly marked on the bottom of the platform.

Maria understood that as soon as the battle report about Ander Town came out in Gold Glitter Town, the giant skeleton would start selling the explosive mode. This kind of marketing method relying on war has to make her admire.

Boss, are you alright in the room? The head guard asked cautiously after being stupefied.

It's okay, why, do you look at me as if something is wrong? Maria looked at herself, guilty of fearing that her subordinates would notice her change.

No, it's just that your complexion has recovered and turned rosy. Also, your mage skirt seems to be torn. The head guard pointed to the hem of the skirt behind Maria.

Maria blushed. This was the product of Karen's tyranny. She couldn't help but think of the situation where the two of them were together, and she felt more and more shy. But it was only for a moment, and she suppressed this little girl's shyness in her heart. There are important things to deal with, and you must take care of your own affairs before Karen enters the Black Sea.

After glancing at the Golden Lion Fortress again, he quickly rushed to the legion. Just after entering the camp, the order from the Storm Empire came over.

General Maria, according to the investigation by the Ministry of Defense of the Holy Storm Empire, the giant skeleton is extremely destructive and has posed a serious threat to the security of the empire. You are requested to obtain the skeleton sample within a short time.

It belongs to the Ministry of National Defense. Obviously, this group of bosses don’t know what giant skeletons are. Such information is not in a hurry, because Gold Shining Town will publish the daily war report soon. At that time, she only needs to copy a part of it, and then send two giant skeletons. skeleton.

Let the magic legion enter a state of war, and send orders to the title powerhouses, asking them to guard Kabul and Paladin's raids 24 hours a day, and strictly block my whereabouts.

Maria gave the order quickly, and Karen gave the extremely limited time, so they must meet before dark.

As she expected, at noon, Gold Town announced the war report, and there was also a specific scene of the battle.

When she saw the giant skeletons roaming wantonly in the sea of ​​flames, Maria also had to sigh that this unit was special.

To be honest, giant skeletons are not worth mentioning in front of magic, but in the wilderness where magic power is extremely weak, this huge and powerful unit is very popular.

General Maria, your giant pig has been received. The Ministry of National Defense is very satisfied with your due diligence, and specially appointed you as the garrison ambassador in the southwest of the wilderness to assist in all things in the wilderness.

The Empire requires you to purchase 20 giant skeleton samples in one day.

Looking at the two urgent letters from the Holy Storm Empire,

Maria shook her head. At some point, her legion helped the empire purchase arms.

I really can't imagine how the Holy Storm Empire would react if Karen brought in the troops from the Black Sea.

, Thinking of Karen's magic, I couldn't help but think of the wonderful days when the two were together.

Boss, are you alright? the chief guard asked with concern.

No, what happened to me just now?

You're giggling. The chief guard said suspiciously, just now she saw a foolish smile on Maria, and it wasn't the first time since she came back from the Golden Lion Fortress.

Nonsense, I was thinking about something. Maria felt that it was necessary to lure this confidant away. If she was not careful, she might expose the fact that she was not a girl. You must know that the Holy Storm Empire controls the marriages of their generals. She is extremely strict, and if she knows about her and Karen, it will definitely be a big storm.

The legion needs a batch of magic crystal cannons. The empire promised to support a batch, but there is not enough for us to use. At the same time, the elves and the winged tribe also need magic weapon support. Now we have some pennies on hand. We have to buy a lot, please. Take a trip to the Empire.

The head of the guard frowned. This kind of military procurement is usually in charge of the supply officer. She is only responsible for Maria's private orders, and at the same time protects Maria's safety.

Boss, I have to follow you.

Maria shook her head, I have a secret mission to deal with recently, and it's a top-secret mission.

As soon as the word top secret mission came out, the chief guard knew that he was out of luck. The word top secret meant that only Maria knew it.

After the other party left, Maria let out a long breath. Sometimes it is a good thing to have a trustworthy subordinate, but if the subordinate knows herself too well, it may not be so good.

After settling the internal affairs of the legion, and explaining the mobilization and defense of the troops, Maria took two casual clothes and sorted out the perfume necessary for women, and sneaked back to the Golden Lion Fortress.

Before she and she left, there was another long line on the square of the Golden Lion Fortress. The end of the long line was a small pavilion, on which was clearly written Purchase of Giant Skeleton Soldiers.

At this moment, everyone in the long queue is eagerly looking forward to it.

What a genius in business. Maria secretly sighed, looked at a giant ship in the distance, and followed it.

I'm not late. Maria wanted to say hello casually, but when she saw that there were two strangers beside Karen, her expressions turned cold. One was crippled and the other was a woman, especially that woman. The coldness in her bones was like a kind of It is so charming, she is disgusted that there is a woman next to Karen now, at least wait until the two of them pass the honeymoon period.

No, by the way, this is Kidd, and this is Katnina, pirate. Karen introduced, You should have information about the main force of this voyage.

Nice to meet you, General Maria. Kidd stepped forward to greet him, I've never seen you dressed so beautifully.

Katharina on the side didn't say anything, just stared at Maria.

The two women looked at each other like fighting cocks, as if sparks were about to burst out anytime and anywhere.

Karen didn't want any jealousy to happen on the boat, and he had nothing to do with Katerina at all, Maria, this Black Sea mission is important, and I have something special to tell you. Turning around, she said directly to her room to go.

As soon as Maria entered the door, she rushed forward like a lunatic.

Wait, what were you doing just now? Karen pushed the other side away and asked in a cold voice.

It's nothing, that woman is not simple, I feel the aura of the royal family, she should be from a certain empire. Maria said unceremoniously, Don't worry, I won't spoil your good deeds, I'm not your wife , just lovers, right?

These Karen didn't know how to blame each other, They belong to the Pirate Alliance, Katarina is special, and the Black Sea environment is chaotic, I need experienced robbers as guides, you should also establish a good relationship with them, don't take yourself As the head of the legion, we are not even a small ant in the Black Sea.

Understood, why are you so wordy. Without giving Karen a chance to react, she rushed forward.

Katerina and Kidd looked at the doorway where the two disappeared, secretly wondering, it was unusual for Maria to be in casual clothes, let alone disappear for so long.

What worried them even more was whether such a legion commander would have other intentions when he stepped in.

Karen controlled the southwest of the wilderness, and Maria controlled the eastern part of the wilderness. Together, the two occupied more than half of the wilderness, and the combined weight was not light.

Be careful. Kidd whispered.

Don't worry, the Black Sea is the top priority. We need to use Karen's strength to establish a garrison. Katerina warned, Don't reveal our intentions, remember to restrain yourself.

It took an hour for the two of them to finish their private affairs. Maria came out first, changing into a black one-piece dress, with a slender figure like a black swan.

Karen also changed into a new jazz suit, found a chair and sat down,

Kidd glanced at it, and seemed to notice something, but he didn't say anything. Karen personally invited him to go to the Black Sea this time, and Karen needed them to do a good job in the construction of the Black Sea base.

And they can give priority to obtaining special arms from Gold Flash Town. As pirates, they also need advanced technology and resources in the Black Sea.

It would be absolutely fantastic if we could use the power of the Golden Town to open up the situation in the Black Sea.

Your Excellency Karen, Ms. Maria, I am very glad to be able to cooperate with you. On behalf of the Sea Island Alliance, I would like to extend my greetings to both of you. Kidd stood up and complimented.

I am also very happy to explore the Black Sea with you. Maria replied coldly.

Karen smoothed things over, I should be the one to thank. It is my honor to have the strong support of Mr. Kidd and the head of the Maria Legion. With the support of the two, this trip to the Black Sea will surely achieve something.

Karen was very fortunate that at least Maria's attitude had eased a bit. He didn't want a dangerous journey to cause trouble due to internal discord.

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