First Law

Chapter 109 Battle of Balahuazi City

The night is quiet, such a night is very normal in the wasteland.

The strong wind dominates the sky, the severe cold presses the surface, and the creatures are huddled in the burrows to keep warm by the faint firelight.

But at this moment, the barbarian tribe, the Wolf Fang Camp, a group of heavily armed giant pigs are advancing rapidly, and facing the Wolf Fang tribe is a city-state built of granite, and the magic shield is glowing like a star. , the shadows of life activities can be faintly seen in the luster.

Balahuazi City!

The city-state closest to the barbarian tribe in the northern part of the wilderness belongs to Palatine and is the second largest city-state under its command.

Langya stared closely at the flickering fire in front of him, and then at the giant pig crawling behind him, as if he could already foresee the next scene.

The city-state in front of him has a mage with the title of thunder and lightning field, plus a magic squad under Paladin's command, and the rest are normal ordinary infantry in the wasteland.

Spike looked at Gutulu who was not far away. After Griffin left the legion, this Pig was honored to be the commander of the first army commander in Gold Town. Afraid, what you see on this Pig's face is not laziness, but a death-like ruthlessness.

A pig wants to be the first in the legion in a place like Gold Town. If he doesn't have two brushes, it really doesn't make sense. Just from the giant pigs lying quietly on the ground, it can be seen that, How strict this match is with his subordinates.

Spike took a deep breath. He didn't do anything this time. The reason why he came here was to see how the gold-shielding town was fighting, because Karen promised that he could pull out the nail inserted into the barbarian's heart before dawn.


A low-pitched horn sounded, and Lang Fang knew that he was about to act.

Sure enough, there was a sound of 'dong dong dong' from every piggy, as if some kind of order, those lazy piggies stood up together as if they had been injected with a potion of madness, their eyes were blood red instantly, There was a faint red light on the fur, like some kind of totem technique.

Langya took two steps back intentionally, and in an instant, he felt the ground rumble and vibrate, and the rhythm of the drums became extremely violent, like a summer rainstorm, in the sound of thump, thud, the giant pig started charge.


Balahuazi City in the distance noticed this kind of giant. A figure in a silver robe waited on the city wall, and when he waved his staff, there was a burst of lightning and thunder, and the lightning quickly rushed into every giant pig under the conduction of the ground. in the armor.

Hey! Wolf Fang sighed. Any fool knows that steel is the best conductor of lightning, but Karen is equipped with an armor made of pure steel. It's a group of moving targets.


With a sudden impact, a giant piggy slammed into the city wall driven by inertia, and the hill-like figure fell down like a collapsed puppet.

Hey! Langya sighed again, he still looked highly on Karen's soldiers, he acknowledged Karen's outstanding business talent, but his military ability was too weak, and he wanted to break through a city with such brute strength , is simply the most stupid and stupid way, and it doesn't work.

But Langya's thoughts hadn't settled yet, and there was another burst of bangs, and those giant pigs rushed to the city wall like a fool.

One, two, three, four!

Langya watched helplessly as all the giant pigs rushed to the city wall,

Seeing that the protective cover that can resist the magic crystal cannon appeared cracks, the cracks spread on the cover, and finally shattered like glass, crunching all over the sky.


With two hurried horns, those piggies who almost passed out suddenly stood up, and rushed towards Balahuazi City under the guidance of the horns and drums.

Shouting, fainting, pain!

The originally peaceful city-state was instantly reduced to a purgatory, and the first to bear the brunt was the title-level mage. Before this being could put down his wand, he was lifted up high by the pig's head, and was trampled into flesh the moment he landed. cake.


Thunder and lightning flashed in the air, which was the counterattack launched by the Thunder Mage team. They tried to let these giant pigs know how powerful they were with their terrifying spells.

In their impression, it only takes a few whips to make these giant pigs obey, but now they are obviously wrong. In an instant, the red light on the surface of the Piggy Pig will flicker.

Just like this, the group of piggies will survive from the lightning, and they will become more and more fierce.

This group of giant pigs seems to have overcome their weakness of timidity and cowardice. What they are afraid of is only the drumbeats of the pigs on their bodies. They are afraid that they will be slaughtered if they don't obey the command.

These big guys rushed left and right in Balahuazi City, and charged directly at any place where there was lightning emission.

Langya couldn't help smiling wryly, he had never seen such an unreasonable war in the wasteland for so many years.

Relying on a little magic resistance to rampage against a city-state, indeed, the heads of these big guys are like steel, capable of blasting through the solid city walls.

Langya knows that tomorrow will be an extraordinary day, and this battle will become a classic battle in the wasteland. Sometimes tactics are not needed in war, and some powerful units are sometimes enough to win by fighting hard.

A whole night, a cold night, without the protection of the magic shield, the city of Balahuazi completely became a prison of ice.

When the sun shone on Balahuazi City again, all I saw were broken eaves and broken walls, and corpses strewn across the field.

When Baladin's liaison officer came to the bottom of Balahuazi City, he was stunned for an instant. He didn't dare to go into the city to investigate, and turned back directly.

Balahuazi City was shattered.

Although this is only a small city-state, it is the first city-state to be extinct since the confrontation of the wasteland.

It's unbelievable. I passed by Balahuazi City the day before yesterday.

That's right, it's broken when you say it, isn't there a strong man with a title sitting there?

Who has this ability, it can't be Kabul.

When everyone was still speculating about the murderer behind the war, a report from the wilderness spread directly, and the content was exactly the course of the entire war.

From the preparation phase at the beginning of the siege, to the mid-term confrontation phase and the final massacre phase, every process is terribly detailed.

Piggy Pig Rider, is it that strong?

It must be fake, it's the way those human sellers fool us.

No one believed it. After all, giant pigs have been popular in the wasteland for many years. It is not that they have never thought of taking advantage of these big guys, but this group of giant pigs has inherited the timid personality of pigs. As long as there is a little fright, they will scatter uncontrollably. Not to mention that fleeing has no effect on the war, it has become a burden instead.

Even the orcs would never consider giant pigs as war cavalry, but the report from within the town of Gold Flash cannot be false. At the same time, some historical explorers have also proved that the war It was indeed the work of Piggy Rider.

I can't believe it, there must be something wrong with these guys.

Is this report really published by the town of Gold?

Nonsense, didn't you see Karen's autograph below?

From time to time they didn't believe it, they really couldn't believe it. Every tribal leader on the wasteland looked at this information and shook their heads.

Maria called together all the generals urgently, Everyone, tell us, if Karen lets these group of giant pig knights attack us, will they be able to defend themselves?

Yes, the magic crystal cannon can blast through the defense of these knights. A non-commissioned officer said, The most terrifying thing is not their impact power, but the ability to make surprise attacks in the wasteland. These piggies have been strengthened, and their fur can I find it difficult to resist the severe cold on the ice sheet if we raid at night.

Boss, the giant piggy has already threatened us. The conflict between us and Karen is inevitable. Now I think we should be ready to deal with it.

Maria lowered her head, the impact of this war was too great, she never thought that she could fight like this, and let a group of big guys rush over without any technical means.

But imagine, if Karen has enough piggies, and if she has so many magic crystal cannons to resist, what will happen in the battle.

She didn't think she could live in peace with Karen, since the occupation of the wasteland east, the two were doomed to confront each other.

Maria was in trouble, while on the other side, Paladin also frowned.

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