First Law

Chapter 108 The Follow-up Response Slowly

No matter how many doubts and difficulties there are, when Karen decides to build the Golden Lion Fortress, the entire Gold Shining Town must serve this goal unconditionally.

At any time, only one person has the final say on the development of a territory.

Karen looked at everyone present, and now he asked these people to give him advice and come up with a definite plan of action.

This is a bit like a tyrant, but judging from the benefits of the Golden Harbor, the tyrant's policy can often play a decisive role at critical moments.

At least it can point out the direction, now Karen is the arrow.

Although Griffin still didn't understand Karen and Martin's feelings, he had to follow the order to start looking for soldiers in Gold Shining Town, build a camp on the ruins of the Golden Lion Fortress, and start the cleanup work after the flood on the same day .

Churchill also had to mobilize funds, drawing part of the already planned full bill expenditure as the start-up funds for the Golden Lion Fortress.

No one dared to imagine that Karen would directly choose to start the Golden Lion Fortress project after confronting Kabul, Baladin, and Maria, and he was so determined.

After handing over the big one to Philips, Karen went to the abandoned fortress in person at noon that day.

On the first day after Karen arrived, Maria announced that she would become the ruler of the wasteland east, unite the elves, the winged tribe and some tribes to form the wasteland east alliance, from the east of Desa City to all the areas of Blue Mountain City, Maria will directly control .

This is not just nonsense. On the day when the announcement was issued, three title-level mages and one outstanding title-level existence of the Holy Storm Empire arrived at the new station, and organized the already scattered Blue Mountain Legion into shape. All obstacles in the wild east.

And from the ice field in the north to the Qatar City area in the south, Maria opened up an independent trade route to continuously transport the ore on the ice field to the hinterland of the human race.

At noon that day, a nine-story storm mage tower stood erect. The flashing eye of the storm on the top of the mage tower frantically absorbed all the storms on the wasteland, and became a terrifying weapon far surpassing the magic crystal cannon.

On the second day after Maria took full control of the east, the steward of the Palatine announced that he would annex all the areas of Belluman and become the lord of the north.

A high tower that had long been buried in the ground rises up, and the violent thunder and lightning can be seen recklessly even at night, especially the mage troops in the lightning tower began to crazily slaughter the northern tribes in the wilderness.

In Desa City, the formation of golden bats was fully exposed, and at the same time, the half-demon formation with a small flame burning its tail took over the defense of Desa City. In the north of Desa City, a pyramid-like dark building exudes a gloomy cold light. And at the top of the pyramid is facing a scarlet star, like a blood-sucking eye, continuously absorbing the energy from the bottom of the wasteland.

Obviously, Desa City has mastered the method of using this wasteland, and on the day the pyramid appeared, it directly wiped out the approaching Paladin Thunder Guards.

The wilderness began to show its edge, and only the southwest of the wilderness, which had always been active, calmed down.

All the tribal leaders in the southwestern part of the wilderness were closely watching the movement of Gold Glitter Town. Now that they were completely tied to a warship with Karen, everyone knew that the wasteland was about to be reshuffled.

With the break between Baladin and Kabul, and Maria stepping into the wilderness openly, it's hard to say how many forces can survive. Now they can only rely on Karen's blessing.

The Master of the title of the Blue Mountain Legion secretly raided the city of Desa,

But it didn't take any advantage.

The Baradin mage troops began to contact the ice tribes, and it is suspected that some ice warriors were introduced.

The second batch of magic crystal cannons has arrived at Maria's camp. With the support of magic crystal weapons, Maria will expand her control over the wasteland.

The Holy Storm Emperor is actively adjusting the wasteland policy. He believes that the chaos in the wasteland needs the human race to calm down, and only the human race can calm down those troublesome robbers.

The Sea Clan began to increase their troops in the north of Gold Flash Town, to cope with the increasingly chaotic trend in the wasteland.

The trade in Gold Flash Town has entered a stable period. The fifth batch of ore transactions has been completed. It is suspected that the trade with East India has entered a honeymoon period.

The trade of the title-level building Golden Port began to increase in an orderly manner, which will become the center point of the wasteland's future economy.

There was chaos in the north of Desa City, and a semi-arsonist demon appeared. This group of fusion demons with tails flickering with flames can freely launch fireballs. This is a natural fire mage.

Every day, countless information spread in the wasteland, and then spread endlessly to the ice field, the human race, the sea race and the beast race plateau.

As a new central point, it is also a buffer zone for wars of several races. Without the constraints of Kabul and Paladin, the wasteland began to explode like popcorn.

They need to choose the right spokesperson in the wasteland.

Karen looked at the cleared space, looked at the two Arctic Bells in white fur behind him, and shook his head. These two are ice messengers, and they asked Karen to cooperate with them as much as possible. At the same time, the trade route from the ice sheet to the Golden Harbor will be handed over to both parties for joint operation.

In return, the ice field will support Karen's ore business, and at the same time, if necessary, they can provide Karen with certain ice warriors and warlocks.

Undoubtedly, this cooperation is very attractive, but this kind of door-to-door deal often comes with a big trap. Now that the wasteland is in such a mess, new things emerge every day.

Even the town of Gold Glitter is constantly integrating new things to supplement the legion. Desa City, Maria, and Paladin, these guys entrenched in the wasteland have begun to come up with real things.

Karen didn't care how many things they had, but he knew that now was not the time for a contest. The foundation of Shining Gold Town was too weak, and it was almost the weakest among the four forces.

He doesn't need the guarantee of these people, let alone send out the hard-earned business routes. In his opinion, this kind of business of ore supply is not a threat at all.

The ice field is not monolithic, and many people eagerly want to send ore to Karen's territory.

It's very simple, transported through the port, the demand is very high, and as many Karen as there are can basically eat.

Unlike the channel just opened by Maria, which only solves part of the ore business in a small area, the ore market of the human race for the wasteland itself is far from mature, and the human race is better at magic crystal technology, the means of making money It is often through excellent alchemy techniques, rather than doing such low-priced transactions.

They would rather Iceland set up a smelter by itself and let those cheap Iceborne souls help them make money. In their eyes, the real value of the territory controlled by Maria is slave transportation. Make a lot of money, and at the same time, there will be more funds to support Maria.

No one would do business purely in the wasteland, that would be courting death, because you don't know when your factory will be robbed by robbers.

No order, no security, and no morality, this is what businessmen fear most.

What I want is the weapon of the wasteland warlock. This is Karen's only bargaining chip, and it is also a condition that cannot be refuted.

Warlocks are the masters of the iceland spirits. They can seal spells in ordinary objects through various magical techniques, such as explosive bones, plague heads, and curse bracelets. These things are loved by many creatures, but unfortunately they have been firmly controlled by warlocks. On the ice field.

Your Excellency Karen, I have come here with the sincerity of the leader of the ice field. You are desecrating the sacred objects of our ice field, and you will get the retribution you deserve. After negotiating with Karen for a long time, the two envoys had no choice but to They left without shaking their sleeves. They had never seen such an unreasonable lord, and they didn't give any chance to take advantage.

Karen smiled. If two days ago, he would have welcomed this kind of visit three points, but until these envoys who came down from the ice field asked Karen to hand over the trade route one by one, he knew that it was a group of A hungry wolf more terrifying than wasteland robbers.

These creatures in the wilderness are not stupid barbarians as imagined, on the contrary, they will confuse you with their simple and honest appearance, and then start to make some terrible conditions for granted.

For example, the just-mentioned part of the operation right of the trade route was handed over to a certain tribe in the ice field. This kind of trick has been performed seven times in three days. After knowing the huge ore throughput of the Golden Port, this group of people seemed to smell fishy. Like Forbes, he rushed towards Karen like crazy.

Karen lowered his head and looked at his mage shoes full of mud. He didn't even know that he had been staying on the site of the Golden Lion Fortress for half a month.

For half a month, he didn't go back to the Gold Shining Town, and he didn't give a decent order. He just cleared the wreckage of the Golden Lion Fort bit by bit with the refugees left behind by the Golden Lion Fortress.

It was like clearing the memory of Martin King in his mind bit by bit. Although he didn't want to admit it, the facts told him that a dead person would never come back to life.

How are you getting ready?

Kabul came over and nodded solemnly, Everything is ready, boss, is the plan starting?

Karen glanced at the sky, and his eyes slowly fell to the giant piggies not far away that were ready to be dressed. At this moment, those giant pigs that were comparable to mountains were covered with thick clothes Dark iron armor.

It's time for these big guys to show their faces in the wasteland.

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