First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2172: 1 catch the net and collect the golden silkworm

Victory with strength is foolish, and wisdom overcomes with wisdom!

There is no calculation for the masters of the world, your fist is hard, there will always be harder and stronger than your fist.

The divine light in Zhang Bairen's eyes, the law of cause and effect fluctuated in his hands, gently disturbing the secret of heaven.

Three breaths!

Disturbed the three breaths of heaven

Although the time for the three breaths is not long, it is already ten million li for the golden silkworm. Zhang Bairen ran in front, and the golden silkworm naturally chased up from behind. In an instant, thousands of miles, plunged into the universe map.

"Small, even if you are as oily as water, and you are so powerful, don't you want to drink my ancestor's foot wash?" Zhang Bairen's eyes showed disdain.

The palm of the hand stretched out and was about to put away the universe map, but the next moment I saw the golden light on the horizon flickering, and another twelve-winged golden silkworm flapped its wings, and its aura was more domineering than the previous one.

"Two?" Zhang Bairen was stunned, feeling fortunate. Fortunately, the golden silkworm could not help flying out after sensing the disappearance of his companion's energy. Otherwise, he was afraid that he would return without success today, and said he would not cause a big disturbance.

The golden silkworm flicked his fingers for tens of thousands of miles, blinked to Zhang Bairen, and then Zhang Bairen turned and ran towards the Universe Map without saying a word.

"Ant, where is my husband?" The golden silkworm's voice carries a special frequency and a strange law, which seems to make people fall into a deep sleep, and can't help but stop and freeze.

"Huh?" Zhang Bairen was taken aback: "Could it be a pair of golden silkworms?"

Nian Zhuan, has entered the world map.

In the universe

At this time, the male golden silkworm looks anxious and looks like a headless flies. He usually strays in this world. When he sees Zhang Bairen's figure, he is overjoyed and shouts: "Bastard, don't come quickly!"

The golden silkworm was not a fool, and it knew everything within a hundred thousand miles of it. At this moment, looking at the strange world in front of you, it was not calculated by others?

To get out of here, Zhang Bairen could only be captured.

Looking at the big hand grabbed by the twelve-winged golden silkworm, Zhang Bairen smiled disdainfully: "Idiot, your wife is here, just to reunite your husband and wife."

After the words fell, Zhang Bairen's figure disappeared, and the figure of the female golden silkworm appeared in the field.

"Husband!" Looking at the male golden silkworm, the female golden silkworm cried.

"Asshole, why did you come in? This place is a world of its own, we were calculated by that kid!" Gong Jincan was angry.

"Ah?" The female golden silkworm transformed into a human form, looking at the small world in front of her: "Husband, let's take a shot together and tear this world apart. How can we trap you and me in a small world that is not yet perfect?"

outside world

Zhang Bairen made a move with the palm of his hand, the Universe Map fell in his hand, listened to the dialogue in the Universe Map, smiled coldly, and threw the Universe Map directly under the mountain: "It depends on your ability to wait and want to get out of me. small world."

After the words fell, he ignored the golden silkworm couple. Instead, he turned and walked towards the depths of the mountain, with a little light in his eyes: "Interesting! Interesting!"

Seeing that Zhang Bairen was about to approach the core, the next moment there were frantic voices in the void, dozens of golden lights rushed into the sky and killed Zhang Bairen.

"It turned out not to be a pair of golden silkworms, but a nest of golden silkworms! It's also interesting! It's very interesting!" Zhang Bairen smiled, his sleeves stretched out to cover the sky, and the sky full of golden silkworms was collected with just one finger. net.

Coming to the nest of the golden silkworm, I saw a silk cocoon that was a thousand feet high and ten feet wide.

"This is the nest made by golden silkworm silk!" Zhang Bairen showed a sense of caution in his eyes, and saw the golden silk thread flowing continuously, the light of law turbulent.

This is not ordinary golden silk, but the immortal silk spit out by the **** silkworm, which is enough to repair the human king flag.

As soon as the palm of the hand was stretched, the light of the law in the hand flowed, and the whole nest was uprooted by it and fell into the universe of the sleeve.

Glancing at the 100,000-mile land where the essence is almost condensed, Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of greed: "If I can swallow this place for good fortune, the small world will inevitably go further, and more creatures and more vegetation will emerge from it. ."

When the words fell, Zhang Bairen suddenly opened his mouth, turbulent for a hundred thousand miles, and the spirit of the vast and endless world was like a sea of ​​rivers and rivers, and it flowed violently into his mouth.

One breath

Two breaths

Three breaths


After fifteen breaths, Zhang Bairen closed his mouth suddenly, and clicked his mouth. All the essence of this place was absorbed by him, and the clouds and mist covering the earth disappeared.

Zhang Bairen smiled. Although he has never seen the changes in the inner world, he also knows that his inner world will inevitably go to the next level.

Sweeping the world in front of him, although all the essence and foundation have been absorbed by him, it is still a spiritual land, a rare heaven and blessing.

After all, after five thousand years of heaven and earth, and the birth of gods, it is a rare treasure, with all kinds of laws imprinted in it.

With a flick of his finger, the yin and yang were reversed to deceive this heavenly secret, so as not to be noticed that the golden silkworm is no longer there. If the Kyushu enchantment is broken and reserved for its own use, how can it make those barbarians cheaper?

Sooner or later, if Kyushu is to become a place of right and wrong, it needs to leave behind. If you can survive the catastrophe in the future, it is naturally good, and nothing needs to be said. If you can't resist, you can only relocate.

Distorted, disappeared in the wild land, and returned to Zhuo County, Zhang Bairen came to the secret room, and flew out with a flick of his finger, occupying most of the underground secret room.

Zhang Bairen stroked the silk cocoon in his hand, with a weird smile in his eyes, and pinched a wonderful trick: "Peel the cocoon!"

It was created by Lei Zu!

Lei Zu was the wife of Emperor Huang, who created silkworms to make clothes.

Zhang Bairen used his magic trick, and saw the **** silk flying out one after another, weaving continuously in his hands.

"Huh~" Zhang Bairen suddenly stopped his hands, frowning slowly, and a solemn light appeared in his eyes: "This pair of golden silkworms is really not easy, even the void can eat!"

Under the mountain

Floating universe

Even if it loses the power of the law, the golden silkworm's instinct to swallow everything is still there.

Zhang Bairen walked slowly to the foot of Buzhou Mountain. With a flick of the universe map, he released the two golden silkworms, revealing a dignity in his eyes, and took the universe map back.

"Boy, you are not from the Jiuli tribe, who would you dare to be an enemy of me? When I go out, you have to cut your corpse into pieces!" Gong Jincan's eyes are full of mania, murderous intent. Struggling and tossing under the mountain of Bu Zhou, but still unable to move.

At this time, the female golden silkworm looked at Zhang Bairen with a grim expression, her eyes showing thoughtfulness.

"Your Excellency has fallen into my hands, why are you still so stiff?" Zhang Bairen put away the map of the universe in time, and then scanned the pair of golden silkworms: "I am actually curious. Five thousand years ago, the two were just ordinary exotic golden silkworms. In a short period of five thousand years, what is meant by the two-dimensional evolution to this point."

The two golden silkworms were silent, but struggled constantly, trying to find a way to get out of trouble.

With a wave of Zhang Bairen's big sleeves, dozens of small golden silkworms knocked and flew randomly in his hands, and various shouts of curses continued to sound.

"Despicable, let me out, let's fight for three hundred rounds!"

"Asshole, you dare to imprison me, my ancestor, today I will tell you to die without a burial place!"

"Boy, when my father comes back, I have to let your soul fly away!"


The golden silkworms danced in the palm of the world, constantly yelling at Zhang Bairen, their voices full of anger and anger, but they had never noticed the outside world.

Looking at the dozens of golden silkworms in Zhang Bairen's hand, the male golden silkworm stood up in shock, his expression furious: "Boy, you dare to catch my heir, is it bored?"

"Let go of them quickly, or the ancestors will tell you to die without a place to bury you!" There was a touch of manic murderous intent, nervousness, and worry in the female golden silkworm's eyes, but more brutal!

Very cruel!

Zhang Bairen smiled lightly. Hearing that he just looked at the two golden silkworms with disdain, and then slowly stretched out his hand, **** the light of the innate **** of thunder brewing in his palm: "Two, I don’t need to say more, the power of thunder is not Unfamiliar? Although the innate alien species is difficult to kill and almost has the power of immortality, but innate thunder punishment is the nemesis of all living beings."

" This is impossible! Innate thunder punishment is the authority of the world, how can you be controlled by a mortal fetus?" The female golden silkworm was shocked at this time.

"The two are suppressed by me. If you choose to surrender to me, then everything will stop. If you dare to hesitate a little..." Zhang Bairen looked down at the universe in his palm. I will kill your descendants first, and then I will cramp you and squeeze your soul!"

"Stop! Don't hurt my son!" The two golden silkworms exclaimed together, their eyes full of panic.

The golden silkworms are naturally different species, and it is extremely difficult to reproduce their blood. What's more, two golden silkworms are now almost beyond most of the innate gods, so powerful is almost incredible! It is even more difficult to give birth to children. The two gods have almost lost the ability to give birth to children. These dozens of small golden silkworms are descended from before they were enlightened. They are the treasures of the couple in the daily life. I am afraid of turning, and I am afraid of scaring when I put it on my head.

At this moment, seeing the terrifying thunder penalty in Zhang Bairen's palm and the panicked little golden silkworm, his heart was immediately broken.

At this time, being suppressed at the foot of Bu Zhou Mountain, the husband and wife, even if they had supernatural powers against the sky, still couldn't use them, so they could only be mermaid.

"Don't do it. If you have something to discuss, you can change the terms. It is impossible to ask my husband and wife to surrender to you!" The male Jincan smiled coldly, and the blood was boiling in his eyes. Zhang Bairen had no doubts. , As long as these two golden silkworms are free, the next moment they will tear themselves into dust and turn them into ashes.

"Oh? But as long as you surrender, I only give you ten breaths. You can think about your own life! Whether you want your son or your freedom, or insist on your worthless arrogance!" Zhang Bairen sneered .

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