First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2171: The female?? get rid of the robbery and come to Nanban

Even though the sun **** fire burns its source, even if the sun **** fire burns the body, even if it is the next moment, the woman will still cling to her teeth and persist, her eyes full of determination.

"I mustn't waste my eldest brother's hard work! I wasted the origin of the eldest brother's law!" The woman's eyes were full of tenacity.

Black power constantly gushes out of his body, forming a large black cocoon, which firmly envelops it.

Zhang Bairen stood alone on the top of the mountain, looking at the solidified magma under his feet, and couldn't help but sigh softly, "I hope you can successfully escape!"

The wife's life was too bumpy and too bitter.

One day

Two days

Three days


On the seventh day, the solidified rock under his feet softened and turned into tumbling magma, and a slender and hazy figure slowly emerged from the magma.

The world and the beautiful mountains and rivers seem to be dimmed at this moment, being taken away from the color, Zhang Bairen can't help but stay in a daze, looking at the beautiful face in front of him, like a woman who has come out of the myth, with the mysterious and hazy of the vicissitudes of time, people can't help it. Revel in it.

A little golden sand shone on the center of the eyebrows, like a brilliant diamond, brighter than the nine-day scorching sun.

"Congratulations!" Zhang Bairen raised his hand and clasped his fist with a smile, his eyes full of playful abuse: "How do you feel now?"

"It seems to be reborn from the catastrophe, it's better than ever. The Taoism that has been suppressed for five thousand years has grown rapidly, and I can't wait to retreat now." The wives stared at Zhang Bairen with water-like eyes.

"You will retreat here, and I will go to Nanban to find the treasures left by Lei ancestors, repair the good man Wang Qi, and then talk about other things!" Zhang Bairen smiled.

The concubine nodded: "Brother cherish it!"

The female concubine turned and walked down the mountain, she wanted to save Emperor Xuanyuan!

When the female widow walked away, Zhang Bairen nodded slightly: "The female wives' background has been suppressed for five thousand years, and five thousand years have been accumulated, and the five thousand years of human feelings have been cold and warm, and their Taoism is extremely tough! This time, the perfect state of mind, repair In order to advance by leaps and bounds, the extent to which it will progress is unexpected."

After a while, Zhang Bairen's figure flashed, and he headed towards the Shiwan Dashan.

Southern Xinjiang

There are two southern Xinjiang, one is the outer southern Xinjiang, which refers to the outside of China. The second is Southern Xinjiang within Shenzhou, which is near the Shiwanda Mountain.

When Emperor Xuanyuan raised golden silkworms in southern Xinjiang outside China, Zhang Bairen passed the Shiwan Dashan all the way to the south, looking at the demon spirit rising from the Shiwan Dashan mountain, a dignified look appeared in his eyes, and after a while he said: "I don't have time to pay attention to these guys now. It's not too late for me to train as Wang Qi and solve the disaster of the Yin Cao Jifu!"

Zhang Bairen can feel that there is a big secret hidden in the hundred thousand mountains, a big secret that is earth-shattering.

Zhang Bairen directly tore the Nine Provinces barrier all the way, and descended on the southern boundary. Whether it was the monsters in the past or the people of the Jiuli tribe, they all ignored him.

When the cultivation base reached his realm, it was already mysterious and mysterious, and the cultivator would not be able to detect his trace.

"What a weird southern Xinjiang!" Zhang Bairen frowned when he stepped out of China and entered southern Xinjiang. He looked at the great mountains and rivers of southern Xinjiang, the essence of the sun and the moon was falling, the atmosphere of the mountains and the trees, the aura of various essences The qi is almost condensed into the essence, constantly flowing back and forth between the mountains and forests, but the strange thing is that there is no sun god, great demon of the highest realm, and practice.

There is no strong person in the area of ​​100,000 miles. A hundred thousand miles away, there are sporadic human tribes living here, maybe there are three or two demon kings and Jiuli tribes living here.

"There is a weird place here! But according to the map, it is right here!" Zhang Bairen put away the jade slips left by Guang Chengzi, thought a little bit in his heart, then shook his figure and turned into a nineteen Li monk, and landed not far away. Outside the gate of the Jiuli tribe.

"Who comes to my'sprite' tribe!" Zhang Bairen never concealed his traces. Just as he fell down, he saw a woman with lines and paint on her body standing ten feet in front of him, and the woman's figure bulged forward and turned back. , But because there are dense lines on the face and skin, the face is not real, only a beautiful figure can be seen.

"This sister is polite. I am a monk from the Yi tribe. I went to southern Xinjiang to experience. Today, I see the energy rushing into the sky. It is a rare feng shui treasure land, a place of good fortune. I don't know where this treasure is sacred and whether I can visit one or two. ?" Zhang Bairen pointed to the 100,000-mile boundary behind him.

The woman was stunned when she heard the words: "It turns out to be the brother of the Yuyi tribe. My name is'Huan'. I don't know how the brother is called?"

"My name is'mu'" Zhang Bairen said calmly.

"It turns out to be Brother Mu. Brother must have gone out for the first time, but I don't know where the danger is! This place looks like a fairy family auspicious, the light inside is rising, there are endless good fortune nurturing, it is a rare place for cultivation, but inside But it is gestating a fierce thing" Huan's eyes showed a dignified look.

"I hope my sister will enlighten me" Zhang Bairen respectfully said.

The Huan in front of him has not yet proven the status of Yangshen. He is a mage in a small tribe. He is an ordinary man. Zhang Bairen added a little ecstasy between his words and talked, and he called ‘Huan’ to clean up all eight generations of his ancestors.

"It is said that there is a nest of golden silkworms here!" Huan whispered.

Zhang Bairen was stunned when he heard the words: "Golden silkworm? What is golden silkworm? What is the big culprit? I can slap to death by the Jiuli Clan with such existence."

"Xiongtai doesn't know that if it is an ordinary golden silkworm, it will naturally not be in our eyes. The golden silkworm here does not know what kind of good fortune it has, and has evolved into the legendary twelve-winged golden silkworm. Innate gods are also difficult to compete! This thing is quite difficult, and it also breeds a nest. Even if the immortal powerhouses of my major tribes do not want to provoke him, I let them occupy this place."

A dignified look appeared in Huan’s eyes: “It stands to reason that this place is a treasure of geomantic omen, it is a rare place for cultivation. I’m waiting for the Jiuli tribe to take it back, but these twelve-winged golden silkworms are too aggressive and domineering. The cover belt is invincible, and all the beasts that have grown into weather within this 100,000 li are eaten cleanly. The vitality of the place accumulates over time and does not dissipate. In addition, the great demon is constantly swallowing the sun and the moon, while the essence escapes. Only then did this treasure land be formed."

"So dangerous? Twelve-winged golden silkworm?" Zhang Bairen was stunned when he heard the words.

"Yes, brother, let's go back, this place will never be touched!" Huan's eyes are full of fear: "Don't say that the one hundred thousand li boundary is the 500,000 li ordinary boundary that is one hundred thousand miles away, all the way The strong were also cleanly eaten and fleeing by smelling the wind. Only people with low cultivation bases like me were not put in the eyes of the golden silkworm, so that my small tribe had a place to rest and rest, and I managed to escape. A catastrophe."

Zhang Bairen nodded when he heard the words: "It's so powerful, but fortunately I haven't rushed into it."

"Brother, you'd better go there, don't kill you."

"Thank you!" Zhang Bairen gave a fist to "Huan" and said, "Thank you sisters for your guidance. In the future, the road will be more than the Yi tribe. Even if you call me, the younger brother will definitely entertain her sister."

After the words fell, Zhang Bairen's figure disappeared without waiting for his reaction.

Although the twelve-winged golden silkworm is fierce and can swallow the innate gods, Zhang Bairen has all kinds of treasures in his body, but he doesn't take it in his heart.

Converging his vital energy, Zhang Bairen's figure descended on the scene and swept across 100,000 miles of land. With a flick of his fingers, he saw the void shaking. The universe map was held in his hand, and then the universe map grew long in the wind, and it melted into the void behind him. One.

"This picture of the universe is really a good treasure! A wonderful treasure!" Zhang Bairen praised, and the next moment the whole body was released without covering up, he walked towards the center with a swagger.

Before taking a few steps, I only heard a buzzing in the sky, like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, but I saw a golden light rushing into the sky, exuding the boundless power of the world, and rushed towards Zhang Bairen.

"Twelve-winged golden silkworm?" Zhang Bairen exclaimed in amazement, turning around and running away.

"Boy, ancestor, I can smell a sweet smell on you, how many years, ancestor, I have never eaten a golden body!" The voice of the twelve-winged golden silkworm turned into a accompanied by vibration With the sound of the wings, the golden silkworm fluttered three or two before arriving in front of Zhang Bairen.

"What!" Feeling the golden silkworm close at hand, only the size of an ordinary thumb, Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of shock.

He didn't release the water in the matter of escaping. The golden silkworm actually shuttled directly along the cracks in the space. Coupled with its unparalleled speed, the speed in the world is probably the top category.

The golden silkworm is not big, only the size of an ordinary calf. Compared with the monsters that are thousands of feet and a hundred feet high, it is relatively small, but its whole body is not weak. The immortal spiritual light is permeated. The golden silkworm's body law Constantly fluctuate.

"No wonder there is no one within 100,000 miles. The Jiuli people who like imperial beasts avoid the twelve-winged golden silkworms close at hand and no one cares about them. Who dares to approach such a fierce thing?" Zhang Bairen's law of cause and effect Circling, and then seeing the void fluctuations in the next moment, Zhang Bairen jumped out a thousand feet to avoid the golden silkworm hunting.

In terms of means and magical powers, Zhang Bairen naturally has a way to catch this golden toad, but in order to avoid alarming the reckless and powerful, or to avoid stunning the snake and making the golden silkworm run away, he still uses conspiracy and tricks.

The world of the universe map is close at hand, Zhang Bairen continues to rush forward. The twelve-winged golden silkworms have been here for many years, and they have developed lawless temperament. He rushed over without saying anything.

He hasn't encountered such a delicious food in thousands of years!

Although he is a twelve-winged golden silkworm, he can only defend his own territory. The Jiuli people in the outside world are not without strong people, and he does not dare to be too unscrupulous, and no one can get any benefit in conflict.

Now that delicious food comes to your door, how can you miss it?

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