First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2066: Elapsed time

Zhuojun City

City Lord Mansion

Zhuojunhou, wearing gray hair and ruddy complexion, sits in front of the patio. In front of him are steaming barbecues, mutton, beef, and even the meat of monsters, which are neatly placed in front of him. , The raging fire rose up, the bonfire turned into flames, burning the golden oil droplets on the charcoal fire, rolling up the flames.

Wearing a neat white shirt, he could smell the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus within ten steps. Zhang Bairen walked slowly into the city lord's mansion and saw the peaceful Zhuojunhou in front of him.

Although he still looks as if he is more than 40 years old, Zhang Bairen has already seen the declining vitality of Zhuo Junhou from the eyes of the law, running slowly like a bull pulling a cart.

"I have seen Lord Hou" Zhang Bairen stepped into the yard and gave a fist to Zhuojun Hou.

"I have seen the governor!" Zhuo Junhou never stood up, just chewed the beef in front of him, looking at Zhang Bairen with a little sorrow.

He didn't accuse Zhuojun's rudeness, because at this time Zhuojunhou was almost out of oil and the lamp was gone. As long as he stood up, his blood would immediately stagnate, and his breath would be cut off.

Yu Juluo and others walked into the courtyard one after another, Zhang Bairen sat opposite Zhuojunhou, Zhuojunhou had his magic seed in his body, and he didn't know much about Zhuojunhou's situation.

"In this life, Benhou did a foolish thing, and I would like to thank the governor for giving him the opportunity." Zhuojunhou looked at Zhang Bairen with a touch of emotion in his eyes.

He witnessed with his own eyes how the little boy who emerged from Mobei overwhelmed the heroes and dealt with the family and the major forces.

But he made the wrong choice and took the wrong path.

Zhang Bairen said nothing. He knew that Zhang Bairen was referring to what Zhuojun wanted to plot against Zhang Lihua in those days, that is, that day Zhuojun was planted by Zhang Bairen and became a puppet.

"The child is innocent. Although the old man was at fault, he also made great contributions to the governor and contributed his own strength to Zhuojun. I also hope that the governor will treat the young and old in my family kindly! This princess and Empress Xiao are close friends in my girlfriends For the sake of the deceased queen, Wang Dudu sent her to Linshuo Palace to accompany Princess Wencheng." Zhuojunhou's eyes were full of prayers.

"Quasi!" Zhang Bairen replied, "Zuoqiu Wuji!"

"Subordinates are here!" Zuo Qiu Wuji walked forward quickly.

"Did you write down what Zhuojunhou said?" Zhang Bairen didn't turn his head back.

"Determined as the governor to handle properly" Zuo Qiu Wuji said respectfully.

After hearing this, Zhuojun Hou smiled, stretched out his hand to cut off a piece of mutton, and handed it to Zhang Bairen's mouth: "This can be regarded as an apologize for the governor by Benhou!"

Zhang Bairen took the barbecue, but did not eat it in his hand.

"People are mortal, and the old man died without regrets, but unfortunately I can't see the future achievements of the governor!" Zhuo Junhou said, slowly took out a silk scarf to wipe the grease on his mouth, and then took the tea and rinsed his mouth. , A mouthful of water vapor spurted out, and the black hair all over her body turned into death in an instant, the vitality of vitality instantly solidified, and the heartbeat stopped abruptly:

"Take care!"

However, Zhuo Junhou seemed to shrink, slowly turning into a mass of withered corpses. His flesh was like a thousand-year-old fossil. Although it had become ill-formed, the diamond was immortal.

The atmosphere in the courtyard was quiet, and both eyes fell on Zhang Bairen. Zhang Bairen didn't seem to see Zhuojunhou passing away. He slowly tore the barbecue in his hand, and his eyes looked into the distant void. It took a long time to change that. The cold barbecue was slowly torn off and eaten one by one into the stomach.

I don’t know how long it took. Zhang Bairen finished the barbecue in his hand before he stood up slowly. A pair of eyes scanned the corpse of Zhuojunhou. With the stroke of his palms, he saw the spirit of Zhuojunhou’s body flew out and Zhang Bairen held it in his hand:

"Land Wind!"

"Subordinates are here" Lu Feng respectfully saluted.

"Send his soul to the Pure Land World, and ask the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to help him die and vote for a good family" Zhang Bairen said.

"According to orders" Lu Feng led Zhuojunhou's soul away.

"Thick Burial"

Zhang Bairen glanced at the corpse of Zhuojunhou for the last time, before he suddenly turned and left, disappeared among the mountains and disappeared.

The mountain wind was gusting, Zhang Bairen was blowing the mountain breeze, his eyes looked at the clouds and mist in the distance, and he remained silent for a long time.

"Why is it so sad all of a sudden?"

Yu Juluo and Zhang Xujiao came to Zhang Bairen and stood with him on the edge of the cliff, looking at the distant mountains.

"That is a passing era! In Zhuojun, all the things I am familiar with are dead except for you two!" Zhang Bairen was somewhat silent: "Zhuojunhou is the last one!"

Zhang Xuluo and Yujuluo were silent when he heard the words, Yujuluo knew that the era Zhang Bairen said was from his immature youth when he first came out of Mobei, and now there is only one Yujuluo who is familiar with.

As for Baiyun, at least one era late!

Zhuo Junhou was the last master of the Great Sui Dynasty. With the death of Zhuo Junhou, the era of the Great Sui Dynasty has completely passed away.

When you watched Da Sui finally slip away, Zhang Bairen felt sighed in his heart.

Years are a killer knife!

The Great Sui was killed, and a group of romantic figures were buried. Regardless of your martial arts superb Yuwen Chengdu, or the **** of war Li Jing who dances the waves, they are nothing more than a grain of sand under the big waves.

"Whenever I look back suddenly, the deaths of Wang Shichong, Dou Jiande, Du Fuwei and others, everything is still like last night!" Zhang Bairen tapped his fingers on the case table, his eyes looked towards the distant sky, and he took out a pot of wine from his sleeve. Handed Yu Juluo and Zhang Xuluo a wine glass.

Strictly speaking, Yu Juluo and Zhang Xujiao were also dead, but they were saved by Zhang Bairen's destiny.

This is the case with supernatural powers that are difficult to defeat the number of days!

"The human heart is easy to get old! Once the human heart is old, many things can be seen openly, the whole person will be distorted, just like the old antiques of the Taoist door, escape into the depths of reincarnation to avoid the world and cultivate and polish the golden body!" Kuro sighed, and then said after a long time: "Before the chief governor preached today, was he entrusting funeral affairs?"

Zhang Bairen remained silent and did not deny.

"Step into the heavens, never worry, there may not be anything wrong!" Zhang Xutuo shook his head.

Zhang Bairen was silent, but kept drinking.

"What are you going to do about the Qixi Festival? Really leave it alone? You must know the truth!" Zhang Xutuo took a sip of the drink.

"She was born with good clothes and good food, and she can't survive the poor life for long! If she can really survive the poor life, then it is regarded as true love, even if I step into the avenue of heaven and man, what can she do if I succeed?" Zhang Bairen Put down the wine jar: "It's just that Zhuojun, but I can't afford an outsider. This is the foundation laid by me waiting for my brothers to overcome the thorns and thorns, and I don't know how many times they have died. We share the glory and wealth. Li He talks about the grass people, what virtue is there? I am Zhuojun rich and honorable? Dominate the life and death of the people of Zhuojun?"

Zhang Bairen slowly put down the wine jar: "Yu Ju Luo, purpose!"

Yu Juluo was stunned when he heard the words, but listened to Zhang Bairen's words: "If I suffer an unexpected crisis on the day of the decisive battle, Zhuojun will be temporarily in charge of Xiaowen, assisted by Nalanjing, sisters of the Yang family, and the top ten generals. I will be reincarnated. Coming back, in the plan."

Yu Juluo was taken aback when he heard the words, but did not say anything against it, because Xiaowen was really good. He suffered all kinds of sufferings in the world at a young age, and suffered all kinds of sufferings in the world. Knowing the human affection and sophistication, it is indeed possible to inherit this promise.

"Three thousand incarnations of the governor, who can kill you? As long as you awaken the incarnation, Zhuojun will still be yours" Zhang Xutuo didn't care.

When the cultivation base reaches the realm of Yujuluo and Zhangxuluo, the glory and wealth and power are nothing but a passing glance, and it is not worth mentioning.

"The family of Zhuojunhou was treated preferentially" Zhang Bairen sighed, turned and disappeared into the mountain breeze.

"Back then I said to you, Lu Yu, and Mother Long that this child on Qixi Festival should not be spoiled, but you all spoiled her one by one. Once the chief governor steps into the avenue of heaven and man, how will we have a good life?" Zhang The beard complained to Yu Juluo.

Yu Juluo said angrily when he heard the words: "Hmph, do you still call me? I don't know who it is. You dote on the Qixi Festival all day long. You are the most doting, and you blame me for waiting."

"No matter what, I still want Qixi Festival to change his mind. Any love, hatred, and hatred are all empty, so that he will sink into lust. This life is ruined!" Zhang Xutuo knew that he had failed and immediately changed the subject.

"How do you change your mind?" Yu Juluo said.

"The governor also said that the Qixi Festival has been soaked in a honey jar. The fish eaten every day are the dragon descendants and grandchildren of the sea clan, the dragon species with true dragon blood. The lamb eaten is fed with immortal grass Ganoderma lucidum, and the rice is chanted by Taoists. After blessing, I was irrigated with real water. The sandalwood used is worth ten thousand gold, and I don’t know how many years I have honed. The water I drink is rootless spring; the palace where I live is carved with warm jade, covered with golden nan wood, and the bedding is velvet. Because the big demon is alive and pulled out one by one, the mosquitoes are not invaded by the warm winter and summer. How can you bear the suffering of the world on a day like the Qixi Festival?" Zhang Xutuo said with a smile: "Let's use some small tricks in the dark. Passing some slips forced Qixi and Li Hegu into a desperate situation, facing life and death, they had no choice but to bow their heads."

"Will it be too damaged? If you know about Tanabata in the I am afraid I will hate you!" Yu Juluo rubbed his teeth.

"Hehe, let's do it for her too! Li Hegu looks pretty good, with a little white face, but love is all illusory, everything is nothing but tea, rice, oil and salt, and there will be some suffering at that time! Clean and neat," Zhang Xutuo said with a smile.

"This is your house?"

On Qixi Festival, I looked at the leaky house of Lihe Gu’s house. Dilapidated spider webs could be seen everywhere in the house. Layers of dust continued to blow up. When I raised my head, I could even see the stars in the sky.

Li Hegu smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "I'm just a cowherd. It's not easy to live. How dare I ask for other things? It's just that my sister Qixi is wronged."

Qixi was silent, looking at the dusty stove, his eyes straightened.

ps: Thanks to the classmate "The Cat Who Can't Live Without Water" for the reward.

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