First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 2065: Pardon and decentralization

Never a poor adult!

Just like now, when she was born, she was at full level. Qixi, who was soaked in a honey jar, never cherished what she had, only thinking that everything was illusory.

Zhang Bairen squinted his eyes and looked at the back of Qixi Festival. The willow tree that had grown for a hundred years in front of him was turned into powder with the click.

"The Governor!"

Everyone in the courtyard looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, with a look of horror on their faces. Zhang Bairen, who was really angry, always made people shudder.

for a long time

Zhang Bairen stretched out his palm, and the willow tree turned into powder was reorganized, and it seemed that he had never suffered a catastrophe.

"According to my order, in the future, Qixi Festival is not allowed to mobilize any manpower in Zhuo County, and Qixi Festival is not allowed to spend half money in Zhuo County! Between this seat and Qixi Festival, the love between father and daughter will be cut off!" Zhang Bairen's words fell and turned away, disappearing into the vastness The world has disappeared.

A storm swept across the entire Shenzhou in an instant, causing countless forces to be pale.

Zhang Bairen and Qixi sever the relationship between father and daughter?

An earth-shattering storm begins!

"You will harm her if you do this! She doesn't know that the world is dangerous and life is hard. If you do this, you will only push her into the land of immortality." Na Lanjing came to Zhang Bairen and looked at Zhang Bairen's temples almost imperceptibly. Her few strands of white hair are hidden under her black hair, making her look so young forever.

"Oh? Really?" Zhang Bairen shook his head: "I pushed her into a place where no one can recover. Who will save me from heaven and man?"

"As a Zhuojun princess, enjoying the treatment that princes and grandchildren have never received, you must shoulder your own mission! Take up your own responsibilities instead of indulging in the love of your children. He looks like this, how can I feel relieved? The county handed it over to her!" Zhang Bairen slowly closed his eyes and faced the mountain breeze that was blowing in his face. After a long time, he said, "That's it!"

"Did you still decide to step into the Avenue of Heaven and Human?" Na Lanjing is naturally intelligent, and she knows the elegance of the strings. She stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "Have you ever considered my feelings?"

"Neither the heavens nor the people in the world, I'm still me! Just minus some burdens, more free and easy!" Zhang Bairen turned and took Nalan Jing into his arms: "Zhuojun will leave it to you in the future. !"

"Zhuojun's burden is too great, I'm afraid I can't bear it." Na Lanjing stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes: "I just want to be with you."

Zhang Bairen was silent, and after a long time he smiled bitterly: "Why don't I want to be with you? But many things can't be helped! If I don't practice, once those old antiques are born, they will become bereaved dogs."

Egret Academy

Li Hegu packed his bags and walked out of the gate of the academy. He saw Qixi Festival standing at the door with tearful eyes. He ran over in distress and said, "What's wrong with you?"


Li He's palms just touched Qixi's skin, and in an instant, there was a burning smell, which burned it to the core.

"Brother Li, what's the matter with you?" Qixi's tears stopped, his eyes looked at Li He's fleshy hands in amazement.

Li Hegu was silent when he heard the words, and after a while he smiled bitterly: "I want to come by the means of the general governor. My husband forced me to separate from you, but I did not allow it. So I was sent to the roster by the Egret Academy and cut my student status. From now on, I will no longer be a scholar, I can only say that I am a scholar."

Li Hegu was a little disappointed, his eyes flashing in his eyes to make his debut.

Reading is his biggest hobby in this life, and all his life prospects rest on it. Now that the road is broken, why do you tell him not to regret it?

"I was also kicked out of the house by my father and broke the relationship between father and daughter" Qixi lowered his head.

Li Hegu heard a hint of disappointment in his eyes, and then he smiled and said, "However, it is enough for me to have you. Even if I eat chaffy vegetables all day long, I am willing."

Qixi smiled, and the sadness in his eyes disappeared: "Me too, as long as I am with Big Brother Li, even if I live a poor life, I am willing."

"Does your injury hurt?" Qixi looked at Li Hegu's rotten hands.

"I am not a sick young man. I practice martial arts on weekdays. This injury can be healed in three or five days. On the contrary, how can you suddenly burst into flames? Such heat?" Li He's eyes were puzzled.

"This is the godfather's forbidden law. Sister Qixi Festival has enjoyed my sixteen years of worship in Zhuojun, and spends millions of taels of gold every year. Naturally, this cause and effect must be paid back! Godfather said, Sister Qixi must not contact any man for 16 years If you are willing to wait sixteen years, please continue to wait!" Xiaowen walked out of the alley slowly with a package on her back, staring at Li Hegu with a pair of eyes: "If you do it for the sake of sister, hurry up Retreat and disappear into the trajectory of her life. If you love her, how can you bear her to live in poverty?

Li Hegu was speechless, and bowed his head with an ugly expression. While Qixi's expression changed, he said sharply: "Xiaowen!"

Xiaowen stopped, just dropped the package and stuffed it in Qixi's hands: "The outside is no better than home. It's hard to walk without money. You have no money. Would you like to drink Northwest Wind with her? There is a pack of silver here, enough for ordinary people to eat and drink for a hundred years. Save some flowers! In the future, if you don’t have enough money, you will come to me for it."

Qixi was silent, then took the package, lowered his head and turned away.

Li Hegu glanced at Xiaowen, and quickly followed Qixi's footsteps. Seeing the two of them go further and further away, Xiaowen couldn't help but shouted: "Sister!"

"Is there anything else?" Qixi paused, turned around and looked at Xiaowen.

Xiaowen looked solemn when she heard the words, and said after a while: "Do you know, once you are emotional, what does it mean to godfather?"

"What does it mean?" Qixi looked sideways.

Xiaowen smiled bitterly and shook her head: "Forget it, you have decided to leave, what's the use of saying so much?"

"You are so cherished" Xiaowen turned and walked back to the yard, leaving Qixi Festival standing in the street silently.

"Second Miss, most of you are supervised to go to Zhuojun to listen to the lecture!"

Xiaowen just walked into the yard when she heard the guard Tongbing.


Before the waterfall

Zhang Bairen glanced at the waterfall with his hands on his shoulders, and his eyes showed a lot of contemplation. Not far from him, all the women gathered at this time, sitting quietly on the steps not far away.

Among the women, they were the ten best warriors in Zhuo County. Yu Juluo, Zhang Xutuo and others were sitting in danger, watching their noses and noses, not knowing what they were thinking.

Zhang Bairen and Qixi have severed the relationship between father and daughter, I am afraid that Zhuojun will undergo major changes since today.



Xiaowen and Nie Yinniang came over at this time and respectfully saluted Zhang Bairen.

Zhang Bairen motioned everyone to sit down, and then said to Wu Bufan: "Wu Bufan!"

"Subordinates are here!" Wu Bufan respectfully saluted.

"You will be responsible for Zhuojun's supervisory duty in the future, and you will be under the control of Lu Yu, and you will be in charge of Lu Yu in the future!" Zhang Bairen said.

"The governor, there is no support here..." Wu Bufan raised the King Yu Ding: "Subordinates dare not violate the order of the governor. It's just that there is no support in the king Yu, but they cannot do without the suppression of the general governor."

"It's okay, I will teach you a wonderful method later to help you suppress the unsupported Qi" Zhang Bairen said unhurriedly.

"Subordinates honor order!" Wu Bufan Wenyan respectfully saluted. To be honest, he didn't want to follow Zhang Bairen very much. He would be like a tiger with a monarch. If he had no choice, he would have been far away from Zhang Bairen.

"Meet the rain protector" Wu Bufan saluted Lu Yu.

The two of them saw the ceremony before they saw Zhang Bairen and said, "Unconsciously, there are already ten people who are the most powerful in Zhuojun. In the future, Zhuojun will pardon the ten generals and go to the Jing family brothers. Headed by Zhang Xutuo, Yu Juluo, and Luo Shixin, they each summoned their manpower in Zhuojun City and formed a large army to train in Yincao. Each of the ten generals had commanders, and they would take turns to Jiamengguan as errands. Do you have any opinions?"

"I'll wait to follow the decree of the governor of the general capital" Yu Juluo and others heard Zhang Bairen's words, but suddenly felt that something was wrong. Why did they seem to be explaining the funeral?

"In the future, the civil and military affairs of Zhuo County will be split, and the warriors will not care about the affairs of the cultural and political affairs, and the affairs of the military will not be concerned about the affairs of the military." Zhang Bairen turned his head to look at Nalanjing and Yang Xiyue: "You two will be in charge of the money and food affairs of Zhuojun~ ~ The two women gave a salute, and then received the decree.

Zhang Bairen nodded, and swept past Gongsun sisters, Nie Yinniang and others: "If you wait for a shallow cultivation base, you should cultivate hard in the deep mountains and old forests. In the future, the number of calamities will decrease. If the cultivation base is not enough, it will only turn into ashes."

After speaking, Zhang Bairen looked at Xiaowen: "The country cannot be ruled for a day. Xiaowen is the future leader of Zhuojun. You will learn from your aunts and uncles in the future and communicate more."

"The Governor!"

As soon as Zhang Bairen said this, everyone changed their colors.

Once Zhang Bairen decides on the position of prince, will there be no room for maneuver on the Qixi Festival in the future?

"I believe her" Zhang Bairen interrupted Yu Juluo and the others wanting to say nothing.

The prince is only in name, but he has no real power. What can he do?

"That's it. Before August 15, you wait to come here day and night to listen." Zhang Bairen turned and looked at the rushing waterfall and lake: "Today I will preach the Great Road of Water. The Tao Te Ching says: Water is good for all things without fighting... ...."

The voice of preaching spread throughout the field. The generals look at me and I look at you, and all the thoughts in their hearts can only be reluctant. Even if they criticize Zhang Bairen as the prince, they dare not refute Zhang Bairen's words.

"The general governor, it's not good... Zhuo Junhou will do it!"

Just as Zhang Bairen started speaking, he heard a rush of footsteps, and the Eagle King broke through the air and landed on Zhang Bairen's shoulders.

There was silence in the court, and Zhang Bairen's preaching ceased, and he sighed after a long time.

"Zhuojunhou? Long time no see!" Without a word, Zhang Bairen turned into nothingness and rushed to the city of Zhuojun.

"Unexpectedly, among us, he was the first to sit down," Yu Juluo sighed.

"Let's go, although there was a lot of grievances in the past, but after all, it is an old friend, and I have to give him a ride" Zhang Xutuo said.

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