First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1911: Come back home

"Miss, this man's coming from is unknown, how can you invite someone up to drink tea! Erniang knows that this man is going to die!" Xiaowen stared at her young lady, her eyes full of horror.

My lady has always been a good baby, obeying the words of her elders, how could she do such a thing that violates etiquette?

With his fingers tapping the belt lightly, Zhang Bairen looked at the lady with a pair of eyes: "Okay!"

The eldest glared at Xiaowen: "You girl likes to talk too much. Before you wanted to kill the scholar, I won't care about you! But now..."

The eldest lady rubbed Xiaowen's head and turned it into a bird's nest: "If you dare to make a report with Erniang, I will ignore you again! This time it's true!"

After speaking, the eldest lady stepped onto the second floor of the cabin first. Zhang Bairen looked at the little girl and smiled, and followed the eldest lady up.

The entrance is extremely luxurious.

The desks and tables are all made of golden nanmu. The drapery was used by the court, and the flowers by the window were also repaired and nurtured by skilled craftsmen day and night.

A cigarette rose, calming the mind. The green smoke plunged straight into the void, without bending the slightest, even if there was aisle wind blowing in from the window, it was still in the slightest.

"The best sperm whale fragrance is only available in the Dragon Palace. It can help people meditate into forgetfulness. A thumb-sized piece is worth ten thousand catties!" Zhang Bairen looked at it and said, "I don't know which house is behind the girl, it is so extravagant. ."

"Sperm whale incense is nothing, it's not worth mentioning, I have to burn half a catty every day!" The girl smiled indifferently, without the slightest showing off on her face, as if she was talking about an ordinary thing.

Half a catty?

Doesn't that mean that you have to burn tens of thousands of taels of gold a day?

Looking at the carvings in that room, they are all made by the best people, and they are old objects from the front. It may be hundreds of years or as long as a thousand years.

The tea cups in the house are neatly arranged, and they are all made of fine suet. I was looking at the tea, but it was Wuyishan Dahongpao, even if I had money, I couldn't buy it. Look at the water for making tea, it turned out to be innate divine water. The ignited flame is also a dragon ball, emitting real fire.


Such a life, even Zhang Bairen secretly stunned, this girl is indeed an extraordinary background. Not only is it extraordinary, it is so big, even if the emperor is compared with this girl, I am afraid it is not as good as a pig and a dog.

The girl looked at Zhang Bairen with her beautiful eyes, she seemed to see his thoughts: "Don't be surprised, this is just a legacy my father left me."

"I don't know the name of the lord? Is it because he has already gone ascended to the immortal?" Zhang Bairen slapped his tongue secretly. If he can leave this legacy, he must not be an unknown person.

"Don't mention it!" The girl was a little depressed: "Father abandoned me, leaving only a large inheritance and some elders and servants to guard me. He doesn't want me anymore. Hearing people say that he is so powerful, all over the world. No one can beat him, who can kill him?"

There was a faint resentment in the girl's eyes: "Perhaps he will be back when I toss all these family backgrounds away!"

Zhang Bairen smiled bitterly when he heard the words, this girl is really a prodigal, the elusive sperm whale incense, she actually regarded it as an ordinary incense, and she did not know that it was the princess.

"Taste the tea I made" The girl looked at Zhang Bairen with a look of expectation in her eyes.

"Innate **** water makes tea" Zhang Bairen shook his head, took a sip of the tea, "Yes, refreshing, it's really good."

"Since it's good, then you can drink more!" The girl lifted the jade pot, her fingers were delicate and gleaming, as if blending with the jade pot.

Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of emotion. Although he has never seen the girl's face, it is not unreasonable for those people who want to come to the outside world to be so obsessed.

It's just that the girl is so extravagant, I'm afraid Li and Tang Palace can't afford it together.

The goddess is placed in the temple for support.

"Good tea, not only the water used for making tea is extraordinary, but the tea is extraordinary, even the girl's methods of tea ceremony are extraordinary." Zhang Bairen closed his eyes for a long time before he let out a long sigh. "It's been a long time since I had such good tea."

"Drink more if you taste good" the girl filled Zhang Bairen again.

"I have known each other for so long, and haven't asked the girl's name yet?" Zhang Bairen looked at the girl.

"The rivers and lakes are far away, why have you met before!" The girl smiled faintly, and Zhang Bairen could only see the beautiful arc through the veil.

Zhang Bairen laughed but didn't say anything, just closed his eyes and drank tea slowly.

The boat galloped for three days and reached the boundary of Zhuo County.

Zhang Bairen and the girl discussed the Tao for three days. The girl's family learned the origin, and he was almost refuted by the other party on the tea ceremony.

"Zhuojun is here!" Zhang Bairen put down the tea cup, stood up slowly, and walked downstairs: "Goodbye by chance."

"I haven't asked your honorable name yet?" The young girl couldn't help looking at Zhang Bairen's back.

"Hahaha, you also said, why do you know each other before!" After the words fell, Zhang Bairen had already gone down the pavilion.

"Huh!" The girl put the jade pot in her hand again, her eyes showing dissatisfaction.

"Crazy! Crazy! Miss, you stayed alone with a man in the pavilion for three days. If it spreads out, I'm afraid Erniang will go crazy! That man is dead!" Xiaowen's eyes were full of madness.

"I don't know why, seeing this person, I have an unprecedented sense of intimacy. I can't help but make me want to get closer! It's the feeling of the legendary father!!!" The girl couldn't help but lower her head. , Looking at Zhang Bairen's back, a touch of loss appeared in his eyes.

"Miss, are you thinking of spring? The eldest man is an indomitable great hero. Even if you talk about the heroes of the world, the elder is also the top one! Although the world is turbulent these years, I only rely on the eldest in Zhuojun One name makes the world's heroes unable to lift their heads! The great master is also majestic and heroic with a feather fan and a turban. A thousand mountains are falling apart while laughing and all life is dead!" Xiaowen's eyes are full of longing: "The second mother and the generals talk about the big master. Murderously rushing into the night, ordinary people would not even dare to speak big words when they see it, nowhere is it comparable to the weak scholar."

"Xiaowen, although we are masters and servants, we are in love with our sisters. You must not tell Erniang about today's affairs. This is really deadly!!!" The young lady stared at Xiaowen with pitiful eyes.

"No! Miss, who are you? You are the princess of my Zhuojun! There are less than ten thousand people, even if Prince Li Tang is not worthy to carry shoes for you, how can you be taken advantage of by a smelly man!" Xiaowen Yizheng said: "Although I have a sisterhood with you, Miss...I should consider you more. At least I must ask Erniang to find out the origin of that person."

"Hmph, ignore you! How many men did you manslaughter over the years?" The girl was unhappy.

"I'm not all for your own good!" Xiaowen took a sip of the tea from Innate Shenshui without caring: "If you have any damage, I will die."

"Hmph, disembark!" The young lady left angrily.

However, Zhang Bairen got off the boat and walked straight to Zhuojun, but there was a touch of emotion in his eyes.

In the fifteen years, things are not human, but Zhuojun is more prosperous compared to that year.

Zhuojun presided over the New Deal under Zhang Bairen's strong pressure. Zhuojun's promotion of independence and equality has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Coupled with the protection of strong sergeants, the population of Zhuojun has now doubled several times, and the population of the Han family in China .

In the past, the people were happy, their families were more than affluent, and their faces were greasy and happy smiles.

In fact, depending on whether a place is prosperous, can the people live up to it? It depends on the living conditions of the people. If the people have yellow muscles on their faces, do they still need to say?

In fifteen years, Zhuojun has surpassed Chang'an and Luoyang to become the flowery capital of the world and the city that never sleeps with its huge population demand.

There are grassland tribes and Korean trades outside, and merchants from all walks of life come and go, Zhuojun has become the center and important place of commercial transactions in the world.

There are the best restaurants, the best brothels, the best guards, everything is the best. Only you can't think of it, nothing you can't find.

Here, without bureaucratic oppression, it has become a paradise on earth. Even the dragon clan will come here for a large amount of trade and trade every year, and all kinds of monsters also come out of the deep mountains and old forests, as long as you get a pass in Zhuo County, you can walk safely in the world.

"Looking at the luxury races of the past, sigh the sorrow and hatred outside the door!" Zhang Bairen, holding the oil paper umbrella, walked all the way through the farms and the most luxurious towns in Zhuo County, with a touch of relief in his eyes.

Drunk gold fan! Pinjin Cave is no longer enough to describe the prosperous Zhuo County today.


Zhang Bairen came to the familiar hill and looked at the courtyard of the thatched house from a distance, with a touch of emotion in his eyes.

Stepping on the bluestone steps, the steps are covered with moss, you can see that no one has come here for a long time.

Under the thatched cottage, Yuan Shoucheng was much older, with a straw hat woven in his hands, like an ordinary farmer, with no trace of practice.


Listening to the sound of footsteps coming from a Yuan Shoucheng's straw hat fell to the ground, and then he stood up suddenly: "The Governor, you are finally back. This walk is 15 years."

"Yes! Fifteen years after leaving!" Zhang Bairen lowered his head: "It's a little bit longer than I expected."


Not far away, the door of the thatched house opened, Lu Yu walked out from the house, looking at Zhang Bairen with tears in his eyes: "Big~Brother~"

Lu Yu's voice kept trembling.

"Okay! Didn't I come back? Why are you girl crying!" Zhang Bairen rubbed Lu Yu's head, causing Lu Yu to jump into his arms and choke.

"Okay, it's all grown-ups, why are you still like this!" Zhang Bairen soothed Lu Yu for a while, and then wiped the tears on his cheeks: "There have been some changes in this trip. Fortunately for me, the result is already The best result."

"I'll pay homage to Lihua, I'll talk about it later" Zhang Bairen smiled.

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