First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1910: Young girl

"Is it Wang Tu in the whole world? It is Wang Chen who leads the land. This apricot is my Li Tang courtier and is naturally under my control!" Wei Wang Li Tai's eyes were full of arrogance, and he glanced at the scholar coldly. Even so, he still retreated, but the threat in his eyes made people shudder.

"Miss, Xiaosheng is polite!" The scholar came to the carriage and saluted respectfully.

"You nerd, what are you looking for for my lady?" Xintou opened the curtain, revealing a well-behaved face, looking at the scholar strangely.

Hearing this, the scholar was a little helpless, and quickly handed over the box in his arms: "This is the picture scroll of the girl last time in front of the small student stall."

The maid took the picture with a smile, and looked at the scholar with a pair of eyes: "You nerd look so eager, I'm afraid you don't like my lady."

"My lady is a fairy-like character, how dare you move such a thought!" The scholar flushed anxiously.

"It's okay if you don't dare, my lady's identity is extraordinary, it is impossible to marry in this life!" Xinhu sighed softly.

"Xiaowen, you girl is talking nonsense all day long!" The lady in the carriage hit the girl, and then handed out a package: "Send this package to Master Fang."

Xinhua took the package and threw it into the arms of the scholar: "For you!"

There was a clink in the package, which was obviously something of gold and silver.

"Don't dare, how can you dare to receive such a gift from the princess?" The scholar quickly refused.

"Apricot, this silver coin was rewarded by my princess. Now you are in a poor family situation and it is difficult to read. What's more?" Xinwei smiled and looked at the scholar: "If you can be the title of the gold list, you will be the first and auxiliary prime minister. It's a bit, maybe I still miss my lady a little bit!"


The woman in the carriage scolded angrily.

When Xin Wu heard the words, he stuck his tongue out, put down the curtain and drew back into the carriage, leaving the scholar named Fang standing there helplessly, and he did not know what to do with the package.

While Li Tai listened to Xiaowen's words, his face turned green, his eyes showed a murderous intent, and his horse whip creaked.

"Xing, since the painting and calligraphy are finished, there is nothing for you here, so don't retire quickly! You can be greedy for a fairy like the lady!" Li Tai looked at the scholar named Fang, but made up his mind secretly. In the future, this scholar will not see the sun of tomorrow.

He had never heard of this eldest lady being involved with that man! As long as there is a little sign, it won't work!

"The fleet is coming!" Nalan's housekeeper shouted at this time, breaking the embarrassment of the atmosphere. The scholar was so reprimanded in front of his beloved, it was extremely uncomfortable. At this time, he took the opportunity to fade away and disappear in the mist. In the drizzle, let the green shirt get wet by the rain.

"Miss, you can board the ship!" the steward whispered.

The carriage was about to set sail, but the eldest lady's voice came from inside the carriage: "King Wei, the scholar still owes me three paintings, this person will take your place, and Wang Wei will take care of it."

When the words fell, the coachman flicked his whip, and the entire carriage followed the deck and headed towards the ship.

Looking at the luxurious carriage, Wang Wei's face suddenly became pale, and he turned to the guard and said, "Where does the apricot come from?"

"The villain is going to investigate" the guard immediately retreated upon hearing this.

Seeing the beautiful woman leaving, Wang Wei was standing on the wharf with a green face, and Zhang Bairen suddenly said: "This manager, I want to go to Zhuo County, I wonder if I can take a ride?"

"This" the steward looked ugly when he heard the words: "If in the old days, it would be easy to take a ride, but the lady on the boat is noble. Your path is unknown. If you cause trouble, we can't afford it."

"You cheap leather, you deserve to go on the same boat with the princess?" Li Tai was furious when he heard the words, and if he hadn't scrupulously maintained his demeanor in front of the princess, he would have done it soon.

"Wang Wei is face to face, are you a scholar who can't see you soon?" A guard scolded Zhang Bairen angrily.

"Oh Shimin is a hero, but his own son is not a climate!" Zhang Bairen laughed.

"Bold, you dare to insult my father, today you must be imprisoned in the jail for punishment." Li Tai was immediately furious when he heard that someone insulted his father, the evil fire Lord poured out to Zhang Bairen: "Come on. People, take it down for me."

"Wait!" The maid stood at the bow of the ship for some time, holding the oiled paper gauze to Cheng: "My lady said, this ship is too big, she can't ride it alone, you scholar, come on."

"Wang Tai won't refute my lady's face, right?" The maid looked at Li Tai with a pair of eyes.

Li Tai crushed his teeth when he heard the words, but he waved his whip and hurled away angrily: "Good luck for you."

"Thank you, thank you!" Zhang Bairen smiled and bowed, then he held the oil paper umbrella, looked at the big boat with his eyes, and walked up slowly.

"I said Xing, you can't go to the east deck of this big ship. Where is my lady's place, you are allowed to take the boat and save you from the hands of King Wei. It is already a great kindness. You must not take an inch. It broke the rules!" Xinhu stared at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes, as if he was a thief.

Obviously this young man's appearance is very ordinary, but there seems to be a kind of magical power in the eyes of that Xinwu, making people unable to look away. Especially the eyes of the man seemed to reveal hundreds of millions of years of ancient vicissitudes, but they seemed to be pure babies, transparent and affectionate.

Zhang Bairen smiled and ignored Xinhua's words, but turned and looked at the river in the distance. If it hadn't been for this woman to feel the vitality, Zhang Bairen would have thought that this was his daughter.

"Hey, did you hear that? People are talking to you!" Xin Hu stomped his feet angrily, watching Zhang Bairen ignore him, and turning away angrily.

"This girl is interesting!" Zhang Bairen murmured. He could see clearly before that, although this girl seemed to be extremely concerned about the scholar, the words were full of murderous intentions and put the scholar to death.

If it hadn't been for the young lady to speak at the last moment, Zhang Bairen could be sure that the book was dead!

"Xiaoxiao Luoyue Invisible Sword, to persuade the monarch to look back on the evil five years ago, it has been a thing of the past!" Zhang Bairen sighed, and the words were full of luck or emotion.

He was fortunate that he had spent thousands of years in Buzhou Mountain and only a dozen years had passed outside the world, didn't he?

The speed of the big ship is very fast, especially when it is pulled by monsters.

In recent years, the Nalan family has grown stronger, and even the sailing fleet is driven by monsters.

Sunny day two

Looking at the busy people on the deck, Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of emotion, and it has been a long time since he came into contact with popularity like this.

When he walked out of the house, lazily basking in the sun, Qin Qin's demon wind rolled up at this time, and he saw a pink veil falling on Zhang Bairen's chest, being gently held by him.

"Naughty animal, you really don't give up, I dare to harass a few times!" An angry shout rang out, and then there was an earth-shattering explosion, and the overwhelming air force burst out, blowing into the dark.

"The world is going downhill, I can't think of the intertwined humanity and law in Middle Earth, and there are monsters who dare to come out to make trouble." Zhang Bairen took the muddy scarf, and his eyes showed emotion.

At this time, the void continued to collapse, and then burst open with a bang, and everything returned to its origin.

Peace was restored on the boat, as if nothing had happened.

But Zhang Bairen could see clearly that the monster beast was cut off by a sword, and then fell into the water and fled.

The wind and sand subsided, the disordered crowd restored order, and it was the Nalan family master who drove away the monster.

At this moment, in the upper window, a pair of bright eyes looked at Zhang Bairen: "Hey, son, that is my scarf!"

The young girl was wearing a veil, only a pair of pure eyes stared at the scarf in Zhang Bairen's hand.

"Haha!" Zhang Bairen shook: "The wind just blown off, and I held it. Since it is a girl's scarf, I will give it back to you."

"Shirt, you dare to steal my lady's veil, you are really a wolf!" Xiaowen is like a cat stepping on its tail, rushing down from upstairs, UU reading wwwww. pulled the scarf fiercely, and stared at Zhang Bairen, as if Zhang Bairen had committed some heinous crime.

"Xiaowen!" With a soft sound, the woman Lianbu moved lightly and also walked down from the stairs.

The girl didn't seem to be very old, she was only fifteen or sixteen years old, and came to Zhang Bairen and saluted: "I have seen the son!"

The girl’s eyes are very beautiful, or perfect. They are definitely the most beautiful eyes Zhang Bairen has ever seen in his life, not one of them!

The entire face is covered by a veil, and the outline is not clear, but the owner who wants to come to this pair of eyes must have a face that is allure to be worthy of these eyes.

"Miss is polite" Zhang Bairen gave a fist.

"You didn't scare the son before." The girl looked at Zhang Bairen with a pair of eyes.

"Fortunately, I have been walking in the rivers and lakes for a long time, and I have seen every scene," Zhang Bairen said.

The girl looked at Zhang Bairen's face with a pair of eyes, looking very carefully.

"What's wrong? Why is the girl looking at me like this?" Zhang Bairen was a little funny.

"It's nothing, I just feel kind!" A dodge in the girl's eyes, then said: "The son, go to Zhuojun?"

"My home is in Zhuojun" Zhang Bairen leaned on the railing.

"Oh? I went to visit relatives in Zhuo County!" The girl smiled.

"Miss, let's go up!" Xiaowen stood in front of the two of them: "If you want people to know that you talk to people like this, you must turn the sky upside down."

"You know here and I know, as long as you don't tell and don't report to Erniang, that will know?" The girl glared at Xiaowen, then smiled at Zhang Bairen: "If the son is fine, it is better to let me go upstairs and drink. How about a pot of tea?"

At this point, the girl's face was a little hot, and her forehead was already red.

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