First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1833: The Tribulation of Lu Jingxiu

"Hurry up!"

At least Sanfu Taoist still has a conscience. He noticed that there was something wrong behind him, looked at the Daomen Gaozhen who rushed in, hurriedly called out, and then continued to run towards the exit.


Looking at the burning three-talisman Taoist passing by, all the ancestors in the field were shocked, knowing that something must happen in the depths of hell, so they turned around and ran back desperately without saying a word.

Isn't it okay?

The cultivation base of the Taoist Sanfu is not weak, and if he can be scared like this, it must be a big trouble! What a trouble!

"Wow!" The Taoist Sanfu rushed out from the ghost gate, and said with lingering fear: "Beware!"

It is indeed to be on guard!

"Your Majesty, please mobilize the Dragon Qi of the emperor, the Yinsi army is coming!" San Fu looked at Li Shimin.

If it were Shura alone, San Talisman would naturally not be afraid of like a tiger, but after the Shura army blessed the emperor Dragon Qi of Yinsi, San Talisman had to retreat.

In the battle of races, only dragon energy can compete with dragon energy.

"What happened?" Lu Jingxiu and the others rushed out of the ghost gate, and their eyes fell on Sanfu Boy.

"Go and see for yourself!" Sanfu Boy looked at Guimenguan.

On the one hand, Li Shimin didn't dare to be careless, at this time the emperor's dragon Qi had already been mobilized, and he was hovering near Guimen Pass.


The sound of breaking through the air, accompanied by the sticky blood, splashed out from the black ghost door, and then saw a beast-like roar rolled up, and then saw a murderous intent rushing out of the void, The blood-red army, with a terrifying face, Shura rushed out of the ghost gate.

"Kill!" Shura's eyes are scarlet, and his body muscles are like moving dragons. The impact of power flows in it. Every inch of skin and every line is countless times more beautiful than a bodybuilder of the 21st century. At a glance, I felt that Shura's body was full of explosive power.

"What a terrible Shura" Zhang Bairen changed color.

With single-wheel power, this Shura strong can be comparable to seeing God, even the weakest is in the realm of Bone Yi and Great Perfection.

In the sea of ​​blood, these thousands of bone-changing realm powerhouses rushed out, and it was a devastating disaster for the world.

"Don't be afraid, these Asuras have power, but they don't understand martial arts, and do not understand the magic of strength. Don't be afraid!" Zhang Heng's eyes burst brightly, and in an instant he saw through the details of Asura, and the three treasures in his hand brushed. The volume turned into a sky full of silver threads, engulfing the power of wind, rain, and lightning to fight Shura.

"Bang!" Yang Shen dealt with Yi Gu, which was a slaughter disaster. As soon as the dust went down, he didn't know how many Asuras turned into ashes, and in an instant it became a pool of blood.

"The sea of ​​blood is immortal, and Shura is immortal!"

I saw the blood on the ground tumbling, turned into a human form again, and continued to climb up and behead the crowd.

"Be careful, everyone, don't be close by Shura." Lu Jingxiu shot it out with a palm, and crushed dozens of Shura to death.


At the next moment, Lu Jingxiu seemed to be scalded, and suddenly retracted his palm, only to see that his palm had begun to corrode, exposing its bones.

"No!" Lu Jingxiu's eyes were full of panic.

"Don't delay, the Yang Shen is out of his body! Otherwise, this sea of ​​blood will filth and even your Yang Shen will erode." Zhang Heng immediately shouted when he saw this scene.

Lu Jingxiu's face was ugly, but he had just stepped into the realm of the Dharma Body, and he was no better than those old-timers. The destruction of a Dharma Body would cost him a lot.

"My life is going to die, what are you thinking about!" Zhang Heng said in an angry voice, and he twitched the jade pillow on the back of Lu Jingxiu's head. The next moment he saw Lu Jingxiu's mouth and nose spit out shamisen real fire. Zhang Heng drew his eyes to stare at the Venus, and then the Sun God flew out of his flesh, bursting out a flame in the void.


As soon as Lu Jingxiu Yang Shen left his body, he saw that the blood stain had corroded his body, and Lu Jingxiu's body turned into a pool of dirty blood.

"Great! Great!" Zhang Bairen's eyes were full of solemnity, and the sea of ​​blood couldn't touch it.

"The emperor is worthy of being an innate demon god, and the means are by no means comparable to those of later life" Zhang Bairen meditated inwardly.

As the thoughts turned, countless thoughts flowed through his mind, and at this moment, Lu Jingxiu Yangshen said loudly: "A magic weapon! Don't be contaminated by the sea of ​​blood on your body, or you will die and reincarnate. The game of reincarnation."

Lu Jingxiu's eyes were full of helplessness, but it was also on fire. His own Dharma body has been practiced for a hundred years, and it is of great importance. He never thought it was ruined by others.


Lu Jingxiu Yangshen was floating in the void, and the next moment only a void cloud appeared out of nowhere, and the black and overwhelming clouds gathered above Lu Jingxiu's head.

"Falling" Lu Jingxiu used his supernatural powers, and the endless thunder and lightning were like waterfalls in an instant, hitting the ghost gate one after another.

At this time, everyone of the Dao Sects used their own methods, but facing the endless **** army, there was nothing to do.

A drop in the bucket!

What is a drop in the bucket?

"Hehe, bold! Who would dare to be presumptuous here!" There was a scolding from the depths of Samsara, and saw the King of the Wheel taking a big step, stepping into the passage between Yin and Yang, and approaching the Yangshi Guimen.

Behind the King of Wheels, the overwhelming blood sea army is continuously transforming, and the dead Asura's origin returns to the blood sea and resurrected again. It can be said that it is truly endless, immortal and immortal.

"Everyone, you have seen Shura's methods. You must not teach Shura to go out, otherwise once Shura sees human flesh, I am afraid the consequences are unimaginable." The black talisman culture in the hands of the Sanfu boy made a black lightning, and the lightning penetrated the void directly. Penetrating through the back of countless Asuras, and then seeing that countless Asuras turned into powder at this time, and in an instant became blood mist floating in the air.

Accompanied by the roar of the dragon Qi, the emperor's dragon Qi rose into the sky, soaring for nine days in an instant, only to see a dragon claw sticking out from the Yinsi channel, and shooting towards the Daomen in the sky.

If the dragon's claws are shot down, I am afraid that Dao Sect Gaozhen does not know how much death and injury.

The light in Zhang Bairen's eyes flashed, and a pair of eyes looked at Li Shimin.


Li Shimin yelled like thunder, and the emperor's dragon spirit hovered and gathered, and the dragon claws from the Yin Division turned into powder in an instant.


Shura, who drilled out of the Guimen Pass, exploded under the action of the force field for an unknown number of moments, turning into blood mist and dissipating all over the sky.


The King of Wheels' eyes fell solemnly, and the soles of his feet instantly stopped in front of the ghost gate, not daring to take a step forward.

The **** army, which was pouring out continuously, was also slowed down and stood respectfully behind King Zhuan.

"The King of Wheels, don't come here unharmed!" Zhang Heng stepped unhurriedly, looking down at the dark shadow behind the gate.

"Zhang Heng, I didn't expect you to be alive. Last time you were lucky enough to make you escape. This time you must be completely punishable." The King of Wheels' eyes were full of murderous intent, and his gaze shuttled around the scene, and finally landed on Zhang Bairen. With Li Shimin.

Ignoring Zhang Bairen, the King of Wheels looked at Li Shimin: "Are you the emperor on earth?"

"Yes, it is me!" Li Shimin said coldly, looking down at the wheel king.

"Submission to the Yinsi, I promise you will live forever, and you will be pardoned as the eleventh king of the underworld!" Wang Zhuan looked at Li Shimin with a pair of eyes.

"I am already at the top of the world, so why bother to share authority with others at the Yinsi?" Li Shimin smiled coldly, "It's simply a horror of the world!"

It is indeed a stumbling block in the world. The emperor of the world did not do it well, but went to the underworld to sit on an equal footing with the other ten people. Is Li Shimin stupid?

What's so good about Jifu?

The ten kings of the underworld can't be the ruler of the world for a hundred years. Can you see that the ten kings of the underworld dream and want to return to the world?

"Haha, everyone has their own ambitions, but there is an old man who wants to see your majesty, and his majesty is also very interested in this old man." The king turned aside, and a blood-red shadow came out from behind the king. Looking at Li Shimin with blank eyes.

"Li Yi, aren't you dead?" Looking at the scarlet figure, Li Shimin's expression suddenly changed.

Not only did Li Shimin's complexion change, but also the high-level and powerful sects in the crowd, all their complexions changed uniformly, and their eyes were full of amazement.

"Li Yi?" Zhang Bairen looked surprised.

Li Yi was obviously dead, and even lost his soul, but at this time he was alive.

"The mystery of the book..." Li Yi said triumphantly.

"Cough, cough," the runner king suddenly coughed.

Li Yi suddenly stopped, knowing that he had made a mistake, and quickly changed the subject: "Li Shimin, you and I are the same ancestor. I don't want to see you go astray. The power of the yin is beyond your imagination. You think it depends on the power of the world. Can you contend with the Yin Division? If it weren’t for the Yin Division’s true ruler to wake the world would have fallen. Now that the Yin Cao promises you a supreme king, you must not know the number of days, and you will end up tragically by then."

"Traitor!" Li Shimin gritted his teeth and his eyes were full of murderous intent: "Since today, you have expelled my Li family tree and will have no affiliation with my Li family in the future."

"Your Majesty, King Yan Li Yi has harmed hundreds of people and caused disasters in the underworld. I hope that your Majesty will clear the door." The ancestor of the Wang Family of Langya gave a fist to Li Shimin.

Li Shimin was not worried when he heard the words, but his expression remained unmoving: "It should be so!"

When the words fell, Li Shimin stood up, and the emperor's dragon aura curled up and called towards the gate of the ghost: "Today I will clean up the door on behalf of the Li family."

Looking at the murderous Li Shimin, Li Yi shook his head and returned to the ghost gate, turned to the runner king and said: "My lord, let's do it! Li Shimin is firm in mind and tenacious, how can he take refuge in my Yinsi underworld and subdue others."

The King of Wheels sighed: "If you can get Li Shimin's help, the unification of Yin Si will only happen overnight, and even the counterattack of Yang Shi will only be between the palms."

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