First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1832: Yinsi Army

"Dao must be sought, chances must be contended! Back then, a hundred schools of thought were contending, and it was even more tragic in the pre-Qin period. Even if the Confucian school almost encountered the disaster of extinction!" Bodhidharma sat on the top of Mount Song, where the Blessed One was facing the wall and held his hands The rosary slowly twisted, and a pair of eyes looked in the direction of Beiman Mountain: "My Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism is a dispute between gentlemen, but the Taoist... also has to rely on means! How can you die with a thousand years of blood and blood?"

The Blessed One has attained the Tao and transcendence, but his Dharma is still struggling in the sea of ​​red dust. Countless sentient beings are smelted in the furnace of red dust, countless sentient beings are pursuing that slim chance of detachment, how can Bodhidharma give up?

"The Dao Sect is already strong and strong, if you are asking the Dao Sect to open the ghost gate smoothly, then what am I going to do with Buddhism?" Bodhidharma's rosary filled his hands: "Where is the emperor of great freedom?"

Beiman Mountain

With the formation of the Guimen Pass, the Dao Sect Gao Zhenju all looked at the dark ghost door, inlaid on the ground like a bottomless pit, hiding the deepest mystery in the world.

The thunder in the sky receded, and the yin and yang blended and lived together. In the future, the ground vein pattern here will not only gradually grow, but it will become more reliable and even form a real ghost gate one day.

The real ghost gate disappeared, and the tauren stood there with a gloomy face, a pair of eyes looking down at the ghost gate at his feet, and the real ghost gate gradually disappeared behind him.


Zhang Bairen exhaled like thunder, and with a stroke of Tauma's face, he saw the ghost gate embedded in the earth slowly opening.


As the two dark and deep gates opened, I saw the unfathomable bottomless hole slowly rotating and appearing in front of everyone, and the overwhelming wave of Yin Qi rushed to the sky, but it was instantly buried in the shadows. The transformation becomes the power of the earth veins, and after being refined by the power of yin and yang, it feeds back the ghost gate.


The overwhelming trend of ghosts and monsters accompanied the overwhelming yin, surging toward the sun, but when you saw the ancestors of the Taoist school smile gently, the ancestors of Maoshan took out a scroll of drawings in his hand and threw it down at the ghost gate: "Hundred ghosts Night walk! I'm about to use this infinite evil spirit to develop my Maoshan heavy treasure Hundred Ghost Night Walk."

Zhang Heng twisted his beard and smiled lightly, and the exquisite pagoda flew out of his hand, suspended above the ghost gate, constantly absorbing countless ghosts with the soul-suppressing bell: "My celestial master is famous for imperial ghosts and monsters. I am not afraid of many ghosts. Afraid of fewer ghosts!"

"Yes, my Dao Sect wants to refine Yin soldiers to fight against Yin Si. Of course, I am not afraid that the ghost will come too much, but the ghosts dare not come!" The dark talisman in Sanfu Boy's hand actually fell into the ghost gate instantly, Shen Entering the gate of ghosts, more powerful ghosts are captured.

While seeing the fanatical look of the people in the human race, the bull's head and horse face showed a hint of sarcasm in his eyes: "There is something you are waiting for!"

After speaking, the two demon gods disappeared and disappeared in the ghost gate.

Yin Division

Deep in the Yinshan Mountains

At this time, countless Yin Si soldiers and horses lined up neatly, and countless ghost army was slowly sneaking in Yinshan. Since the first emperor attacked Yinshan, Yinshan has become a meat grinder, and the entire Yin Cao dynasty does not know how many Yin soldiers gathered here.

"Qin Shihuang has become the number one enemy of our Yin Division, it is simply a confidant of our wait!" The King of Wheels stood on a peak of Yin Mountain with a gloomy expression, looking down at the entire battlefield, with a touch of worry in his eyes.

"The terracotta warriors and horses have no life or death. They devour the ghost of my Yin Division. I want to reverse the good fortune and transform into human beings, but I don't know how many people of my Yin Division will be sacrificed!" Dormant, waiting for the shocking world, or else you will get a mere mortal to be presumptuous?

Hearing this, the man in the black robe whispered: "Come on! Chi You handed over half of the humane origin to Queen Mother Xi, and then we refined the human script by the gods of the Yin Division."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Zhuan Wang coldly interrupted the black-robed man's words: "It should be noted that the wall has ears, and the great magical powers sense the number of days when they read. If the human book is exposed, things will be unimaginable, and it will be very troublesome. Up!"


While the three kings were talking about it, they suddenly saw the Yinshan Mountain range shaking, and then the void trembling, and it shattered out of thin air to form a black hole with a radius of more than ten kilometers.

At a glance, it was as if a big hole had opened in the sky, endless yang energy and vitality came from the black hole, and it was full of seductive energy.

Vitality, for the ghosts in the Yin Division, is like a drug addict encountering poison, it is a fatal temptation.

This temptation can't be stopped, and even countless ghosts take risks, risking their souls to disperse and have to try.

People can suppress evil spirits and use evil spirits to refine supernatural powers and treasures, but they don't know that evil spirits can also devour human vitality and grow stronger.

"Ghost gate! Another ghost gate opened unexpectedly, what did the bull head and horse face want to do!" Wang Zhuan shouted angrily.

As he was talking, I saw the black hole in the ‘heaven’ spinning, and the ghost tribe army who didn’t know how many hundred miles around, all rose from the ground one after another, being pulled in by the vortex formed by the ghost gate.

"That is the road to the Yang world, and the hope of returning Yang is right in front of you, everyone!"

I don't know who screamed, and in the next moment, in a chain reaction, countless evil spirits abandoned the armor and weapons in their hands, and then threw in the whirlpool overwhelmingly.

Moths to the fire!

Don't hesitate, just for the gleam of life!

Controversy between innate gods, monsters, Buddhists and Taoism, even the most fierce and uncomfortable ghost must fight for the front line of life.

The water ghost drags people into the water, can settle their own cause and effect, and thus escape.

The hanged ghost tempts others to hang themselves, steals the vitality of others, and obtains great relief.

The starving ghost tempts others to eat the stones and five poisons in the world, and takes the opportunity to steal the Yuanyang of others, and take the opportunity to resurrect!


Wait, everything is a ray of life for ghosts.

Only by sticking to the heart can we survive all these calamities.

Zhang Bairen tapped the case table with his fingers, and his eyes looked into the void in the distance. There was a touch of emotion in his eyes, and he sighed slightly. He had a deeper understanding of the word'struggle' in the world of great controversy: "I don't know how Yinsi will fight back! "

How does the Yin Division fight back?

Facing the overwhelming ghost frenzy, the temptation from instinct, even the ten kings of the underworld could not stop it.

"Damn it, what do you do now!" Chu Jiang said with a cold face.

"Raise soldiers and attack Yang Shi! Yang Shi opens the gate of ghosts, which is an opportunity for the practitioners of Yang Shi, but for me, it is not an opportunity? If I can really take the opportunity to enter Yang Shi, even if I can only stand An inch of land is enough to reverse the overall situation of my Yinsi!" The king of the wheel was full of fierceness: "No matter how powerful Yingzheng is, it is not based on the pattern of the Yang world. As long as I wait for the army to destroy the body of the terracotta warriors, it is called that The Yingzheng army defeated itself without attack."

"This is my chance to wait for a counterattack to the world." The King of Wheels looked at the man in the black robe: "King Taishan is familiar with Zhang Bairen. If he goes there, I'm afraid it will show flaws. Brother Laohuan sits on Yinshan Mountain and blocks the army of the first emperor. The remaining brothers, this is our chance to counterattack Yang Shi!"

"Yes, it is indeed an opportunity to counterattack the Yangshi!" The emperor Da Zizai walked out of nothingness: "I can help you all!"

After speaking, I saw an endless sea of ​​blood tumbling behind the emperor Da Zi Zhe, and then rolled over the countless ghosts of Yinsi, I saw countless ghosts of Yinsi fell into the sea of ​​blood, and the sea of ​​blood began to erode the origin of those ghosts. Then in an instant, the origin of countless ghosts was forcibly changed by the sea of ​​blood, turning into a series of murderous intents, and his eyes were full of murderous desires.

"The sea of ​​blood does not wither, and Shura does not die! Those guys must think that all the evil spirits rushed out, we just took the opportunity to give them some surprises!" Da Zi Zai's eyes were full of sneers.

When the words fell, I saw the void wave, and then I saw a Qi machine rising into the sky. As more and more ghosts were swallowed, the sea of ​​blood grew stronger and simply blocked the path of the ghost gate, and all the ghosts were swept away. Into the sea of ​​blood, he turned into Shura who had no desire but only to destroy, and rushed to the channel between Yin and Yang frantically.

In the vagina

A dark talisman swallowed the evil ghost, and the three talisman boy Yangshen attached to the talisman. At this time, his eyes were full of comfort: "It's been a long time since I felt so comfortable."

The words fell, the void twisted and shook, and then I saw a stream of light flickering between the sky and the earth, and the Sanfu boy said in surprise: "Weird, how do you feel that there are fewer ghosts?"

"What smell? Why is it smelly like this that makes me feel dizzy? I am the body of the **** of yang, how can I be dizzy?" Sanfu boy has already sensed that it is not good, and is about to take the opportunity to escape from the channel between Yin and Yang. But the next moment I saw a blood-red trend, rolling over towards the Sanfu Boy.

"Sura! Blood Sea Sura!" The Sanfu boy screamed, turned around and ran away.

The power of the Sea of ​​Blood Shura is the best at defilement of the The aura of the magic weapon of the fallen monks, if hit by the Shura army, the Three Talisman boy would definitely not live.


Because this Yin Division channel is full of Yin Division's emperor Dragon Qi, the Yin Division army is in a neat formation, and the emperor's dragon Qi vigorously suppresses the Sanfu boy.


Before the ghost gate

The Dao Men Gao was really harvesting the ghost tribe army, but they suddenly discovered that the trend of the evil ghosts in the Yinsi had suddenly shrunk.

"The servant of San Fu is simply too much, the big head is taken away by him, and he doesn't even give us any soup!"

"That's it! It's horrible!"

"No, I also want to enter the Yinsi channel. Such a good thing can't be called the exclusive use of Sanfu!"

But seeing the real people of Daomen talk about it, they rushed into the Yinsi channel with the treasure.

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