First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1706: Sun Quan's death

Knowing that things can't be done, but facing up to difficulties, you should know what a man has done or not.

Being stupid and loyal to others is stupid, but it is the direction of the heart and the direction of the faith. I would rather die without regret than retreat.

Even if you can't borrow the power of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers at this time, you have to shake Mount Tai with the body of an ant.

"Sun Quan, do you just watch your subordinates fight to death for you? Your brotherhood is not as good as the lives of you and the people who never knew you? If you don't ask your brothers to use the origin of the Yellow River, you can do it. Killer!" The Dragon King of South China Sea seemed to be teasing a mouse, constantly knocking Soochow Navy into the air, looking at Sun Quan with a pair of eyes: "The choice is yours!"

"You guys go!"

Looking at his brother who was going to die, Sun Quan's eyes turned red, and he roared at this time.

"How can I abandon the Lord and live alone?" Cheng Pu's eyes were full of solemnity, and a long knife slashed towards the Dragon King of the South China Sea.


A claw fell, Cheng Pu was killed in battle, and the origin of Shinto was completely erased.

The power of the Dragon King of the South Sea is too strong, especially after the Dragon Ball is blessed, there is even the blessing of the four seas, and it has the aura of the law.


With another claw, Zhou Tai's head burst open like a watermelon, and his eyes were staring at Sun Quan until he died, and his eyes were full of heroic spirits with no regrets or regrets.

"It's just an ant!" The Dragon King of South China Sea looked at Sun Quan: "If you don't let go of the origin of the Yellow River, the brothers who have been with you for nearly a thousand years will all be killed by this seat."

"I'm fighting with you!" Sun Quan's eyes were bloodshot, and he rushed towards the Dragon King of the South China Sea like an angry sky.


A palm fell on Sun Quan's chest, and then he saw Sun Quan transform into a fireball and exploded, and the Dragon King of Nanhai blankly inserted the dragon claw into Chen Wu's chest.


With a loud noise, Chen Wu exploded and disappeared.

Void and divine light flowed, and Sun Quan was reborn, staring at the Dragon King of the South China Sea with his eyes split.

"Look, for the sake of some unrelated people, the brotherhood of hundreds of years has been set as nothing. You are really a low-hearted generation. If you don't let go of the prohibition of the Yellow River, you brothers will be killed." Nanhai The Dragon King said slowly.

"My lord, the direction of righteousness, no complaints or regrets! I wait for my brother to die rather than surrender, and the king must not harm the Han family because of my waiting. I waited to die well!" Ding Feng's eyes were tearful, and his complexion rushed toward the Dragon King of the South China Sea. : "Come on! Come on! Life is difficult only to die, I've already lived enough."

"Bang" Nanhai Dragon King blankly turned Ding Feng into ashes. Without the blessing of divine power, the **** is inferior to ordinary people.

"General, take care!"

"Lord, the Doomsday will no longer be able to accompany you in the North and South wars in the future.

"Lord, please take me back to my hometown in the future and pour a pot of dirty wine in front of my grave!"

"Master, goodbye forever!"


This is Sun Quan's most elite soldier, the most elite confidant, beloved general, and brother. At this time, he was beheaded one by one by the Dragon King of the South China Sea, and completely wiped from the world.

"Sun Quan, really disappointed, for the sake of unrelated people, sacrificed the brothers who made great contributions to you and accompany you in the north and south wars, is it worth it?" The Dragon King of Nanhai stopped his hands. At this time, there was only Sun Quan in the world, and his men were beheaded. The cleanliness.

"Is it worth it?" Sun Quan rushed into the crown, his robe bulging, his fingers clenched the spear in his hand: "How can you and other beasts understand my friendship and righteousness?"

After hearing Sun Quan's cursing, the Dragon King of the South China Sea was not angry, but said with a smile, "I'll see how long you can hold on."

The Nanhai Dragon King grabbed it with one claw and instantly fought with Sun Quan, but Sun Quan had already exploded for three to five rounds.



three times


In the future, when Sun Quan died and lived for many times, Nanhai Dragon King finally stopped and looked at Sun Quan with his eyes: "You are tenacious, but I don't know if your morality can save you."

"Animal! I will never give in! I will never abandon the people behind me!" Sun Quan knelt on one knee, coughing golden blood in his mouth.

"Haha, Terran..." Nanhai Dragon King swept his eyes across the human race master who was watching the excitement in the distance: "Why don't you learn from others, don't you know how to shoot a bird?"

"You can't kill me, I am integrated with the Yellow River and the Yangtze River. As long as you can't deprive me of my deity, you can't kill me! If you can't kill me, you can never want to wreak havoc on my people in the middle earth!" Sun Quan disdain Looking at the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

"I really thought you could fight against my sea clan? If you weren't afraid that the water veins of Zhongzhou would be contaminated with cause and effect, do you think you would still be alive?" The Dragon King of Nanhai looked down at Sun Quan, with a mockery in his eyes: "Fool, since I am stubborn. , Then it depends on how the people you protect with your life abolish your position of God and cause you to die from a causal backlash."

"This game is over!" The Nanhai Dragon King ignored Sun Quan, but raised his palm: "Beat the drum! Attack!"




As the war drum rang, the river was rippling in layers, and the Yangtze River and the Yellow River were rising up and down like boiling water.


With an order from the Dragon King of the East China Sea, countless shrimp soldiers and crabs will come ashore and kill innocent people.

The sound of crying father and mother rang out, and instantly the blood stained the soil red, and the river water turned bright red. At this time, the voice of the Dragon King of the South China Sea resounded through the waters of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River: "I do not want to be enemies of the human race, but the Yangtze River and the Yellow River water **** Sun Quan killed the dragon king of my dragon family. If this hatred is not reported to me, the dragon family will sweep the ground with majesty? The Shui Clan is cruel, to blame Sun Quan, he killed the Dragon King of my Dragon Clan, he aroused the anger of my Human Clan, and he attracted my Sea Clan. Sun Quan is not dead, and the killing will not stop."

Sun Quan is not dead, but the killing will not stop!

In a simple sentence, countless grievances rushed into the sky in an instant, and gathered towards Sun Quan overwhelmingly, entwining Sun Quan like a venomous snake, and constantly biting his body.

"Sun Quan, they are all the water gods of the Yangtze River, otherwise I would suffer such a disaster." The man who had survived the catastrophe looked at the direction of the Yellow River and cursed.

"Sun Quan, you dog thief, would you be drowned if it weren't for you and my son?" An old woman yelled at Sun Quan, and her endless resentment rose towards Sun Quan.

"Sun Quan, if you hadn't angered the Dragon Clan, would I have suffered disaster?"

"Mom, return my mother!" A child was crying and yelling at Sun Quan.

"Yangtze River Water God, you return my wife!"

"You evil thief, why should you be my human water god!"

"Help me! Who will save me!" A man who was pierced by a spear in his chest, looked at the grim-faced Crab General, his eyes were full of despair, he refused to curse the Crab General, but instead accused the Water God: "Sun Quan , If it were not for your failure to do your responsibilities, how could the aquarium wreak havoc on my human land? Even if I die, I will never let you go."

"Sun Quan, why do you sit on the throne of God!"


The endless curses and curses turned into wisps of black smoke, swallowing Sun Quan's divine body like a poisonous snake.

"Ignorance! There is nothing wrong with human nature than this!" Li Shimin's expression changed.

The ancestors of the Wang family laughed and said: "These people are cheap, and they naturally like to be squeezed by others. Throughout the past and present, whoever asks for orders for the people ends up in good condition? Isn't it a place of death without burial?"

"That is, if anyone is in charge of the people, that would be a big fool!" The ancestor of the Langya King's family disdainfully said: "Nature is born with a low life."

"Sun Quan is dead. Not only is he dead, but he's not going to die!" Lu Jingxiu shook his head, looking ugly.

"Should we take action, shouldn't we let the sea clan slaughter the people?" After all, it was a conscientious person who said.

"Hehe, what can I say, before the crisis, will we be grateful to the people when we go out?" The Patriarch of the Cui family in Hedong shook his head and said.

"Fool! Fool!"

In Zhuojun, Zhang Bairen suddenly dropped the chess piece in his hand: "It's not worth being pitiful."

"The people are also deceived" Yuan Shoucheng weakly explained.

Empress Xiao, who was opposite Zhang Bairen, put down the chess pieces, her face was not very good-looking, her eyes were full of helplessness, she wanted to say something, just looking at the monstrous resentment, but she blocked the words in her throat.

The void is twisted, Zhang Bairen's body is in harmony with the spirit, and he goes to the Yellow River without a God's will is like this, so what? "

Sun Quan sighed, his eyes full of helplessness. The black smoke around him, facing the bite of resentment, his eyes were full of peace.

"Regret it?"

Sun Quan seemed to see a familiar figure walking towards him and standing in front of him.

"The big man does something and does not do something. I only ask for a clear conscience and worthy of my conscience!" Sun Quan said with a loud voice.

"I just hope that you can help the people in the water and fire. The people are ignorant and need to be educated. How can they be punished without teaching!" Sun Quan coughed up black blood.

"Don't teach me..." Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard the words, and after a while, he said, "What else is there?"

"Find Da Qiao on my behalf...Sun Ce, I am grateful for my brother!" Sun Quan actually fell to his knees.

Without waiting for him to kneel down, the trance figure in front of him has disappeared. It seems that everything before is an illusion.

Can everyone in the field detect Zhang Bairen's aura, Xihai Dragon King proudly looked down at Sun Quan: "Do you dare to go against my Sea Clan, regret it?"

"Either lighter than a feather, or heavier than Mount Tai!" Sun Quan's expression was calm, his eyes swept across the Sea Race: "You will suffer retribution!"

After the words fell, Sun Quan's body was corroded by the resentment, his soul wailed, and only a light blue talisman was suspended in the void.


As soon as Sun Quan died, the river was suppressed by no one, and then a dozen-meter-high flood wave rolled toward both sides of the bank. The **** instantly collapsed and the top of the mountain was buried. No hundreds of people had time to shout, and they had already died.

"Water God Rune!"

No one pays attention to the people, and everyone has their eyes on the talisman.


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