First Class Taoist Gate

Vol 2 Chapter 1705: The direction of righteousness, Tai Shi Ci died in battle

Zhang Bairen was silent when he heard this, and after a while he sneered and said: "The family will not lose the foundation. How can I be willing to help the family? How will I be willing to contribute to the family?"

"Furthermore, Empress Xiao is about to give birth. I don't want to leave her side to eliminate the dragon energy. I have never found a way." Zhang Bairen's eyes showed a touch of pain: "I watched the people around me grow old. I don’t think you understand!"

"Why don't I understand?" Shaoyang ancestor sighed, "Let's do it with you! My Zhang family's blood is noble and has always been lawless, do whatever you want."


At this moment, the southern void exploded, causing the world to be turbulent. Zhang Bairen followed the fluctuations, but the next moment he changed his color suddenly: "Dead?"

Sun Quan is dead!

Sun Quan is dead!

"Seeking benevolence and benevolence!" Zhang Bairen said silently, after a while.

Yellow River

Sun Quan was fighting endlessly with the North Sea Dragon King at this time. Because he wanted to use the origins of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers to suppress the floods, Sun Quan was unable to play 50% of his strength. At this time, facing the powerful and domineering Dragon King of the Sea, Sun Quan was retreating steadily.

Countless Shuifu shrimp soldiers and crabs will rebel. At this time, Sun Quan is gone, facing the invincible dragon claw of the East China Sea Dragon King, he is forced to retreat step by step.

"If you refuse to surrender me to the East China Sea, you chose to die. No wonder we are cruel!" The real water in the hands of the North Sea Dragon King ran towards Sun Quan murderously, trying to tear him apart.


Sun Quan's spear was fisted by the North Sea Dragon King, and then he saw the North Sea Dragon King roaring in the void, black sound waves rushing towards Sun Quan.

"The King!"

With a roar, Huang Zhong suddenly split the void with a long knife, cut off the mighty river, and slashed towards the Qiqiao of the North Sea Dragon King: "Bold Dragon King, stop hurting my Patriarch, don't give me a quick death!"


Huang Zhong stopped in front of Sun Quan, and the sound wave poured directly into Huang Zhong’s body’s orifices. The next moment the black sound wave turned into real water, Huang Zhong’s blood was bleeding from his body’s orifices, and he was killed by the sound wave before he approached the North Sea Dragon King. .

"This is the magical power of this king: Longyin; how can you resist a mortal body? Although you have stepped into the divine way and become the righteous **** of the navy, you are naturally restrained by this king! Now! The origin of the Yellow River cannot be mobilized. How does it differ from ordinary people in my eyes?" Beihai Dragon King sneered.

"General Huang!!!" Sun Quan was eager to split his eyes: "You evil dragon, you dare to hurt my love general!"

While talking, Sun Quan stretched out his palm, and the water vapor surging all over his body, it seemed that there were two mighty rivers tumbling around him like a giant dragon.

Take a closer look at the two dragons, one is the Yangtze River and the other is the Yellow River. At this time, the tumbling and turmoil are endless, and the infinite murderous opportunities are gathered within three feet of the whole body.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea suddenly changed color. He couldn't afford such a murderous opportunity. The gathering power of the Yellow River and the Yangtze River was enough to threaten his life.

"Sun Quan, do you dare to mobilize the origin of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, regardless of the life and death of the people on both sides of the strait?" The Dragon King of the East China Sea asked, shaking the sky.

When Sun Quan heard the words, his movements were stagnant, and his eyes were full of grief and indignation. He looked at the Beihai Dragon King in front of him, where the Qi machine was frozen, and then slowly receded. The source of the faintly formed Yangtze and Yellow Rivers was also dispersed.

"Can't move! Once I mobilize the origins of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, without the suppression of the origins of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers will inevitably be raging, and there will be countless deaths and injuries!" Sun Quan's eyes were full of murder and pain.

"Boy, you better go to die!" The North Sea Dragon King spit out a dragon ball, which turned into a blue streamer and shot towards Sun Quan.

Sun Quan's control of the origins of the Yellow River and Yangtze River is too dangerous. It is better to get rid of it as soon as possible, and to avoid the disaster as soon as possible.

"General Huang!" Gan Ning roared and slammed towards the North Sea Dragon King: "Stop hurting my Patriarch!"

"Get out of the way!" Seeing Gan Ning standing in front of his house, Sun Quan suddenly changed his color. He wanted to push Gan Ning away, but it was too late.


Gan Ning was pierced by the dragon ball, and the whole person was instantly frozen. Sun Quan's palm touched his body, but the ice turned into powder and dissipated in the world.

Gan Ning died in battle!

Gan Ning is a military commander himself, and he abolished his martial arts supernatural powers, willing to make a **** and follow Sun Quan. Nowadays, there is no blood to rely on, and the Yellow River and Yangtze River are used to suppress disasters. Ganning has nowhere to take advantage.

Compared with ordinary mortals, gods who cannot use their origins are limited.

Even if it is a gods talisman, Gan Ning's life cannot be saved.

"Lord!" Tai Shici flew up, flashing light all over his body, a colorful spear exuding magnificent beauty, this gun ignored the distance of the void and directly penetrated the seven inches of the North Sea Dragon King.


The scales were like a piece of paper pierced through. The North Sea Dragon King stared at Tai Shici in disbelief, and then slowly lowered his head to look at his seven-inch place, and raised his palm laboriously, as if he was about to reach his seven-inch place. The spear was pulled out.

Dragons have reverse scales, and they will die if they touch them.

The North Sea Dragon King, who was pierced by the scales, drew out his spear, and he fell into the Yellow River. His eyes looked at Tai Shi Ci unwillingly, full of suffocation and anger, his brilliance gradually dimmed, and he swept the waves of Zhang Xu Gao.


He died too aggrieved. The wind and waves came over, but he died in the hands of an unknown soldier. How could the feeling of the North Sea Dragon King be aggrieved?

The monstrous resentment filled the river, rushing straight into the clouds, and the rain in the sky turned black.

"Four brother!"

The three dragon kings on the wave suddenly changed color at this time, and the South Sea Dragon King turned into a prototype to roll up the thousand-foot-high wave, grabbed the dragon body in the Yellow River with one claw, and dragged the dead North Sea Dragon King up.

"Four brothers!" Nanhai Dragon King was full of grief and anger, full of anger.

"I...revenge..." The flame in the eyes of the North Sea Dragon King went out, only one pair of eyes widened, staring at Tai Shi Ci intently.


The waves rolled and the Four Seas Dragon King was angry at this time, and the earth-shaking waves rolled up, and the waves on both sides of the strait continued to impact Sun Quan's divine power.

Prime Minister Turtle stretched out his palm and took the body of the North Sea Dragon King onto the wave. The body of the East Sea Dragon King trembled and there were tears in his eyes: "Four brother!"

He died before he left his teacher, and he was beheaded before he captured Zhongzhou.

Anger, endless anger rolled up in my heart.

"Second brother, took revenge for the fourth brother!" Xihai Dragon King's face was grim and his scales kept trembling: "I want his soul to fly away, and there is no place to be buried."



An angry roar runs through the Yangtze and Yellow River valleys, and the dragon king of the East China Sea sees anger flowing in his eyes: "I want you to wait and see how my sea clan will destroy Middle-earth, I want you to bury millions of creatures in Middle-earth for my fourth brother."

"Come here, stir up the waves, flooding Zhongzhou!" Xihailong King scolded angrily.




With the sound of the war drum, the tides began to rise in the four seas in the southeast, northwest, and countless aquariums.

"Who are you!" Nanhai Dragon King looked at Tai Shi Ci with a pair of eyes.

Taishici's body kept shaking, and black cracks appeared on the divine body: "General of the Soochow Navy, it is true for a certain Donglai Taishi!"

"Donglai?" Nanhai Dragon King thought for a while, then cold light flashed in his eyes: "Good! Good! Good! I will ask you to bury the million people of Donglai as my fourth brother."

"Kacha" a frightening wind rolled up the thousand-foot-high waves on the river surface, turned into a spear and penetrated Taishi Ci's body in the same way.

Sun Quan used the origins of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers to suppress water disasters. Tai Shici couldn't borrow the slightest strength of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers. Although he had practiced himself, he was the opponent of the Dragon King of the South China Sea that held the sea clan's power?

With the blessing of endless waves, even in the inland, the Dragon King of the South China Sea can draw on the power of the four seas.



Black cracks permeated Taishici's body, spreading all over his body in the blink of an eye, as if it had become a pottery figurine that could turn into fragments at any time.

"The lord takes care, General Huang and General Gan stayed lonely down here, and his subordinates will go with him first!" Tai Shici looked at Sun Quan with a pair of eyes, and at the last look at Sun Quan, the nostalgia in his eyes was for this colorful world. Infatuation is all contained in this eye.


When the words fell, Tai Shici exploded, turned into fragments and shot everywhere, splashing to the ground.

Tai Shi Ci is Sun Quan's body is trembling, with scarlet eyes looking at the aquatic army in the distance, and then at the strong human race on the shore.

Within three days, Terran warriors and monks had arrived here and were watching from a distance.

"Shall we make a move?" Lu Jingxiu hesitated.

"My ancestors, Sun Quan controls the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, which are tens of thousands of gods. If he doesn't die, where can I wait for the disciples of the various clans to put them?" Nantian Master Taoist Master stood up and blocked Lu Jingxiu's words.

"Indeed, Sun Quan had Zhang Bairen's support in the past. We are not easy to get started. Zhang Bairen's relationship with Sun Quan is irreversible. I don't believe that Sun Quan died in battle and Zhang Bairen can sit still. If we can pull Zhang Bairen into the water, why bother with us?" An ancestor holding a sandalwood box: "Just wait and see the changes, I would rather that Sun Quan die in battle."

"His Majesty!"

Yuchi Jingde and Cheng Yaojin looked at Li Shimin.

Li Shimin was silent when he heard this, and after a while, he said: "I wait for the martial artist, and fight against people in the Yangtze River and the Yellow River will suppress half of the strength. When the dragon navy comes ashore, it will not be too late to do care."


Qin Qiong sighed, Sun Quan's death is in everyone's interest.

"you wanna die!"

Sun Quan's eyes were scarlet, and suddenly the man and the spear merged into one, turning into a rainbow light to stab towards the Dragon King of the South China Sea.

"I have the blessings of the four seas, can you fight against the Yellow River and Yangtze River Gods?" Nanhai Dragon King shook his head.

"Vengeance for the dead general!"

"I'm waiting to fight him!"

"Protect the lord!"

At this moment, the generals of Cheng Pu, Han Dang, Zhou Tai, Chen Wu, Ding Feng and other Soochow generals behind Sun Quan shouted in anger, and rushed towards the Dragon King of the South China Sea with a tragic aura.


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