Fire is King

Chapter 145

Enemies at close range are all chickens and dogs, and Highlight can keep all enemies out with a gun in hand, and if Highlight has a long enough range, then he can solve the most threatening snipers.

But now Gao Guang can only be passively beaten and unable to fight back.

Now the situation is very painful and depressing, but the highlight can be dragged, as long as he can drag it until Wharton arrives, then the situation is different.

Gao Guang took out his cell phone, and he dialed Wharton.

After waiting for a while, the phone was connected, and Gao Guang said without hesitation: “Where are you?”

“On the way there, I just received the news that there seems to be a shootout over there, what’s going on?” I want to call you and I’m afraid…”

“It’s just that there was a shootout on our side! Someone attacked us, at least twenty more people, there were snipers, three of us were shot, I don’t know how they were, but you better come and save us quickly! “What

! What about Ronnie?

Gao Guang looked at Ronnie, who was next to him, and whispered: “Right next to me, he has a fraud vest and a life monitoring fuse.”

Gao Guang listened to Wharton shouting, “How long do we have to get there?” Fast! Fast! My friend… Our informant is under attack, shot and dying, speed up, no need to hide, quick, quick! Tell me how long it will be until I arrive! Sound the alarm and speed up! Listening

to Wharton yelling over there, Gao Guang’s heart was much calmer, and then he heard Wharton whisper on the phone: “We are close, you hold on for three minutes, no, two minutes!” You hold out for two minutes, we have an ambulance with you, you hold on!

“Okay, I can hold on, you guys have to be careful, the enemy has snipers, I judge the location to be on the apartment building on the west side, only there can be a simultaneous blockade, dry!” Come on! The enemy is coming in!

Gao Guang did not hang up the phone, he quickly rushed to the back door, and then he heard Wharton shout: “Adjust the walkie-talkie frequency, no, use the radio to communicate!”

As long as the distance is close enough to talkie, you can talk on the walkie-talkie, and Wharton used to keep the radio silent.

Only now did he think of turning on radio communications, Wharton’s reaction was not fast enough, but it is no wonder that he sits in an office and has no experience in commanding operations on the front line.

Gao Guang rushed to the back door and did not go out, then he raised his pistol and raised his hand to the enemy who was less than five meters away from the door.

Now the shot must not care about aiming, so Gao Guang is now shooting by feeling, but his shot is still extremely accurate, in the moment before the enemy pulls the trigger, the bullet hits the bridge of the enemy’s nose to the back of the head, instantly penetrates the brain stem, and realizes instant death in the real sense, and the enemy’s finger is stuck on the trigger can not complete the shot.

Gao Guang took another step forward, and he crouched in the doorway, but the pistol was pointed slightly higher.

A man with a monocular night vision device appeared silently at the door, he came in from the left side, the muzzle pointed to the torso position when ordinary people were standing, when he found that the highlight was a step behind the door, the enemy who came in suddenly pressed down on the muzzle, but this short moment was too late.

Gao Guang pulled the trigger, the pistol fired, the bullet hit the bridge of the enemy’s nose, and then Gao Guang suddenly stood up, held the enemy who fell forward, swung the pistol to the right, and fired a shot directly against the enemy’s brain door entering on the right.

When the enemy on the right side fell backwards, Gao Guang did not wait, he pushed the corpse of the enemy he was holding forward, just in time to meet the third enemy who entered, but when the enemy shot all the bullets into the back of his dead companion, Gao Guang’s third shot fired, the muzzle was only thirty centimeters from the enemy’s jaw, and the bullet entered the enemy’s head diagonally from the bottom up,

Although it is not from the death triangle, the final impact point is still the instantaneous fatal area of the brain stem.

The third enemy was also paralyzed to the ground in an instant.

The enemy adopted a standard three-man indoor formation, and left one to cover at the main entrance, and the one who came up to knock out the cover, and then quickly solved the three-person team that had been forced behind the door.

The enemy should not have thought that the highlight would wait for them at the door, instead of trying to open the distance as much as possible according to the general law, and find a dead corner in the house that could not be detected and shot at the first time and waited for them.

The tactics used by Gao Guang were taught by Thompson, but they were specially developed for him, and this tactic can be called perverse ambush, which is to wait for the enemy at the door to enter, and have a close-to-body gun battle with the enemy in the most unlikely position.

Three shots and three, the farthest is less than a meter, the closest is directly against the hit, high-light fighting is not very good, but his gun is still accurate when it falls within the fighting range.

Why can this tactic only be used highlightly, because when the distance is close to hand-to-hand combat, the bullet cannot accurately hit the lethal position, and when the two sides are close to within one meter, the knife is indeed better than the gun, which has been verified by countless troop experiments.

The highlight body is flexible, the strength is insufficient, the fight can not do a fatal blow, or instantly make the enemy incapacitated, the power of the pistol can make up for the lack of strength, but in order to have a fatal effect of one hit, you must ensure that you can hit the enemy’s fatal position, and it must be an instantaneous fatal position, this is difficult, but the highlight can do it, so he can kill the enemy in an unreasonable way.

Why can Highlight do it, because he has an absolute gun feeling.

But to tell the truth, Gao Guang really brought out his absolute gun sense for the first time today, and thanks to Thompson, his tuition was really worth it.

Gao Guang took two steps back, glanced back at the front door, and then said to Ronnie, who was stunned on the side: “Ronnie, don’t be stunned, go and look at the situation at the front door.” The

room was dark, Ronnie didn’t have a night vision device, he should not be able to see what was happening in the house, but after hearing Gao Guang’s order, he suddenly said: “Who is coming?”

“My people, rest assured, are not here for you.”

Ronnie walked towards the front door, and at this time, Mike, who was dragged to the kitchen, suddenly said: “Boss, you are really powerful.”

While speaking, Mike actually tried to forcibly get up.

Seeing that Mike can move, Gao Guang is of course very happy, and being able to move means that he can’t die at least in a short time, but he can’t check whether Mike’s injury is real.

“Don’t move, hold on, reinforcements will arrive soon.”

Now it’s really busy and chaotic, and all he can do is find that one kills one, and he has no brains to think about more things.

Gao Guang ran to the front door again, and this time, he faintly heard the sound of sirens.

Wharton came, he just had to come, and as long as a large number of police officers arrived to the rescue, Gao Guang did not believe that those who were besieging him dared to stay.

The siren sounded from far and near, and the sound quickly became louder, and then Gao Guang heard someone in the headset calling urgently: “Mad dog, mad dog, did you hear it?” Is it this frequency? This

Wharton character is still reliable, but his practical operation is a bit poor.

“Mad dog received!”

Answering Wharton’s call on the walkie-talkie, Gao Guang found that his phone didn’t know where to throw it, so he immediately turned around and saw his phone at the back door.

Just now, I just cared about shooting, and I threw my mobile phone away.

Gao Guang ran over and picked up the mobile phone, and then he said again: “The bottle cap is still outside, his condition is very bad, you hurry to rescue him and be careful not to be injured by mistake, there are many people outside, you must be careful.”

Bright couldn’t see if the people outside were starting to flee away from the window, but he saw the taillights of a car turn on, and then quickly drove in the opposite direction to the police car.

Gao Guang said again: “There are snipers, you must be careful, the distance is about a hundred meters, the sniper can block the front door and the back door here at the same time, and can also attack John’s position, so the sniper is most likely on the apartment building on the west side, if not two or more snipers, then the sniper should be on the roof and can move the position at any time.” “Received

! I will send someone to clear the snipers.

It wasn’t Wharton who replied over the intercom, but an unfamiliar voice, presumably someone really in charge of the battle who took over the command, and most likely the Los Angeles SWAT.

As he spoke, a long police car with flashing lights rushed to the road in front of the house, but there was no firefight.

There are still not many people who have the courage to confront the police, and tonight’s target of these people is Ronnie and Gao Guang them, they have not been able to break in, and now after the police arrive, they have no hope of calling in, either running or staying and waiting for death.

The enemy at the front door ran, and the enemy at the back door could not stay, Gao Guang looked at Ronnie and whispered: “The person who killed us ran away, the police will arrive immediately, are you waiting to explain to the police if you don’t run now?”

Ronnie hesitated, and he approached the highlights in the dark.

Ronnie has a scam on him, he should also have his own means to control the detonation, if he dies, the detonation can still be detonated, but the highlight does not prevent Ronnie from approaching him.

The police car had stopped, and there were police officers in the car, and then quickly dispersed around the police car, and pointed their guns at the house where they were located, and then two columns of masked SWAT officers fished out of the car and quickly came towards the door.

Ronnie stood by Gao Guang’s side, if he wanted to pull Gao Guang to die together, then Gao Guang would definitely not be able to run away.

Gao Guang just said to Ronnie: “This is our reinforcements, we can deal with the past, not to deal with you, so you don’t want to leave, but don’t talk nonsense, wait for my boss to find a way.”

Perhaps Gao Guang’s attitude finally convinced Ronnie that all this tonight was not a conspiracy against him, and he hesitated and said, “It’s better for me to leave.”

Gao Guang saw Wharton, he hid outside a police car, probed his head, and held a walkie-talkie: “Mad dog, is it safe inside?”

Gao Guang immediately shouted at the police outside: “It’s safe inside!” SWAT

began to come in through the front door, but SWAT was in an offensive formation, two teams of four, with the front person holding a shield to bypass both sides of the main entrance.

At this time, Wharton shouted: “I go first, I come, it’s okay inside, let me go first.” Gao

Guang’s gun was never put down, but after hearing Wharton’s specially shouted words, he finally completely let go of his heart.

Ronnie also heard Wharton shouting, and he finally said: “The sniper should have escaped, I left through the back door, we will contact back!” You can find a way to delay time, don’t let the police chase me. After

making up his mind and not hesitating, Ronnie left after speaking, he stepped past several corpses at the back door, and his body turned and disappeared in the doorway.

When Ronnie ran out the back door, Gao Guang suddenly turned around, but instead of running, he landed on tiptoe, tried not to make footsteps, and stopped at the door again without moving.

Gao Guang listened at the door for a moment, and there was no one where he could see, so he didn’t move but waited at ease.

After waiting for a while, Gao Guang finally heard hurried footsteps begin to sound, and the footsteps sounded on the side behind the door.

Ronnie really did not run away directly, he would rather be found and killed by snipers than run directly, he hid behind the door with the idea of detonating the bomb and dying if the highlight chased him out.

Listening to the footsteps far enough, Gao Guang picked up the rifle of the corpse at the back door, flashed out the back door, and then he saw Ronnie running all the way against the wall.


Gao Guang shouted, and Ronnie, who was running with his head down, was sluggish, UU reading a book He didn’t stop, but he looked back.

Ronnie saw the highlight with the rifle, he stumbled under his feet, and hurriedly dodged, but it was too late, the highlight pulled the trigger, and three bullets were fired in succession, one of which hit Ronnie’s temple accurately.

Ronnie fell sideways, and Gao Guang immediately turned around.

After waiting for about a second, there was a loud bang outside, the bomb on Ronnie’s body was real, his life-monitoring fuse was also real, and it was very sensitive.

Gao Guang didn’t look at the explosion because it wasn’t necessary, and when he shot it, he knew that Ronnie was dead.

Wharton was really the first to rush in, he held a walkie-talkie in one hand, a mobile phone in the other, not even a gun, and immediately said after entering the house: “Where is the explosion!” Where did it explode!

Gao Guang put the rifle in the hand of the corpse, was wiping the fingerprints on the gun, and after hearing Wharton’s words, he said very calmly: “It’s Ronnie.”

Wharton gasped, he said urgently: “Where is the light, turn on the light, turn on the light, John was shot, he is dangerous, here… Oh, Shett, ambulance! Ambulance! Hurry up and get the wounded to the ambulance! The

first person to come in at Wharton was to rescue Mike and Francisco, and this person could make friends.

At this time, there was a sudden commotion outside the door, and then Gao Guang heard someone shouting on the walkie-talkie: “A police officer has been shot!” The police officer is injured, the sniper hides on the roof of the building, asking for support! The light in the living room was turned off, and the highlight immediately turned on the light in the dining room, and then he saw Wharton with a dull face: “The

sniper hasn’t run yet, he, he really dares to shoot!” ”

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