Fire is King

Chapter 144

Fall in love with your reading network, fire is king

Why didn’t the enemy throw grenades at first, because the distance was a little far, and then there was glass in the windows, and the doors were closed, and it was not easy to throw grenades into the house.

But now, the glass on the window is broken, the door is open, and then the rocket ready to be used as a weapon is accidentally fired and missed, then it is normal for the enemy to throw grenades at this moment.

Then someone actually threw a grenade, but Francisco slammed the door shut.

With a bang, something slammed into the door panel, and then immediately outside there was a loud bang.

It was loud and the grenade exploded outside the door.

Gao Guang took a few steps to the side, crouched, and then he stood up abruptly, raised his pistol and swung it quickly, but found no target to shoot.

Trained people are just different.

Tonight’s battle was sudden, but it was also a great opportunity to test Gao Guang’s training results, if it was before, Gao Guang might have rushed out directly, but now he knew that rushing out under the premise of being blocked by the enemy was looking for death.

If it had been before, Highlight might have stood behind the window for a while, but when he searched for a target, he was most likely sifted by an enemy fire.

Now, highlights are fleeting, fleeting, and never stay in one place for more than a second.

In this kind of quasi-indoor battle at an extremely close distance, staying in place for more than a second will lead to death, which is Thompson’s repeated iron law.

Gao Guang did not feel that his combat methods had improved, he left the window and quickly ran to another room, the glass of this room has not been broken, and the presence of glass will seriously affect the effect of night vision devices.

The night vision device was lifted and a brief observation was made behind the side of the window, but the highlights did not rush to break the glass and did not shoot outward from the window.

Gao Guang saw three people, one moving fast, one hiding behind a trash can, and another holding a rifle, pointing something from the side of the house.

In the distance, Gao Guang saw someone hiding behind the car and shooting at John, and John was still insisting, but he was so pressed that he couldn’t lift his head.

It is really a good habit to always leave someone outside, even if you are surrounded by people, there is someone outside who can be contained, can report the message, and can stab the enemy in the ass.

Without John, the highlight is finished, but now that John has been suppressed, the traction he can play has been weakened to the extreme, and as long as the enemy can make up a few more people, or another bazooka, then the highlight is really finished.

Now, the most unfavorable thing for them is the lack of long-range weapons, only four pistols, and the enemy is difficult to deal with at a distance of more than thirty meters.

The pistol is a weapon for close self-defense, as long as the distance is a little farther, then at any time, the use of automatic rifles has an absolute advantage over pistols.

But there are always exceptions, and highlights are that exception.

Generally, common sense, under normal circumstances, a pistol cannot be used against a rifle, but the highlight is different, he is the unreasonable kind of shooter.

Just like Thompson’s classic battle example, the normal situation is a certain death, but a sniper can block the self-detonating car from a lethal distance.

The pistol is unreasonable in the high-light hand, because when he hits the enemy within ten meters, he shoots the enemy, and the enemy who hits thirty meters is still a shot, as long as the target is still within the precise range of the pistol, that is, the dispersion area of the bullet is not larger than the range of the face, then he can shoot one by one unreasonably.

So it is unreasonable to fight with a group of people with rifles with pistols, but Gao can win, and he is confident that he can win.

After the observation was over, Gao Guang returned to the door again and made a gesture to open the door to Francisco.

Francisco had a Glock 19 in his hand, and he didn’t expect to be able to use a pistol to kill a bloody way, but now, after seeing the highlight five shots and four kills, his concept has not been able to reverse.

Francisco didn’t move, Gao Guang gestured again, so Francisco woke up like a dream, he came to the door, and suddenly opened the door again.

Gao Guang crouched on the right side of the door and shot in a slightly awkward squat position instead of his favorite standing position.

The door opened, Gao Guang relied on the impression, fired at the moment of swinging the gun, a shot hit the side of the person holding and did not know whether it was a mobile phone or a walkie-talkie, and then he pounced earlier, the whole person lay on the ground, the moment his left shoulder landed, he waved the pistol sideways and snapped two shots.

Fall to the ground, fire, and then immediately roll back, turn on the ground, first hide the torso position where the enemy cannot see, and then kick on both legs, support the left arm, the whole person bounced up from the ground and hid behind Francisco.

Indoor warfare has special goal-breaking training, into attack training, of course, there must be training on how to attack externally from indoors, highlight other tactics may not be particularly in place, but all the tactical actions of this indoor battle are familiar with and used.

Francisco knew that the high-gloss pistol was used well, but he really didn’t know that the high-gloss pistol was used so well.

“Killed? Beat to death!

Suddenly closing the door, Francisco ducked backwards while asking himself, and then he was extremely surprised, but also extremely brave: “We can charge with a pistol!” It

is definitely not okay to be pressed into this all the time, it must rush out, before rushing out was a desperate charge, it was suicide, but now, Francisco sees hope.

The pistol is so accurate, as long as it is not killed by the gathering fire, it will be promising.

There were still bullets in the gun, but Gao Guang still pulled out the magazine, replaced it with a full magazine, and whispered: “You cover, I output!”

Francisco grabbed the door again, slammed it open, and then he went from a crouching position to a leap out.

Behind Francisco, Gao Guang rushed out, using Francisco’s body as a cover.

Francisco stumbled, but he raised his gun and pointed it at an enemy who was firing at him.

Leaving the house also lost its concealment, but the vision was wide and the shooting range was open, but it also faced the risk of being attacked by enemy fire, so Francisco went out without accident and was shot, but he did not fall.

Highlight fired a shot at the enemy who shot at Francisco.

The enemy wore body armor, but did not wear a helmet.

Less than thirty meters away, Francisco fired a shot that missed, but Gao Guang followed with a supplementary shot, which immediately caused a blood mist to burst out behind his target’s head, and fell down with it.

As long as it is shot in the head, it is absolutely instantly fatal.

Francisco stumbled again, he did not raise the gun, but Gao Guang waved another shot, hitting a person who suddenly stood up from behind the green belt, and hit the neck with one shot, but the enemy did not fall, but covered his neck with one hand, and immediately crouched, but the highlight was followed by another shot, which hit the enemy’s eye socket in the process of squatting the enemy.

Someone was lying behind the car in the distance, it was the enemy who was shooting at John, and now those enemies began to turn around, ready to shoot at the highlights.

At a distance of more than forty meters, the high-gloss pistol was good, but at this distance, the dispersion of the pistol cartridge had begun to increase sharply, at least more than ten centimeters in a circle.

Don’t underestimate this dispersion range of the bullet, the highlight can no longer ensure that the bullet can hit the enemy’s lethal position, he can hit the enemy’s torso, but wearing body armor, hitting the enemy’s torso is useless.

Gao Guang still raised his gun and fired at the enemy, but this time the shooting effect was very poor, he fired three rounds, but failed to kill an enemy, and when the fourth shot, finally someone suddenly put down the rifle and reached out to cover his shoulder.

At this moment, Francisco suddenly shook, and then he whispered: “I was shot!”

Francisco had already been shot, he had been shot in the leg, but it should be no big deal, because as long as the bullet hit solidly, it was impossible for him to continue standing, and as for the torso position, Francisco was hit by at least three or four bullets.

So Francisco said that he was shot, there is only one reason, he was hit by a bullet that the body armor could not hold.

Francisco turned around, and he said to Gao Guang: “Sniper! Get in!

And did not fall, Francisco could still walk and run, he turned around, turned his back to the enemy, and said urgently: “Retreat!” The

door was behind him, and Gao Guang took a step back, the pistol passed over Francisco’s shoulder, fired continuously at the five enemies standing by the side of the car, helped Francisco, and retreated into the house.

Francisco was heavy, and Gao Guang rolled to the ground with him.

Ronnie appeared, he was next to Gao Guang, and said faintly: “What the hell is going on!”

Instead of answering Ronnie, Gao Guang just said, “Drag away!”

Ronnie grabbed Francisco by the shoulder and dragged him hard to the rear, and then he put Francisco down and tried to get the gun in Francisco’s hand.

“Get out of here!”

Francisco cursed angrily and raised his pistol and pointed it at Ronnie, he would never give the gun to Ronnie.

Gao Guang didn’t look at Ronnie, just whispered: wearing civilian clothes, but there is no obvious mark on the clothes, not the FBI.

Ronnie hurriedly said, “Who else can that be!”

Could it be Wharton’s people, but Gao Guang immediately dismissed the idea.

It’s not that Gao Guang believes in Wharton and Linda’s character, but because sending someone to kill him and Ronnie is not Linda’s choice to maximize her interests.

Without speaking, Gao Guang looked at Francisco’s chest, he saw a small hole in the outer layer of the body armor, obviously thicker than those next to it, he stretched out his index finger to probe into the small hole, and immediately said: “8.6 mm, Lapumagnum!” A

few commonly used bullets, UU read the book How thick the bullet holes are shot out of the, you can know at a glance, touch it is more certain, this is of course also the result of training, his gun is not practiced in vain.

The 8.6mm Lapumagnum is very powerful, far more than the 7.62NATO bullet, but the four-level protection effect plus the bulletproof plate should be able to block it, but Mike fell, Francisco also fell, then it is likely to be an armor-piercing bullet, and the armor-piercing bullet is likely to penetrate the bulletproof plate.

Fortunately, it is not a 12.7 mm caliber sniper rifle, but Gao Guang does not have heavy body armor on him, 8.6 mm caliber, he will die if he is shot.

Sniper, if it was Ryan, who was from the FBI, who arranged all this, how could he not arrange a sniper.

At this time, Gao Guang suddenly remembered John again, he had not spoken on the walkie-talkie for a long time, although the time had passed more than a minute, but for this close-range indoor battle, a minute had been a long, long time.

“Cap! Cap answers me! There

was no answer.

If you don’t solve the sniper, don’t want to leave this house one step, but to solve the sniper, you must first know where the sniper is, and then you have to solve the sniper with a pistol, and you have to have the opportunity to rush over, but three people cover, three people are shot, Gao Guang wants to rush over, this is impossible.

If you have a rifle in hand, if you have a sniper who can counter-snipe, if you have….

There are no ifs, the highlight only has a pistol.

For the first time, Highlight hated himself so much for having too short a range.

——Off topic——

Pay off debts one after another, and ask for a monthly pass in the third.

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