Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 922: Fool and hold back

"What?" General Carl's complexion instantly became ashen, and he looked at the signal soldier in front of him: "What did you say? Just after crossing the wormhole, the Mackino lost contact? How is this possible? This is absolutely impossible! "

General Carl is still waiting for the good news of his men. On the opposite side, even if it encounters the main fleet of the other party, with the strongest shield, it is impossible to be destroyed in an instant? Now, why can't I get in touch?

"We received some images, please see." The soldier opened the screen, and a two-dimensional picture appeared. On the picture, suddenly, everyone on the entire bridge jumped forward, and then hit the wall. On, and then, the entire screen disappeared.

"What the **** is going on?" General Carl's complexion turned pale from turquoise to bring such a huge change to the ship bridge, indicating that it was a terrible impact accident. So, just went out and what did the impact hit? In front of this wormhole is a huge planet. Is this a trap for the other party?

The universe is incomparably empty. If the entire galaxy is compared to the sea, then a planet in it is equivalent to one part per billion of a quark in the nucleus of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms of a water molecule in the sea.

Such an empty universe, so most of the navigation is without any material vacuum, but there will be exceptions. If the other party has some kind of anti-sky technology, it may connect the wormhole to a certain planet. The surface, this way, is the surface of a certain planet. Then this will happen. The starship that rushed past at a high speed and hit the planet?

"No, no, they won't change the location of the wormhole, but if they move a planet to the wormhole and block the wormhole, our huge starship is really not easy to go out." Karl The general continued to analyze.

Although General Karl was gradually promoted from the exercise field, this judgment had to convince Commander Anna, yes, his current judgment is really close to reality.

He was not whimsical. In the first galaxy war, this technology had already appeared to move the entire planet to a certain location, but at that time, it was mainly to move the energy star, which became an eternal energy source on the Marchino defense. Now, people do n’t have to spend a lot of time to move the planet to block the wormhole exit, but spread a slow fog area there. If it is passing at a slow speed, then it ’s okay. If it is going through at a high speed, it must be It will destroy itself under its own impact, completely destroying itself with its own energy!

Now, regardless of the facts, in short, General Karl ’s starship has been destroyed, their destruction is very suffocating, in their limited life, I do n’t know that they have carried out many combat exercises, they have countless times Imagine destroying the enemy's fleet, even if it is finally destroyed by the enemy, it will die vigorously, but now? Actually died in such a scum and suffocation, was killed!

General Carl's chest kept undulating, showing how angry he was at this moment, his hands clenched into fists, and his eyes were full of despair.

How to do how to do? He came to supervise the war. The starship should be deployed at the end. As a result, he used the starship as a forward. And Commander Anna had already said clearly that to slow down, he let My own starship rushed past, and as a result, it hit the mark!

It ’s all his faults. He thought countless times that if he could catch up to that war, with his own wisdom, he would also be able to make achievements, and even become a character like Commander Anna and General Qin Tian who could turn the tide. , As a result, the facts now prove that he is just a clown, a clown who is not important!

General Carl's heart was full of unwillingness and despair, he made an unforgivable mistake, and his mood was completely disorganized, there was no way out. This is the difference between a veteran and a novice. No matter how strategizing the exercise field is, it is a drill, not a real battle. Once a warship is wasted due to its own command, then, as What about the frontline commander?

This is the time to test your personal qualities. Only the most conscious commanders can fight to the end, otherwise, they will be eliminated!

"Order, the lifeboat is dispatched, go through the wormhole, and salvage our victims as much as possible. Be careful not to go fast." Anna began to give orders.

"The fighter forces are dispatched to establish a defense line on the other side of the wormhole, expel the starship Warisi, and prepare to pass through the wormhole. All starships must pay attention to it and the speed must be slow."

If General Karl is careful enough, you can find out that Anna emphasized a key word when giving orders, that is, slow speed!

Of course, this is also easy to understand. If there is a block on the opposite side, as long as the speed is slow enough, you can avoid it in time. However, when you initially did not pass through the wormhole, Commander Anna commanded according to this principle. Explain that she must know something in advance.

However, General Carl was sullen in his mind at this time and could not analyze it at all.

Anna frowned. Sure enough, there was a slow fog area, and it was really huge. Now, it is easy to pass through the wormhole, but not easy to pass through the slow fog area.

Of course, it ’s not that she is afraid of hitting, as long as the speed is slow enough, it ’s okay to go through. The key is that this slow fog area does not know how thick it is, and in the slow fog area, the new fighters on the side include AI All equipment, including computers, cannot work!

In other words, they have become a starship that can only be controlled manually, without any modern equipment, which is equivalent to completely disarming, no shield, no star cannon, if the other party is hidden behind the slow fog area You can take advantage of your own moment when you are out of the slow fog zone!

This battle is not so easy. In order to save his fleet, Commander Anna cannot take any risks. Perhaps, they will be blocked outside the slow fog area and cannot enter.

In front of the interests of the empire and the colony fleet, Anna had to choose the latter, because she had foreseen that a great era change would come again, and she would leave something for Princess Jingxi and General Qin Tianda .

Unable to return to the medical ship, Anna is now very worried, not knowing how the expedition team is going?



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