Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 921: destroy

The Machino was created to commemorate the Machino line. Although the Machino line has been abandoned, the fighting spirit of the Minoline line cannot be lost. In order to commemorate the previous war, a special ship was named The main starship, and now, this starship is sailing in front of the formation.

That ’s right, although the task is to oversee the war, for General Carl, what he most expects is to break the record that he has no actual combat. This time is a real opportunity for actual combat, so he has long been expecting that he can establish Merit.

Let his Mackino rush to the front line!

"General, there is an ambush opposite, and I hope you will be cautious." Anna said.

"Ambush? No matter what ambush, I can kill them all!" Admiral Carl said: "Now, connect me to the Machino."

Soon, the holographic display interface on the bridge appeared on the scene of the Machino. A bearded captain stood there, looking at the holographic camera: "Report, our ship is fully prepared . "

"Speed ​​up, rush through the wormhole, build the first line of defense there, and cover our main fleet through the wormhole. If you encounter an enemy, then hit me hard, no matter how much you come, you will kill me all. Use your star cannon to play the triumph of the colonial counterinsurgency battle! Let others see how our Mackinaw fought. "

"Yes." Captain Kraun's face was excited: "All ships, speed up!"

Anna at this time is hesitant, do you want to tell them that the opposite is the slow fog shield? If they were to tell them, they would definitely ask how they knew. This, really, ca n’t be said, it will reveal the whereabouts of Princess Jingxi. Besides, this full house shield is only what the expedition team saw. I haven't seen it myself. Will a slow fog shield with a large area enough to cover the entrance of the whole wormhole exist?

These are unknown, Anna only wants to test carefully, but now there is a stubborn man. If this is the case, then let the stubborn men go over and see, it might be a way.

In Anna ’s previous battles, there has never been an order to let his hands go down to risk death. However, the Mackino is not his own, and he has no power to give them orders. Now, looking like this, he still looks on the sidelines. All right.

They came here with ulterior motives.

Rush! Without knowing the entanglement of Commander Anna, Captain Kraun, who received the order, immediately ordered the whole ship to accelerate, and a special flame came out of the antimatter engine at the rear, which looked clear here.

The Machino sailed in the direction of the wormhole. When sailing, before entering the wormhole, it did not even slow down, and immediately went into the wormhole.

Generally speaking, the inside of a wormhole is a curved space, which is not a normal cosmic space-time and is torn out of space-time. However, no matter how fast it enters, it will bend inside along with the side wall. Even the light is no exception, so there is no need to worry about the high-speed starship hitting the side wall.

Even so, it is still too reckless, maybe they are planning to kill the other party by surprise in this way, they suddenly jumped out of the wormhole, they flew thousands of miles away, and then they can turn around and look at the wormhole Is there an ambush around?

After the singular scene formed by the special impulsive time and space turbulence disappeared, the Machino pierced the wormhole. At the moment of the piercing, Captain Kraun issued the order: "Open the energy shield, open The gravitational wave detection radar, each gun position, ready to fight at any time! "

Although this is a newly built battleship, and many of the crew are newbies, they have undergone rigorous training and are running in with the starship almost every day. Now that they have received orders, they are so nervous that they are thumping. Jump, but still preparing meticulously.


A starship like a plate, and a wormhole was drilled at once, the huge body of the starship's body appeared in the starry sky of the colony with a gap of 3,000 seconds, and the vast starry sea around it was another. Fan's sight.

There was no time to observe here, Captain Kraun kept receiving messages one by one.

"The gravitational wave radar did not find the target."

"It's quiet all around."

"The naval gun is ready, request target instructions."

No guards around? This is a bit strange, right?

Although eager to fight, although it was fortunate that no one intercepted through the wormhole, Captain Kraun always had some incredible feelings, how could it be empty here, nothing?

What could it be?

Captain Kraun was curious, and suddenly, a terrible impact came from the huge bow! The impact quickly propagated backwards along the longitudinal beam of the starship. At this moment, everyone was rushing forward due to inertia.

Captain Klaun was standing on the bridge at this time. His body sprinted forward incredulously, hitting the HUD, all of which broke, and his body was still rushing forward, always embedded in the podium!

There is only one possibility for this huge and terrible impact. Their starship has hit something!

However, the front is empty, nothing! The structure of the starship is very strong, and the energy shield is turned on. The ordinary meteorite is useless at all. This impact is like hitting a certain planet.

Oh, the God of the Galaxy! Just before the end of his life, Captain Kraun saw a picture taken by an extra-vehicle camera that was still performing his mission in Crouch's duty.

The hull shape of the round cake, the bow of the bow is gone, and it has become a cross section. In front of the space, like a plane obstacle, the cross section of their bow continuously It becomes bigger and bigger, because the hull is still ramming forward, coming into contact with this plane obstacle, and then constantly smashing. The hull is completely destroyed by its own impact energy, which is a terrible suicide!

They no longer have the ability to save their starships. Their starships cannot stop at all. The part of the starship that touches the front end is hit into fragments. The debris is flying in all directions, but you can see that it seems to be along this The plane flew outwards as if the plate had fallen vertically to the ground, and the debris flew along the ground.

Is this a mirror-like interface that does not exist in the universe?

Captain Klaun ’s consciousness is over here. The part where his bridge is located is also on the plane of the slow fog shield. All the matter is smashed to death!



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