Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 578: When there is oppression, there is resistance

Originally, Qin Tian planned to really leak the party here to the government through some means, and then let the government to suppress it. No matter what kind of government, he can condone some forces under his men, but absolutely no one wants to see these. The forces can be united. In this case, it may threaten the government's own rule.

However, the danger of doing so is too great. In case the government mobilizes the Mark 4 mecha, Qin Tian and his group may really be wiped out by the regiment. Qin Tian is absolutely not allowed to appear in such a thing. Yes, so Qin Tian finally chose a low-level plan. He found some men and wore the clothes of the government security forces, posing as security forces to siege. As soon as they appeared, it was enough to scare the farts of these people.

Now, the purpose has been reached. Qin Tian has created a crisis and he has become the leader of them. Now, Qin Tian has brought them here, and he has reached the edge of his own power, which is far from Qin. The location of Tianshui Danshui Factory is not far away, and it is also an underground work previously dug.

Now is the opportunity to recruit these people!

On this **** star, we must continue to strengthen our strength, so as to survive, especially now, after offending the government ’s security forces, Qin Tian needs to integrate these forces before he can have enough Capital confronts the government.

Especially, everyone still has a common crisis, that is, fresh water.

Now there is a person who does not hold the group. As a result, Claude is still more discerning. He has already killed him. With this example in front of him, who can disagree with his leadership?

This guy, still the role of the leaker, now dies in vain, and after he dies, his territory will naturally be taken by Claude. This guy is clever.

"For the traitor, we will never be soft-hearted." Qin Tian said: "Everyone is on the same tank now. If anyone dares to inform the government, who is our enemy, maybe we can't kill him now. But, he ca n’t hide all his life. We are in the dark and we always have the opportunity to kill him. I know that everyone may have a relationship with the government before, but now, we have to cut off all the relationships. In the end, we do n’t have to hand over profits to the government anymore. We earn our own money. Why should we let the government dominate? "

Qin Tian said in a pleasant tone, at this time, everyone must unify their opinions. If anyone dares to be a traitor, there is only one way to die!

Moreover, there is also interest impressed. Let ’s do it for our own benefit. They exploited it, and most of it was turned over. If all fell into their own hands, what a huge sum of money, For this wealth, they are willing to take risks.

There are threats and benefits, so that we can be enveloped.

"Then you say, what are we going to do?" Long Brother asked.

This changed too fast, and Brother Long didn't react. Now, when Brother Long speaks, he is somber, he doesn't know who he should believe, and he doesn't know what to do next. The government is worried that the future is not easy.

"Everyone said, what is our biggest crisis now?" Qin Tian said to everyone.

The biggest crisis? Need to say that? Of course it is a poll tax and a source of water!

"The government enforces the poll tax. If we can also enjoy the power of taxpayers while paying the tax, then we can also have qualified education and medical conditions on the **** star. We are sick and can see the doctor easily, and It can also be reimbursed. Our children can go to school, or we can have a suitable school. That ’s fine, but the current situation is that the government has been searching for our wealth and has been exploiting us, but we do n’t want to give us anything. Investment, so this tax is simply impossible to achieve. It is the greatest injustice to us. "

It is true that Qin Tian said that on those civilized planets, everyone pays taxes according to law and enjoys various benefits at the same time. This is also possible, but now? Only pay taxes, no benefits, what is this?

"I heard that in fact the government has allocated funds, but all of them have entered the Governor's pocket. Anyway, we are far away from the emperor, and no one will come to ask." One said.

Rubbish Star is also required to report the number of people, and there are also financial allocations. There should have been perfect medical care and education, but the money was detained by the Governor.

When the government wants to collect taxes, the governor will not take out his own pocket, but will only exploit the lower people. The people can no longer eat, and they will still be cruelly exploited. When there is funding, they will not reach the people. , Now is such a situation.

"Where there is oppression, there is resistance. Now, we can't even eat our meals. If we continue this way, we must all die!"

These big guys may not die first, but the garbage collectors are dead, do they still have a way to go? It is precisely because of this that they have gathered together to discuss countermeasures. Now, Qin Tian has specified that under the current circumstances, everyone must resist!

"You mean, we are going to attack the government?" Long asked, if he was attacking the government, he was really reluctant. After all, it would be madly suppressed by the entire colony. After all, people are on the front line, absolutely No signs of rebellion are allowed.

"Of course not." Qin Tian said: "Our biggest threat now is that there is not enough water, then you say, what should we do?"

Brother Long is not a stupid person. When Qin Tian pointed his finger, he wanted to understand: "You mean, let's grab it?"

Qin Tian nodded: "Yes, in the past, we acted alone, our strength was weak, and even those mountain kings along the way were honoured. Now, as long as we gather all the strengths together, we can gather together Powerful forces, those mountain kings along the way, whoever dares to block, will wipe out whoever they are. When we reach the North Pole, we will go to fight for it. If the government ’s mech units are to block, we will fight with them! Our strength will continue to develop and expand rapidly! "

Without inspiring them to fight against the government, Qin Tian himself is weak, but now, Qin Tian has given them a bright future.

Why did all the people under them come to Qin Tian? It ’s not because Qin Tian provides water for free here. This alone is enough to attract them.

If there is water in the hands of these bosses, there will definitely be people from farther places to join them, and they will quickly expand their scale like snowballs here. There is a siphon effect, and people on the entire planet will gather towards them!

Qin Tian has pointed out a prospect for them now, either die or we will do it!

What's the use of going to the equator? Go to the North Pole and grab the water!



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