Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 577: Self-guided performance

The roads of the dump have been built in the past few days. When it rained before, it was muddy. Now it is covered with a layer of gravel, and the wheels are crushing the gravel, making a crunching sound.

Soon, the gravel road passed, and it turned into a bumpy ordinary road. The car was bumpy. Qin Tian was still sleeping comfortably until the car began to increase the horsepower uphill, and he woke up from his sleep. .

Spartak is always close to Qin Tian. If any unexpected situation occurs, such as a mine explosion or someone ambushes, he will protect Qin Tian's safety in the first place.

Qin Tian came all the way, not worried, because before leaving, Pete had sent Rhubarb to come over and investigated all the way, but unfortunately there was not enough material in the garbage dump, otherwise, Pete would make a drone, like this Can be supervised at any time.

At this time, just above the hillside, many people were waiting there. Their faces were very serious. When they saw the car coming up, they barely squeezed out a smiling face.

The one headed is a strong man with a green dragon on his arm, which looks like a magnificent man. His arms are full of green muscles and his muscles are thick. At first glance, he is the most frightening character.

This is Brother Long.

Next to Longge is Claude, Claude is a small man, not tall, and his body is not very strong, but his eyes constantly reveal the light of cunning. In this era, some People rely on force, and some rely on resourcefulness.

This Hongmen Banquet was the idea given by Claude. This time they came to Qin Tian for a banquet, of course, not to return to Qin Tian, ​​but to get the most benefit from Qin Tian!

Now, seeing Qin Tian get off, Claude ran over in a few steps: "Mr. Qin Tian, ​​welcome."

After he finished speaking, he extended his hand and wanted to shake hands with Qin Tian, ​​but Qin Tian did not mean to shake hands with him. The Spartak on the side of Qin Tian had already reached out his hands. Holding them together, Claude yelled, "Oh, shout, it hurts."

When Spartak held it, he heard the sound of Gababa's joints. At this time, I don't know if Claude's hand was broken. When it was released, Claude threw his wrist vigorously. Then blow your hands, tears are about to fall.

Isn't this a clown?

The other bosses looked at Claude with contempt. Only Qin Tian knew that this person was intentional. He deliberately pretended to be very weak. If someone harmed himself for a while, it must be such an insignificant little role.

"Mr. Qin Tian, ​​your guts are outstanding, admire, admire, please!" Long Brother waved his hand, and the people behind gave way.

The woods have been treated in advance, and a passage has been opened. It is in the center of the woods, where a bonfire is burning. On the bonfire, a huge cow is erected on the top, constantly flipping, it looks like , Just started roasting, and still can't smell the aroma of roasted whole beef.

Qin Tian walked over and then sat in the master's position with one buttock.

For thousands of years, the rules have been the same. The road is south. The northernmost position of the bonfire here is the position of the owner. Just now they set up the bonfire here and roasted the cow. Then I heard that Qin Tian's car came, so that it had not yet been assigned.

These 20 garbage dumps are big and small, and some of them have some grudges between them. Therefore, it takes a while to sort out the positions, especially the position of the owner. Now, there is no need to fight, Qin Tianyi The **** is sitting there!

This time, let everyone look at each other, especially the dragon brother, the cold light has flashed in his eyes, Qin Tian did so, definitely provoking everyone. Do you dare to be so arrogant when you are empty-handed with only two followers?

Qin Tian came here, of course, with arrogant capital. They all heard about Qin Tian ’s story, killing Vito ’s men in the dump, transporting water, and hitting the mountain king along the way. The fart rolls, and no tolls are paid, which is a ruthless role.

If they knew that Qin Tian had recently made a fuss in the city inside the equator and killed some security forces, it would be even more shocking.

Now, Qin Tian sat down and said to Spartak: "There is still meat here, since it is ready, you are welcome, cut a few pieces to taste."

Spartak pulled out his sharp dagger, and did not even avoid the bonfire below, and cut off a few pieces of it from the cow leg.

The meat on the outer skin has been roasted, but the meat inside is still raw, and you can still see the blood on the top. After the Spartak is cut off, the meat is directly put into the mouth.

Blood flowed out of Spartak's mouth, and the raw meat was very strong to chew. At this time, everyone was stunned.

They have never seen eating raw meat. This is definitely a barbarian. Only barbaric people eat meat like this. This strong young man, at first glance, is a ruthless character. It is so brave to eat raw meat now.

Spartak put a piece of meat in his mouth and ate it with relish. When it was finished, he said to Qin Tian: "Half cooked, the taste is not bad."

The average person eats beef at least half-cooked. If it is half-cooked, it is almost the same as raw meat. Now, it is only half-cooked. The absolute thing is raw meat.

"Give it to them, everyone will try it." Qin Tian said to Spartak, he was very satisfied with his assistant, and could fully understand his meaning.

I am not a picky eater. I can eat raw meat when needed.

After he finished speaking, he looked at these people: "Why, why don't you sit down? Do you want to stand? Come on, everyone, no matter how big or small, let's just sit in our own homes, don't be polite."

Qin Tian has regarded himself as the master here!

Claude's eyes turned twice, he was ready, first in the position, and then in the position, everyone can show their skills, who has the best skills, who sits in the first place, so you can also show Use force to kill Qin Tian's majesty.

Now, as soon as they came, they took the initiative and used the **** way of eating raw meat to knock everyone sideways and shocked everyone.

What next?

"Then let's sit casually." He didn't have any good ideas, just sit down and talk.

So, everyone can only sit down. At the beginning, Long Brother was next to Qin Tian. Now, he sat beside Qin Tian, ​​looking at the position that originally belonged to him, Long Brother was very unhappy. of.



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