Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 50: Cut corners to be pitted

This operation is secret, code-named Rolling Thunder.

Why is it thundering?

Qin Tian now knows how to do it. Qin Tian flew the fighter plane in front of the other party ’s hatch, and then threw the torpedo down the hatch. The torpedo rolled in, of course, the action of rolling the torpedo.

Qin Tian came up with this plan, and Qin Tian also knew how dangerous this task was. It can be said that the possibility of sacrifice was high.

But now, are there other options?

In order to win this **** war, I don't know how many people are going to die, and what have I counted!

At this time in the distance, a bright flower bloomed in the dark universe. That was when a destroyer exploded. At the same time that the starship was blooming, countless warriors were already sleeping in this icy dark universe. Too.

Universe, it's so **** dark!

Originally, Qin Tian had flown to the hatch, and he was supposed to be able to throw torpedoes. No one would think that now, suddenly, AI took command of the fighter.

At this moment in Qin Tian's mind, many thoughts flashed in his mind, and many things could be clearly figured out.

For example, this large number of carrier-based aircraft requires a large number of pilots, and these pilots were cloned.

Originally, Qin Tian thought that every pilot would be like the terrible ace pilot of the mother body, but now it seems that the inference of Her Royal Highness is correct.

These pilots are physically strong enough to have the potential to fly, but not everyone can become an ace pilot. There must be many rookies among them.

In order to allow these rookies to fight in fighter planes, even as cannon fodder, so the Fibre Empire has also invested a lot of money, and the fighter's memory is not much, but it actually solidifies the automatic landing program.

The landing of carrier-based aircraft is very dangerous. As early as in ancient times, the carrier formation at sea was the most powerful weapon. The landing of carrier-based aircraft pilots was full of risks. Therefore, naval pilots looked down on land-based pilots and thought they It can't be regarded as a real flight at all. How do you compare the thrill of landing?

The same is true of current starships. Landing is the most risky and most tests the pilot ’s skills. Each pilot needs to spend a long time to train. At the same time, if the pilot has not flown for a month, it will have to be restarted. Simulate on the simulator, and only then pass the test before passing the test.

But now?

The training of these pilots is obviously hasty. The subjects with the highest risk are impossible to complete quickly. Simply, the starship carrier aircraft of the Fibre Empire uses the built-in AI to control and land automatically.

In the Holy Armenian Empire, this will definitely be looked down upon, but here, it is the standard procedure.

Landing can standardize procedures, but during air combat, the situation changes rapidly, and AI can't handle it. Otherwise, it will be handled directly by AI. Why not become a manned fighter?

Now Qin Tian is in trouble, he wants to throw torpedoes, but the control of the entire fighter is taken over by AI, unable to throw torpedoes!

so what should I do now?

Turn away immediately? Of course not, so the other party sees the problem.

If you can't go back, you can only continue to fly inside!

Qin Tian had no choice but to operate the Skylight-class fighter and continue to fly inside. At the same time, he was operating the weapon system quickly, hoping to turn off AI.

At this time, he was closer to the hatch and he could clearly see the inside. When he saw the huge space inside, Qin Tian immediately understood it, no wonder!

For this war, the Fibre Empire must have been prepared for a long time, but no matter how they prepare, the manufacture of starships is very costly and time-consuming. Therefore, when they built the warship, they cut corners in many places.

The outer shell of a battleship cannot be cut corners. It must be constructed with the strongest armor. At the same time, the strength is enough, and there is no need for compartments inside.

Therefore, they simply emptied the space in front of them, without any compartments!

The internal space is quite huge. It is as large as a few football fields. Such a wide space does not have any compartment. Then, it is enough for the fighter to use this hatch. It can be adjusted in any way you want.

The central part is empty, obviously all the carrier-based aircraft have been dispatched. The side bulkheads are lined with a row of maintenance equipment, both backpack-style and floor-mounted.

There are some mechanics in the distance who are repairing several damaged fighters.

On the other side, you can see countless hammocks. The crew must have slept directly on the hammock, which simplifies the internal structure.

These people are fighting for fighting!

Close, close, how to close this **** AI?

Qin Tian exhausted all the methods and wished to punch on it, but it was useless.

The control of AI is quite precise. After entering the hatch, it steadily falls and then brakes until it stops.

Behind Qin Tian, ​​Liu Ye's fighter plane was not spared. Although he came in later, Liu Ye's fighter plane stopped on the side of Qin Tian.

The two looked at each other in the cockpit, and they felt helpless and were pitted by this AI.

How to do?

As long as the hatch is open, the other party knows that they and Liu Ye are all fake.

And now, as the fighters stopped, several ground crews hurried towards this side, apparently receiving orders from their fighters for failure, and hurry to come over for repairs so that they could be dispatched at any time.

How to do?

When landing, AI took over. I didn't know this preset command, but what about taking off?

Departure is definitely not!

Because when I took off from the Brenev, I didn't find this situation, I took off by myself.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian had an idea, looking at the empty cabins around him, Qin Tian shouted loudly, "Take off!"

After that, Qin Tian's hand pressed the start button of the engine. With the roar of the sharp turbo pump, the blaze of his fighter jet once again burst into flames.

"Oh, no!" At this moment, a ground crew who was approaching made a terrible cry. He was right behind the fighter. As the flames burst out, the entire cabin was filled with a burst of fire. The smell of burnt meat is gone.

The flame of nuclear fusion, thousands of degrees, this terrible high temperature instantly turned him into a barbecue!

At the same time, the Tianguang-class fighter continued to roll forward, toward the deeper cabin.

Pull up, pull up!



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