Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 49: How fighters blow up battleships

The universe is cold.

In the vast expanse of the universe, fierce battles are erupting at this time. The battleship starships of the Fibre Empire are launching the most powerful antimatter guns. With one shot, they can directly hit a cruiser starship. Into a fireball.

One, two, three, sparks of sparks, shining in the starry sky, each sparkling spark means that there are thousands of soldiers of the colonial fleet bloodshed in the starry sky, heroic in this brilliant fire sacrifice.

Faced with this tragic blow, the remaining cruisers finally dared not persist anymore, and started their own curvature-driven engines one after another, and began to retreat.

At this time, on the Hornets, a voice was heard in the communication of the carrier aircraft wing.

"Report that there is a malfunction of the fighter, and it is required to return."

"Go back, within three minutes, the starship will not move."

The voice of the captain of the carrier-based aircraft is very cold. Now, the carrier-based aircraft is no longer needed.

The pilots of these carrier-based aircraft are too poor, let them go to the main attack, the loss rate is too high, and the results are still very small. Now, they are used as bait, but they have worked wonders.

Now, the Hornets are here, so that the platform does not move, and the calculation of the fire control system is the most accurate. Anyway, no one can catch up. It is better to aim here as soon as possible, and to kill a few more enemy starships.

This battle was really fun, killing half of the opponent's starship. This opponent's fleet is considered to be defeated!


Hearing the words in the headphones, Qin Tian was very happy, and he quietly replied: "Received."

After listening to it for a long time, Qin Tian also figured it out. The pilots of these carrier-based aircraft talked like a machine, so cold, so Qin Tian called.

The pilots of these carrier-based aircraft, clones, usually do not have any activities. After birth, they are like going down the assembly line. Do you only know how to train and fight?

They are like machines!

Qin Tian thought secretly in his heart that, at the same time, the Tianguang-class fighter had already flown towards the huge starship.

At this time, nearly one hundred guns were firing on the Hornets, firing at those starship doors that were scattered, which posed a great challenge to the starship's fire control system.

It needs to calculate the direction, speed, acceleration and other data of each starship, and also allocate these naval gun targets.

It takes about a dozen laser cannons to aim at a target, and the most powerful ion cannons, antimatter cannons, are aimed at those cruisers that have left.

Unfortunately, when the cruiser entered the speed of light flight, they could not catch up.

All the firepower was used to beat the slow-moving destroyers, and this victory was so exciting for them.

Gromov is with joy on his face. During this time, the opponent attacked fiercely. He used a predetermined tactic to defend first, consume the opponent's sharpness, avoid war, and make the opponent anxious. The role!

The opponent's main starship actually left the fleet! If that battleship starship is still there, how dare you fly to the top of the opponent's head and wipe it out in one fell swoop?

In the excitement of Gromov, two skylight class fighters flew towards the starship.

The outline of the starship gradually became larger. At this time, the energy shield also gradually faded. Qin Tian's eyes swept sharply across the other's starship and was also looking for the most suitable place. Where is the fighter recovery area?

They had only one chance. If they flew past, they would not find the recycling area, which would definitely be suspected. If the other party doubts, then this tactic will not work.

Generally speaking, the hangar of the fighter is in front of the starship, the catapult is at the forefront, and the recovery area is next to it, so that after recovery, it can be quickly dragged to the ejection area or the hangar.

With sharp eyes, Qin Tian looked at the ship's body that was growing larger and larger, and couldn't find the exact position. While thinking, he saw that the ship's bow suddenly opened a hatch.

"The hatch is open, please land immediately."

Hearing this, Qin Tian opened his eyes and could n’t believe his ears, would n’t he?

It was originally the location where the catapult took off. What did the designer think of this huge starship? Is take-off and landing a position? In that case, it is quite unfavorable for the operation of the carrier aircraft.

When the carrier-based aircraft is landing, it should be in the same direction as the starship, fly over from behind, and then land, so that the same direction flight, the relative speed is small.

Now, it is necessary to fly over head, which is very dangerous for pilots. To say benefits, that is to simplify the design of the starship and increase the utilization rate of the ejection area?

Leave it alone! Since the other party opened the hatch, that is his chance!

At this moment, Qin Tian's mind was relaxed, and there was nothing in front of him. Only the opening of the ejection chamber of the small take-off area was seen from a distance. The opening was too small to be seen. Only the light came out. Keep shrinking, the opening is getting bigger and bigger, bigger and bigger.

Qin Tian took a deep breath, he knew that the most sacred and solemn moment came!

His finger gently toggle the switch, the anti-matter torpedo is activated, ready to throw!

How to destroy the enemy starship? For battleships, a few fighters flew past, it was like moths fighting fire! If you want to get rid of it, you must think of special methods. For example, now, posing as the other party ’s fighter jet, when flying to the hatch, the torpedo is accurately thrown into it. questionable!

An anti-matter torpedo that explodes inside does not care what energy shield, what armor, etc., as long as it explodes, it is as common as a tank killed in ancient times. From the inside out, the scene is the most brilliant!

Qin Tian looked at the hatch and thought nothing in his mind. This time is as dangerous as last time. Can he go back alive?

I don't know why, although my mind is blank, it seems that the delicate appearance of Princess Jingxi, the solemn face, felt the blood rising in my heart.

Fight for the princess!

Loyalty to the empire, loyalty to the emperor, and loyalty to the princess, this is the idea that the soldiers of the entire empire have been instilled.

It was worth it to die for the princess.

Inside the retina, the hatch is getting bigger and bigger, bigger and bigger, the outline of the starship cannot be seen because it is getting bigger, but the hatch is getting clearer.

Qin Tian ’s hand slowly adjusted the operating lever. At this time, he had to be cautious. After all, flying directly to the hatch at such a high speed was quite a test of technology.

As long as the hatch is pointed, the torpedo can be thrown, and the torpedo flutters into it, how magnificent the scene should be!

"Autopilot program intervenes." At this moment, the AI ​​on the fighter suddenly made a sound, and all the operation interfaces were grayed out.

Qin Tian's face also turned gray all at once. He quickly turned the switch of the talker and turned to the inside of the formation, shouting loudly: "Attention, roll mine action, turn off the AI!"



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