Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 472: Two laser cannons are still missing

During the fight, Pete didn't come over. Until now, Pete came slowly to the end of the fight.

It seems that Pete doesn't care about this fight at all, but in fact, Pete's mechanical dog has played the most important role in this fight.

Even now, Pete sees the robot dog smelling it here, smelling it there, and using his own advanced odor sensor to discern the taste of the two people hiding in the ground, and confirming that the other party has escaped, then he was relieved.

Pete knew his specialty.

If you serve in the army, you know that a skilled mechanic is the most valuable asset in the army, even more valuable than the frontline mech warriors. They can quickly repair equipment and radiate maximum combat power. This ability , Is the most important in the army.

Pete's hands are quite perfect, and even micron-level circuit welding can be performed under the microscope. He is not a soldier.

He can't rush to the front.

Now, Pete also knows that Qin Tian is more than enough to deal with these people. Now that he heard that the gangsters were being dragged to death like dead pigs, Pete came over.

Qin Tian was still looking around at this time, even if he couldn't see Xiao Rong, he was more and more anxious in his heart. At this moment, Pete had already spoken.

"Rhubarb, go to sister Xiaorong." Pete shouted to the mechanical dog.

"Wang Wang." The mechanical dog barked twice and ran away.

Although Pete was here, it was unknown in the past, but Pete knew everyone here and knew what Qin Tian was looking for now.

Qin Tian cast his gratitude.

"Pete, thank you."

"You are the boss, I should do this, but, unfortunately, let those two people run away." Pete said to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian was stunned and ran away? I stepped on the ground for half a meter, thinking that the other party had stepped to death. Who knows, the other party ran away?

"If you don't believe it, you dig it out." Pete said to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian believes that Pete is the most capable of this group. Everyone has lived here since childhood, and Pete must have come from a big place. His vision is very unique.

"It's useless to run. Since I already know that they are doing it at Haitian Entertainment City, then I will go over and take them down!"

Qin Tian had already started to kill, and he wouldn't want to remove himself from these people.

He now has two tasks, one is to find Xiaorong, make sure that Xiaorong is all right, and the other is to demolish the Haitian Entertainment City and make a whole junk star.

Let everyone know that your own side is not easy to bully, do not come to fight your own idea!

"Are you going now?" Pete said. "Rely on this mech?"

Why not? Qin Tian scratched his head. Although he had just started to operate, the first few movements were extremely smooth, as if the mech was his own body. He could operate the machine flexibly like manipulating the external bones of the human body A.

Not waiting for revenge now, what are you waiting for?

"Yes." Qin Tian said: "I have confidence in dealing with the two lightsabers."

"There is also the person who will appear from the ground at any time?" Pete said: "The other party's level is not low. If you go, the other party will occupy the geographical position, you may not necessarily have the upper hand."

Here Qin Tian is the home stadium, and the underground here is all garbage hills, and it is not convenient for the other party to play ninjutsu. If he goes there, Qin Tian wants to revenge again, fearing that he will be in danger.

"Then let the other party go away like this?" Qin Tian said.

Pete shook his head: "Of course not. Today, my robot dog has bitten one of them, and the other is not afraid to fight. After the other party goes back, they must rest for a while and take care of the injury. We wo n’t come to trouble us, and during this time, we must complete this set of mechas. ”

Mecha is perfect again? Qin Tian was very strange, this set of mecha, has been completely new?

"The mech still lacks two laser cannons." Pete said: "The Mark 1 mecha, the most powerful weapon, are two 2 megawatt laser cannons. It's a pity."

This Mark 1 mech is the oldest model in the entire empire, and it belongs to the kind that is put in the warehouse to eat ash. After Pete became a mechanic, the first repaired mech is the Mark 1 and is familiar with it. everything of.

On the garbage star, this mech is regarded as a baby, and it belongs to the powerful weapon that dominates the garbage dump, that is, kicking and kicking. This kind of action of punching has never exerted its 10% combat power.

This set of mecha, the most powerful place, is 2 laser cannons!

Hearing the word laser cannon, Qin Tian immediately became interested: "Really? That's great."

Qin Tian has heard Pete ’s meaning. This mecha has not been repaired yet. Wait a few days to completely repair this mecha. With two laser cannons, Qin Tian singles out the other. No problem, just a few shots blasted their entertainment city, do you still have to be afraid?

Be patient for a while, and wait for revenge after the repair is complete.

"However, repairing the laser cannon is not easy." Pete said: "The laser cannon wants to be repaired. One of the most critical parts is ruby. We must buy a brand new ruby ​​from the black market before we can repair it."

Laser light is the light radiated by atoms.

After the electrons in the atoms absorb energy, they transition from the low energy level to the high energy level, and then fall back from the high energy level to the low energy level. The energy released when falling back is released in the form of photons.

This is the general principle of light emission. The light emitted is in all directions. If you want to converge, you must have a lens.

The laser is the photon queue that is excited. The photons in the photon queue have the same optical characteristics and the pace is extremely consistent.

Therefore, it has become the "fastest knife", "the most accurate ruler", "the brightest light", and now, it is also the most powerful gun.

However, it must have raw materials, that is, who is stimulated by radiation.

The first laser used ruby. Its efficiency is less than 0.1%, which is very low. It is classified as a 3-level laser. Later, many more advanced lasers were invented one after another. raw material.

For example, YAG laser rods, such as neodymium glass lasers, such as carbon dioxide lasers that can really be used in combat, and so on.

Later, someone further purified ruby, greatly improving the luminous efficiency, up to 13%, has become the core of many laser guns and laser cannons.

However, this ruby ​​will gradually decay, and eventually it can't be used. If you want to rejuvenate the laser cannon, you must buy a brand new ruby.

Qin Tian frowned, this was a big problem.



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