Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 471: In a civilized way

At this time, Qin Tian ’s hands were trembling, and even the mech ’s hand seemed to be trembling. He opened the shack roof, and then operated the mech to bend down so that he could see clearly Too.

No one is inside.

Qin Tian did n’t know. In the morning, he organized other people. He had just sorted out the garbage, and the smile had already gone outside to dig the ground potatoes. Although Qin Tian said yesterday that she was to wait honestly at home, she refused. listen.

Qin Tian let out a sigh of relief, Xiao Rong was not here, then it would be better, otherwise, he would definitely wash the sea.

Now, seeing that there is no Xiaorong in the shack, Qin Tiancai raised the mech's waist. At this time, the scene has been controlled.

When a large number of companions who ran back with all kinds of tools came back, these little gangsters no longer dared to move. They threw down the machete in their hands and knelt on the ground.

Their boss, King Daniel, has been electrocuted, and the mech is in Qin Tian's hands, surrounded by all around. Their only way is to beg for mercy.

"Uncle Qin Tian, ​​forgive us. We are all led by Wang Daniu. He wants us to come. We dare not come. Now, Wang Daniu is dead. We recognize you as the boss. Who do you want us to fight, my Wang Erzhu? The first one rushes up! "

Wang Erzhu knelt on the ground and was faithful to Qin Tianbiao. The man in the mech looked terribly terrible. One word could decide their life or death.

"Who put this fire?" Qin Tian asked.

These people came to seek revenge, Qin Tian didn't care, but this man who set fire was the most abominable and had touched Qin Tian's counterscale.

"It was the one who was chased by you in the entertainment city yesterday. What's it called Jones?" Wang Erzhu said: "It was his idea to set fire."


Qin Tian stood high on the mech and looked far away. Sure enough, the position to lock Jones was already empty. That was the last chance he had left for Jones. Sure enough, he could not be soft on this planet.

If Jones just ran away, he can still forgive him, he actually ran to set fire, how he treats himself, so he will treat him!

"The two swordsmen are from Haitian Entertainment City?" Qin Tian continued to ask.

One of them, Qin Tian had recognized it, it was that Wei Ge, while the other person never showed up, but, thinking about it with his brain, he knew what was going on.

Yesterday I had tolerated myself, and did not intentionally hurt the other party. When I left, I even returned the lightsaber to the other party. Who would have thought that the other party still found it.

One of them, haunted by ghosts, would have been killed if he did n’t have the help of a mechanical dog today.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian has clenched his fists, people do not attack me, I do not offend, now that the other party has to deliberately kill himself or even the people around him, then he can only resist!

If you don't show your fist, you will be considered bully. Only on the junk star can you get a reputation, and no one will continue to bully yourself!

"Yes, yes, yes, it's them." Wang Erzhu said: "Boss Qin Tian, ​​we will be your most loyal younger brothers in the future. We will follow you wholeheartedly. You will show great power now, and you will also be the king on the garbage star."

At this time, Wang Daniu's charred corpse was right next to them. These people had begun to shamelessly compliment Qin Tian. Qin Tian just felt a nausea.

This group of guys, keep them?

Of course not!

These people are unfaithful. When Wang Daniel is rampant, they follow Wang Daniel. This Wang Daniel just died, they will have to turn to themselves. If they encounter a more powerful one later, they will definitely betray themselves again.

So, punish them for labor?

Of course not. Jones is already a lesson. How can such a person feel at ease to be enslaved? They just want to play tricks, as long as they pass this difficulty, they may dig themselves in the future.

"Everyone said, how to deal with these people?" Qin Tian said to the people around him.

How did they encourage yesterday, they did n’t fight Wang Daniu with them, today, they finally got rid of it, and actually started to **** the guy, which made Qin Tian very satisfied. This group of his own can only slowly Condensed, today is a good sign.

"Kill them!"

"Yes, kill them! They are also related to the death of Old Zhao Tou."

"Yes, this Wang Erzhu first discovered, and then went to call Wang Daniu."

Everyone, you say a word, I say, everyone here has been bullied by them for a long time, now, they want to ask for forgiveness, it is not so easy.

"In the past, we were bullied by these bullies because we were not united." Qin Tian looked at everyone and continued his ideological education: "Today, as long as we are united together, we will become the most powerful force. Don't be afraid of any bullies! "

That's for sure. Qin Tian has organic armor in his hands. Who else are he afraid of?

"At the same time, everyone who bullies us should also let them know the cost of bullying us!" Qin Tian said: "We punish these wicked people who bullied us today and let everyone on the garbage star know that our garbage cooperation points here Choosing a society does not allow anyone to bully. Those who dare to bully us only have one end, that is, death! "

Wang Erzhu's face was pale, and everyone else in the room was so scared that his face was pale and his legs were sore.

"Death is doomed, but you can choose how to die." Qin Tian's voice is like the devil: "Do you choose to drown, burn, or hang?"

"Puff, puff." Suddenly, Wang Erzhu felt that his lower body was out of control, and a huge smell filled the audience. He was scared to be incontinent on the spot.

"Eat them." Just then, a voice yelled.

Everyone hasn't eaten meat for a long time.

Qin Tian frowned: "I know that we haven't eaten meat for a long time, but people eat people, which is uncivilized. Although we are very poor, although garbage stars are the lowest and most humble life, but , We also want civilization, let's hang them in a civilized way! "

Everyone applauded.

"Yes, hang them!"

"Yes, we want to be civilized people."

"As long as everyone is doing a good job and a happy life is beckoning, are we still afraid of not eating meat?"

"Yes, there will be good days every day!"

Hang these beasts!

One by one, like a dead body, was dragged to the corner of the dump. Qin Tian did not go to see the execution process. Now, he still has two things to do.



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