Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 329: Schrodinger's cat

After finishing the talk, Princess Jingxi glanced at the surrounding craters again. At this time, the Breeze ship had already set sail, and the sunlight just illuminated it, making the surface of the moon extremely mottled and terrible, like a giant scar. From this point of view, these craters are like the nozzles of an extremely huge planetary engine. If all the engines are behind, what a spectacular scene. When Princess Jingxi thought of this In front of me, it seemed that countless warships were all in motion.

"I always feel that it's uncomfortable like someone is looking at us nearby." At this moment, Qin Hai, who had not spoken, spoke.

As a carrier-based aircraft pilot, you must have a keen sixth sense. Many times, the flying movements are based on feelings. Therefore, they are more sensitive than ordinary people. Now, Qin Hai said that other people, Suddenly also felt this way.

What if those craters and scars are the eyes of this planet?

Thinking of this, they didn't even dare to look at it again. It seems that if they look at it again, there will be countless eyes open there.

"His Royal Highness, I am very worried. Fortunately, you are back safely." We returned to the titanium mining area again, and the person in charge watched the Qingfeng number land again, very happy.

"Even if an exploration vehicle is lost, as long as you can be safe, if you have any situation here, we will be in trouble." The person in charge continued.

"Here, to establish a settlement, we will send an expedition team to come over." Princess Jing Xi said.

At present, it is still relatively desolate. There are only a few barrel-shaped things that serve as a temporary base for construction workers. Now, Princess Jingxi is already interested in it and requires scientific research personnel to stay for a long time.

"Yes, Her Royal Highness, we will build it soon, and use these scraps." It is best to adapt to local conditions, and now the titanium metal is being mined here, and the cut pieces are directly the shape of the starship. Transported away, and these remaining scraps, modified and welded, can become a base. It is best to use this material as a base. The impact of small particles of cosmic dust can resist it.

Princess Jing Xi looked at the deep pit dug below: "Here, did you find any structure?"

"No, it seems to be a hot metal titanium magma spouting out. In fact, we really want to find that there is a specific structure here. For example, the titanium alloy here is the door to the moon. We are like ants, carrying on this gate, but, unfortunately, we found nothing, here is just a large piece of metal titanium. "

Princess Jing Xi nodded, and now her inspection here is over.

It's just that the uneasy feeling has become stronger again, and it seems to be nearby. There is really something looking at herself. Even, Princess Jingxi can still feel that there is still a goodbye to herself?

What's going on, what's going on?

Is it an illusion?

Princess Jing Xi closed her eyes, it must have been too long and she needed to rest.

"Go back to earth." Princess Jing Xi said.

On her return, Princess Jingxi fell asleep. In the small sleeping cabin on the Breeze, she fell asleep, and had a dream. In the dream, the moon was no longer empty and lonely. There appeared one by one. The lunar people, their form, is completely different from other life forms in the universe. Their bodies are shining with metal light, metal silicon, forming a circuit, they are all silicon-based life.

However, these bodies of silicon-based life are fluttering and fluttering, a burst of entity, a burst of disappearance, the most terrifying thing is that when you look at it and feel it, it is there, and when you do n’t go When looking at it, it seems to be non-existent again, and in such a erratic, these silicon-based lives gave a hearty laugh.

"Haha ..."

"Ah." Princess Jingxi suddenly woke up. When she was on the planet, she woke up with such a nightmare. The habitual action is to sit up, but now, when sitting up like this, her head hits the sleep cabin. Hit the side wall, making a thud sound.

Then, the body returned to the soft sleeping bag in the sleeping cabin. The pain made her fully awake. She closed her eyes, counted one or two, and then opened it again.

When he opened his eyes again this time, he saw Qin Tian. Qin Tian was watching her with concern. The movements in the sleeping cabin worried Qin Tian.

Princess Jing Xi smiled and watched the hatch of the sleeping compartment open, and then sat up: "I'm fine."

"Have a nightmare?" Qin Tian asked.

When people living on the planet enter the universe for the first time, even if there is artificial gravity on the spaceship, there will be a kind of uneasiness in the inner subconscious mind. On the planet, shrinking in a spaceship, there must be this feeling.

For example, at certain times when you sleep, you may even feel that your body will drift away from your own soul.

However, as long as Princess Jingxi was in the hour, riding a spaceship was as frequent as riding a bicycle. How could this feeling happen?

It must have happened recently.

Princess Jing Xi smiled: "Yeah, I dreamed of silicon-based life, they exist, they seem to not exist, fluttering. This must be a dream."

Hearing Princess Jingxi ’s words, Qin Tian ’s brows were even more wrinkled: “Existence and non-existence. I ’m a big boss, but I still read some science knowledge. Your Royal Highness, Princess, do you know what I thought of?

Upon hearing Qin Tian's words, Princess Jingxi frowned as well: "Schrodinger's cat?"

If you want to study this world, you must study the microcosm. After all, the microcosmic research will work on the macrocosm. If there is no development of quantum mechanics, then the computer will stop, because as the inside of the integrated circuit becomes smaller and smaller Quantum mechanics has begun to play a significant role.

Many of the characteristics of quantum mechanics are unacceptable. Among them, there is a famous theory called Schrödinger's cat.

Schrödinger is a person. This is a great scientist. He is one of the founders of quantum mechanics. His outstanding contribution was to invent the wave equation in quantum mechanics, also known as the Schrödinger equation. This equation can well describe the motion of particles in the microcosm, and its position in quantum mechanics is comparable to that of Newton's second law in classical mechanics. Schrödinger also won the Nobel Prize in Physics for this equation.



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