Fighting The Galaxy

Chapter 314: Stand up

Princess Jingxi really wanted to listen to Qin Tian, ​​and now ordered the execution of this Lu Bin, but she still held back.

If so, would the colonial governor have any ideas?

Princess Jing Xi considered more. She did n’t go directly to the colonial capital. She must have made those officials big and small have doubts. If you come here, you will kill this guy. I am afraid that those people will be more human. People are self-defeating, thinking that they want to completely correct the bad atmosphere here.

If the empire was the most powerful, then Princess Jingxi would definitely make the colony shake from top to bottom once discovered. Lu Bin has been here for so many years, is there no high official in the colonial capital? Protect him? This is a huge umbrella.

However, if Princess Jingxi investigates in this way, in case those senior officials are stimulated, it may bring adverse effects. Now, she needs to appease those senior officials.

But, this guy can't let go, too bad.

How do you think of a compromise?

"Send a small boat, **** him back to the colonial capital, investigate all his affairs, and then, the colonial supreme court will make a verdict!" Princess Jing Xi said: "Let him get a legal and fair trial, at the same time It also deterred all officials in the colony and allowed them to be clean and self-disciplined, so as not to become a worm of the empire like Lu Bin! "

When it is handed over to the colonial courts, that is to preserve their last dignity, so that even if the colonial officials find out themselves, if they have their own orders, will they be tolerant?

This matter must be dealt with fiercely, so as to be effective!

Princess Jing Xi thought secretly in her heart.

Lu Bin's body was trembling. Since Princess Jingxi has just described him as an worm of the empire, the Supreme Court in the colonial capital will definitely make a strict judgment. This is the second half of his life!

"All of Lu Bin's property was confiscated, the people who searched the people were returned to the people, and the rest were collected in the imperial treasury."

Where is the Empire State Treasury? Now of course it is in Princess Jingxi's pocket, so that after coming here, they will have all their expenses. Who can think that this little parent official can actually embezzle so much!

Besides him, are there officials at all levels under his command? Of course, we have to investigate and freeze all their account funds!

Princess Jing Xi is now excited and angry, and her most worrying start-up funds have been resolved.

Most people think that Princess Jingxi ’s coming out of the Holy Star will definitely bring the funds in the treasury of the empire, but, in fact, the treasury of the empire has long been empty, and the country has no money, or else , There will be no action at that time to take the Heshen family.

Now, who can think of it, a small earth ball here, with the magnitude of wealth, can be compared with the wealth of Sugen!

If you think about it this way, you can find that the empire is not without money, and the wealth of the empire is all in the hands of these corrupt elements! As long as they are defeated, they can win the hearts of the people and get enough funds.

This is what makes Princess Jing Xi excited, and angry, that these guys dare to openly violate the laws of the empire. If the entire empire is like this, the scene is even scary.

There is no fish when the water is clear. It is normal for officials to embezzle some things for their own benefit. However, corruption is so outrageous that even the heroes shaped by the colonies can be blatantly wiped out in this remote country. It ’s hard to accept.

Think of it, what about the decree of the empire?

If it can bring benefits to the local officials here, it will be carried forward. If it is unfavorable to the local officials, the local officials will be ignored. As long as the superior patrol officials are appeased, everything will sit back and relax.

Thinking of this, Princess Jing Xi frowned again: "The entire government agency on the planet needs to be improved and thoroughly improved."

"His Royal Highness, if you want to change, then you can only stand up." Qin Tian said aside.

Break through and stand? Princess Jing Xi looked at Qin Tian. Although Qin Tian did not have much political experience, he came up from below, so he was more familiar with the situation at the grassroots level.

"In the past, many enterprises belonged to the state. With the development of the times, these state-owned enterprises began to lose money year after year." Qin Tian began to talk about the history of the past: "The state wants to reform enterprises, but, No matter how many powerful leaders are sent over to try to reform, it will all end in failure. Do you know what is going on? "

"Because of resistance?" Princess Jing Xi asked.

"Yes, it's resistance." Qin Tian said: "No matter what kind of reform route you launch, the leaders who have been airborne will be silently resisted below. What they hate most is reform. They are used to this situation. In this way, they can continue to get fish out of water. As for whether the enterprise wants to go bankrupt or not, they do n’t care, they only care about whether they can make money. "

Qin Tian said this, of course, is an analogy. Princess Jing Xi wants to change everything here, can she rely on the original government agency? Even if she is a princess, I am afraid it will not work!

"At this time, you must bravely break it and make the entire enterprise bankrupt. No matter whether it is a leader or an ordinary employee, all of them are laid off! The reason why those leaders can become leaders is because of this enterprise. It ca n’t be used for prestige or fortune. "

"Isn't it a complete collapse?" Princess Jing Xi asked.

"Of course not. At this time, you can start the enterprise again. However, this enterprise has no contact with the original enterprise. If the former employees want to take up the post, they have to pass the evaluation and the probation period. As for The former leaders, if they want to come, must also work from the basic staff, so that they can be rejuvenated by breaking down all. "

A small place can be promoted to an enterprise, and a big place can be promoted to a planet. At that time, the investment in Shanhaiguan was not a classic, and if you really want to change, you must wipe out all the officials there. , All interest groups, all destroyed, everything started again.

Of course, no one has this courage.

Princess Jing Xi nodded: "Yes, I decided that all the government agencies here will stop working and be investigated. During the investigation, I will be the head of the ball, and I will select capable personnel to enrich my team. The following local officials , Completely produced by the people! "



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